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Release 4.0.0

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@mjc1283 mjc1283 released this 30 Apr 20:56
· 341 commits to master since this release

[4.0.0] - April 30, 2020

New Features

  • Removed lodash dependency
  • ES module entry point for the browser - "module" property of package.json points to dist/ (#445)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Promise polyfill from browser entry point (417).
  • Changed functionality of JSON schema validation in all entry points (442).
    • Previously, skipJSONValidation flag was used by the user to specify whether the JSON object should be validated.
    • Now, skipJSONValidation has been removed entirely from all entry points. Instead, a user will need to import jsonSchemaValidator from @optimizely/optimizely-sdk/dist/optimizely.json_schema_validator.min.js and pass it to createInstance to perform validation as shown below:
    const optimizelySDK = require('@optimizely/optimizely-sdk');
    const jsonSchemaValidator = require('@optimizely/optimizely-sdk/dist/optimizely.json_schema_validator.min');
    // Require JSON schema validation for the datafile
    var optimizelyClientInstance = optimizely.createInstance({
      datafile: datafile,
      jsonSchemaValidator: jsonSchemaValidator,
  • Dropped support for Node.js version <8 (#456)

Bug fixes

  • Changed track() to log a warning instead of an error when the event isn't in the datafile (#418)
  • Fixed return type for close method in TypeScript type definitions (#410)
  • Node.js datafile manager uses gzip,deflate compression for requests (#456)