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labels flow

Black Ram edited this page Feb 17, 2025 · 9 revisions

Manage game flow with labels

The game flow is managed by functions that call labels, jump labels, go back, close labels... These functions are in the narration object.

Run a label

There are two ways to run a label:

Call a label

To call a label you must use the narration.callLabel function. This function have 2 parameters:

  • label: the label that will be called
  • props: the properties that will be passed to the label. Its interface corresponds to StepLabelProps.

When you call a label, the first step of that label will be started. If before the call was running another label, the remaining steps of the another label will be executed after the steps of the called label.

For example if currently the game is running the step 5 of the label A and you call the label B, when all the steps of the label B are executed, the game will continue with the step 6 of the label A.

narration.callLabel returns a result of first step of the called label.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

narration.callLabel(startLabel, {})

Remember that if you execute the narration.callLabel inside a step, you should return the result of first step of the called label and use await. The reason is that it might generate a wrong history.

import { narration, newLabel } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label",
        async (props) => {
            return await narration.callLabel(TestLabel, props)
        async (props) => await narration.callLabel(TestLabel, props),

Jump to a label

To jump to a label you must use the narration.jumpLabel function and pass the label. This function have 2 parameters:

  • label: the label that will be called
  • props: the properties that will be passed to the label. Its interface corresponds to StepLabelProps.

When you jump to a label, the steps of the current label will be stopped and the steps of the label passed as parameter will be started.

For example if currently the game is running the step 5 of the label A, and call the label B, and you jump to the label C, when all the steps of the label C are executed, the game will continue with the step 6 of the label A. Because when you jump to the label C, the label B is closed.

narration.jumpLabel returns a result of first step of the called label.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

narration.jumpLabel(startLabel, {})

Remember that if you execute the narration.jumpLabel inside a step, you should return the result of first step of the called label and use await. The reason is that it might not await the first step of the new label.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label",
        async (props) => {
            return await narration.jumpLabel(TestLabel, props)
        async (props) => await narration.jumpLabel(TestLabel, props),

Next step and go back

Next step

To execute the next step you must execute the narration.goNext() function. This function have a parameter:

  • props: the properties that will be passed to the label. Its interface corresponds to StepLabelProps.
import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

await narration.goNext({})

narration.goNext() is asynchronous, so, for example, you can use then for disabled a next button until the next step is executed.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

// disable next button
    .then((result) => {
        // enable next button

If you execute the narration.goNext() inside a step, the "go next request" will be queued and executed when steps queue is empty.

import { narration, newLabel } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async (props) => {

This is a example to understand how the queue works:

import { narration, newLabel } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async (props) => {
        await narration.callLabel(label2, props);
    () => {

const label2 = newLabel("label_02", [
    async (props) => {
        await narration.goNext(props);

In this example, the output will be 2, 1, 3. Because:

  1. await narration.callLabel(label2, props) will call the label label2 and await the first step of the label. (There are 1 item in the step queue)
  2. The first step of the label label2 will execute the await narration.goNext(props), but the goNext request will be queued because the step queue is not empty. (There are 2 items in the step queue)
  3. console.log(2) will be executed and the first step of the label label2 will be finished. (There are 1 item in the step queue)
  4. The console.log(1) will be executed and the first step of the label startLabel will be finished. (There are 0 items in the step queue)
  5. Since the step queue is empty, the goNext request will be executed and the second step of the label startLabel will be executed. (There are 1 items in the step queue)
  6. The console.log(3) will be executed and the second step of the label startLabel will be finished. (There are 0 items in the step queue)

Check if the player can go to the next step

You can use the narration.canGoNext property to check if you can go to the next step.

The narration.canGoNext is false when:

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

function NextButton() {
    return (
        <button disabled={!narration.canGoNext} onClick={() => {

Go back

Every step the system saves the current state of the game. To go back to the previous step you must execute the narration.goBack() function.

In parameters you must pass a function navigate: (path: string) => void that will be called with the URL Path or Route of the previous step, so you can to navigate to the previous UI screen.

For exemple if you use a React Router Dom:

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

const navigate = useNavigate();

if (narration.canGoBack) {
    narration.goBack(navigate).then(() => {
        // ...

Check if the player can go back

You can use the narration.canGoBack property to check if you can go back.

The narration.canGoBack is false when there are no steps in the history to restore.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

function BackButton() {
    return (
        <button disabled={!narration.canGoBack} onClick={() => {

Block the possibility of going back

You can block the possibility of going back by setting the narration.canGoBack property to false.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'


Close labels

Close current label

To close the current label you must execute the narration.closeCurrentLabel() function.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'


Close all labels

To close all labels you must execute the narration.closeAllLabels() function. If you call this function and after that you don't call any label, the game will end.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'


How to create the go back and go next buttons

For example:

( It's in basic html, you will need to replace the basic html elements with UI components from your favorite library to improve the graphics. )

::: sandbox {template=5r7m9z entry=/src/components/NextButton.tsx,/src/components/BackButton.tsx} :::

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