Changes since v6.7.0.
- In-context translation EventSubscriber (#1889, EZP-26829)
- Translations extraction script (#1883, EZP-26835)
- Added ezdfsfile schema in data/mysql/dfs_schema.sql (#1848, EZP-26482)
- Added TranslationPass to load every ezplatform translation files into translator (#1881, EZP-26835)
- PHP API support for new Publish permission (#1868, EZP-26070)
- EZP-26777: Allow injecting arrays as a QueryType parameters (#1860)
- Remove redundant setting of locationId attribute (#1851)
- Make newContentCreateStruct respect ContentType defaultAlwaysAvailable (#1874, EZP-26831)
- Remove dead code for service that does not exist anymore (#1862)
- Refactored FieldValueConverterRegistryPass not to use static callbacks (#1863)
- Deprecate RoleService->loadPoliciesByUserId() as loadRoleAssignmentsByGroup is what is used by permission system
- Binary files max file size in content type view has wrong unit (#1900, EZP-26902)
- Default value "Current datetime" for ezdatetime is wrongly cached (#1870, EZP-26791)
- Location swap in some cases not clearing right UrlAlias cache (#1890, EZP-26882)
- Fix file reference in extract translations + update files (#1895, EZP-26835)
- ContentType::getDescription incorrect usage of isset() function (#1893, EZP-26903)
- Added missing protected property TrashItem::$path (EZP-20057)
- Fix @note phpdoc that breaks translation extraction (EZP-26835)
- Limit Twig to 1.x due to 2.0 incompatibility with JMS Translation bundle (#1877, EZP-26843)
- Clear unauthorized user authentication if they don't have acces to remove siteaccess unwanted exception (#1873, EZP-26794)
- Make TextBlock field type searchable (EZP-26494)
- getimagesize() is unsafe for verifying images (EZP-26698)
- Allow installation of ocramius/proxy-manager ^2.0 (#1880)