CEF Python 55.2 for Linux (Python 2.7 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.6)
This release was removed from PyPI due to cleanup in pip releases (#329). You can install it using files attached to this GitHub release.
Changes in this Release:
- This is Chrome beta channel from Nov 30
- v55 is now the default branch
- Update to Chrome 55.0.2883.59 (beta channel) and CEF 3.2883.1539.gd7f087e (#271)
- Update to Cython 0.25.2 (#110)
- Fix Certificate Transparency causing some SSL sites fail to load after some time (#279)
- Add ApplicationSettings.net_security_expiration_enabled (#279)
- Fix ApplicationSettings.cache_path not working (#283).
- Fix: Not a clean shutdown in examples, when closing app while browser is still loading a website (#282).
- Fix loading local filesystem urls that contained any of ? & = characters (#273).
- Fix Request.SetPostData and GetPostData segmentation faults (#228).
- Update ExecuteJavascript docs with scriptUrl="" and startLine=1 default params. Also worth noting that ExecuteJavascript crashed in earlier CEF versions when startLine wasn't provided or was <= 0 (Issue #268).
Notes on examples:
- Examples provided with this release: hello_world.py, gtk2.py, tkinter_.py and kivy_.py
- For PyQt4/PySide examples see this comment (tested with python 2.7)
- gtk3.py example doesn't work (#261)
Key changes in upstream CEF between commits a6c42a7...d7f087e (since CEF Python 55.1):
- Update to Chromium version 55.0.2883.59 (Chrome beta channel from Nov 30)
- Fix crash when persisting user preferences
- Fix crash related to channel ID support, disable channel ID support
- Fix load error when using Request->SetUrl when url contains double byte characters
- Net security (CT, HSTS) expiration based on build age is now disabled by default. Configurable with CefSettings.enable_net_security_expiration.
- Add CefSettings.enable_net_security_expiration
- Standardize IME callbacks for off-screen rendering. Add CefRenderHandler.OnImeCompositionRangeChanged. Add CefBrowser IME methods : ImeSetComposition, ImeCommitText, ImeFinishComposingText, ImeCancelComposition
- Add CefWaitableEvent for synchronizing threads (one waits for another to finish work)
- Add CefThread for creating new CEF threads
- Add initial WebUI support. Visit chrome://webui-hosts for the list of supported hosts:
- chrome://accessibility
- chrome://appcache-internals
- chrome://blob-internals
- chrome://credits
- chrome://gpu
- chrome://histograms
- chrome://indexeddb-internals
- chrome://license
- chrome://media-internals
- chrome://net-export
- chrome://net-internals
- chrome://network-error
- chrome://network-errors
- chrome://resources
- chrome://serviceworker-internals
- chrome://system
- chrome://tracing
- chrome://version
- chrome://view-http-cache
- chrome://webrtc-internals
- chrome://webui-hosts