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ink canvas

Black Ram edited this page Jan 2, 2025 · 49 revisions

Use canvas in ink

The ink + Pixi’VN integration introduces the a # script that allows you to show, edit, remove and etc. a canvas component.

The syntax is as follows:

# + [operation] + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + [parameters]


  • #: It is a special character used by ink syntax for use a special script.
  • [operation]: It is the operation that you want to execute with the canvas component. The available operations are:
    • show: Show a canvas component. (Read more here)
    • edit: Edit a canvas component. (Read more here)
    • remove: Remove a canvas component. (Read more here)
    • pause (Only for video): Pause a video canvas component. (Read more here)
    • resume (Only for video): Resume a video canvas component. (Read more here)
  • [type of the canvas component] It is the type of the canvas component. The available types are:
  • [alias] It is the alias of the canvas component. The alias is a string that identifies the canvas component.
    • If the alias includes spaces, you must use double quotes.
  • [parameters] It is the parameters of the operation. The parameters depend on the operation.
    • If the parameters include spaces, you must use double quotes.
    • If the parameters is a object, you must use the JSON format and the first character must be \{ and the last character must be \}. Example: \{ "color": "red", isVisble: true, position: { x: 100, y: 100 } \}

::: sandbox {template=rxzx5z entry=/src/ink/,/src/utils/assets-utility.ts} :::

Show a canvas component in ink

You can use the show to show a canvas component in ink.

Is raccomended to initialize the asset matrix at project start to use the alias of texture in [URL/path of the image].

The syntax is as follows:

# + show + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + [URL/path of the image] + [parameters]

  • [URL/path of the image] (Optional): It is the URL/path of the image that you want to show. If you have initialized the asset matrix at project start, you can use the alias of the texture. If you don't provide the URL/path of the image, this parameter is equal to [alias]. Keep in mind that to write https:// in ink you must use https:\/\/ because the // is considered a comment in ink.
  • [parameters] (Optional): Afer the URL/path of the image, you can add the parameters of the canvas component that you want to set. The parameters must be set as follows: parameterName + SPACE + value. If the value is a string and includes spaces, you must use double quotes.

:::tabs ==

# show image eggHead
# show image "eggHead 2" eggHead x 20 y 30
# show image flowerTop x 20 y 30 visible true cursor "pointer" alpha 0.5
# show video my_video

== assets-utility.ts

import { Assets } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export async function defineAssets() {
    Assets.add({ alias: 'eggHead', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'flowerTop', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: "my_video", src: "" });


Show a image container in ink

Since the container contains a list of images, the command to show a container accepts a list of strings instead of accepting a string:

  • [list of URL/path of the image]: It is the list of URL/path of the images that you want to show. If you have initialized the asset matrix, you can use the alias of the texture. Keep in mind that to write https:// in ink you must use https:\/\/ because the // is considered a comment in ink.

:::tabs ==

=== start ===
# show imagecontainer james [m01-body m01-eyes m01-mouth] xAlign 0.5 yAlign 1
# show imagecontainer sly [fm01-body fm01-eyes fm01-mouth] xAlign 0.2 yAlign 1 with movein
# show imagecontainer steph [fm02-body fm02-eyes fm02-mouth] xAlign 0.8 yAlign 1 with dissolve
# pause
-> start

== assets-utility.ts

import { Assets } from "@drincs/pixi-vn"

export async function defineAssets() {
    // female character 01
    Assets.add({ alias: 'fm01-body', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'fm01-eyes', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'fm01-mouth', src: "" })
    // female character 02
    Assets.add({ alias: 'fm02-body', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'fm02-eyes', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'fm02-mouth', src: "" })
    // male character 01
    Assets.add({ alias: 'm01-body', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'm01-eyes', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'm01-mouth', src: "" })


::: sandbox {template=sndrvv entry=/src/ink/,/src/utils/assets-utility.ts} :::

Show a canvas component with transition in ink

If you want to show the canvas component with a transition, you can add into the parameters the with [transitionType].

# + show + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + [URL/path of the image] + [parameters] + with + [transitionType]

After the transitionType, you can add the transition parameters. the transition parameters must be set as follows: parameterName + SPACE + value. If the value is a string and includes spaces, you must use double quotes.

The syntax is as follows:

# + show + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + [URL/path of the image] + [parameters] + with + [transitionType] + [transition parameters]

The available transitions are:

  • dissolve: The canvas component appears with a dissolve transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • fade: The canvas component appears with a fade transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • movein: The canvas component appears with a movein transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • zoomin: The canvas component appears with a zoomin transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • pushin: The canvas component appears with a pushin transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.

:::tabs ==

# show eggHead with dissolve duration 3
temp durationVar = 3
# show eggHead eggHead2 with fade duration {durationVar}
# show flowerTop x 20 y 30 with movein
# show helmlok x 20 y 30 with zoomin
# show skully x 20 y 30 with pushin

== assets-utility.ts

import { Assets } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export async function defineAssets() {
    Assets.add({ alias: 'eggHead', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'flowerTop', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'helmlok', src: "" })
    Assets.add({ alias: 'skully', src: "" })


Edit a canvas component in ink

You can use the edit to edit a canvas component in ink.

The syntax is as follows:

# + edit + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + [parameters]

  • [parameters]: In the parameters you must include the properties that you want to edit. The parameters must be set as follows: parameterName + SPACE + value. If the value is a string and includes spaces, you must use double quotes.
# edit image bg position \{ "x": 20, "y": 30 \} visible true  cursor "pointer" alpha 0.5 

Remove a canvas component in ink

You can use the remove to remove a canvas component in ink.

The syntax is as follows:

# + remove + [type of the canvas component] + [alias]

# remove image bg
# remove image "bg 2"

Remove a canvas component with transition in ink

If you want to remove the canvas component with a transition, you can add after the alias of the canvas component with [transitionType].

# + remove + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + with + [transitionType]

After the transitionType, you can add the transition parameters. the transition parameters must be set as follows: parameterName + SPACE + value. If the value is a string and includes spaces, you must use double quotes.

The syntax is as follows:

# + remove + [type of the canvas component] + [alias] + with + [transitionType] + [transition parameters]

The available transitions are:

  • dissolve: The canvas component disappears with a dissolve transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • fade: The canvas component disappears with a fade transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • moveout: The canvas component disappears with a moveout transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • zoomout: The canvas component disappears with a zoomout transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • pushout: The canvas component disappears with a pushout transition. You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
# remove image bg with dissolve duration 3
temp durationVar = 3
# remove image bg with fade duration {durationVar}
# remove image bg with moveout
# remove image bg with zoomout
# remove image bg with pushout

Use the effects in ink

You can use the [effectType] to use the effects in ink.

The syntax is as follows:

# + [effectType] + [alias] + [parameters]

The available effects are:

  • fade: Create a fade effect. (Read more here). You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • move: Create a move effect. (Read more here). You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS. To simplify the use:
    • you can use instead of destination \{ x: 20, y: 30, type: "pixel" \} the x 20 y 30.
    • you can use instead of destination \{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5, type: "align" \} the xAlign 0.5 yAlign 0.5.
    • you can use instead of destination \{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5, type: "percentage" \} the xPercentage 0.5 yPercentage 0.5.
  • rotate: Create a rotate effect. (Read more here). You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • zoom: Create a zoom effect. (Read more here). You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
  • shake: Create a shake effect. (Read more here). You can add all the parameters you would use in JS/TS.
# fade bg duration 3
temp durationVar = 3
# fade bg duration {durationVar}
# move bg x 20 y 30 duration 3
# rotate bg clockwise false duration 3
# zoom bg scale 2 duration 3
# shake bg duration 3

Pause and resume a video in ink

:::tabs ==

=== start ===
# show video my_video
Video started
# pause video my_video
Video paused
# resume video my_video
Video resumed
-> start

== assets-utility.ts

import { Assets } from "@drincs/pixi-vn"

export async function defineAssets() {
    Assets.add({ alias: "my_video", src: "" });


::: sandbox {template=p3qgjq entry=/src/ink/,/src/utils/assets-utility.ts} :::

Pause a video in ink

To pause a video in ink, you can use pause.

The syntax is as follows:

# + pause + video + [alias]

# pause video bg
# pause video "bg 2"

Resume a video in ink

To resume a video in ink, you can use resume.

The syntax is as follows:

# + resume + video + [alias]

# resume video bg
# resume video "bg 2"
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