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Black Ram edited this page Dec 3, 2024 · 36 revisions

Choice Menus

In the visual novel, usually, there are choice menus that allow the player to make decisions that will affect the story.

Set a choice menu

To set a choice menu, you can use narration.choiceMenuOptions and pass an array of ChoiceMenuOption or/and ChoiceMenuOptionClose.

// /labels/startLabel.ts
import { ChoiceMenuOption, ChoiceMenuOptionClose, narration, newLabel } from "@drincs/pixi-vn"

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label",
        async () => {
            narration.dialogue = "Choose a fruit:"
            narration.choiceMenuOptions = [ // [!code focus]
                new ChoiceMenuOption("Orange", orangeLabel, {}), // by default, the label will be called by call // [!code focus]
                new ChoiceMenuOption("Banana", bananaLabel, {}, { type: "jump" }), // [!code focus]
                new ChoiceMenuOption("Apple", appleLabel, { quantity: 5 }, { type: "call" }), // [!code focus]
                new ChoiceMenuOptionClose("Cancel"), // [!code focus]
            ] // [!code focus]
        () => { narration.dialogue = "Restart" },
        async (props) => await narration.jumpLabel("start_label", props)

::: sandbox {template=wv63yr entry=/src/labels/startLabel.ts} :::

Choice menu option

In Pixi’VN, it is possible to create choice menus using the ChoiceMenuOption class and a function to handle the choice.

ChoiceMenuOption is a class which has as parameters:

  • text: The text that will be displayed in the choice menus.
  • label: The label which will be called when the player chooses the option.
  • props: The properties that will be passed to the label, if the label not need any parameter you can pass an empty object {}.
  • options:
    • type: The way the label will be called. It can be call or jump. Default is call.
    • oneTime: If this is true, the choice can only be made once.
    • onlyHaveNoChoice: If true, the choice can see only if there are no other choices.
    • autoSelect: If true and if is the only choice, it will be selected automatically.

You can use this class to create a item of the narration.choiceMenuOptions list. To select a choice, you must use the narration.selectChoice function.

Choice for closing the menu

In addition to ChoiceMenuOption there is also another class ChoiceMenuOptionClose that allows you to create a closing option. Its operation consists in closing the menu of choices and continuing with the steps, without having to call any label.

ChoiceMenuOptionClose is a class which has as parameters:

  • text: The text that will be displayed in the choice menus.
  • options:
    • closeCurrentLabel: If true, the current label will be closed. Default is false.
    • oneTime: If this is true, the choice can only be made once.
    • onlyHaveNoChoice: If true, the choice can see only if there are no other choices.
    • autoSelect: If true and if is the only choice, it will be selected automatically.

You can use this class to create a item of the narration.choiceMenuOptions list. To select a choice, you must use the narration.selectChoice function.

Get the choice menu

To get the choice menu, you can use narration.choiceMenuOptions. The return is an array of ChoiceMenuOption and/or ChoiceMenuOptionClose.

const menuOptions: ChoiceMenuOption[] = narration.choiceMenuOptions;

Select a choice

To select a choice, you can use narration.selectChoice.

narration.selectChoice(item, {
    // add StepLabelProps here
    navigate: navigate, // example
    // and the props that will be passed to the label
    .then(() => {
        // ...
    .catch((e) => {
        // ...

Clear the choice menu

To clear the choice menu, you can use narration.choiceMenuOptions = undefined.

narration.choiceMenuOptions = undefined;

How to create the choice menu UI screen

For example:

( It's in basic html, you will need to replace the basic html elements with UI components from your favorite library to improve the graphics. )

::: sandbox {template=k8r2xf entry=/src/screens/ChoiceMenu.tsx} :::

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