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Non-critical word correction additions - February 2025 Edition #1221

epage opened this issue Jan 31, 2025 · 31 comments · Fixed by #1249

Non-critical word correction additions - February 2025 Edition #1221

epage opened this issue Jan 31, 2025 · 31 comments · Fixed by #1249


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epage commented Jan 31, 2025

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage pinned this issue Jan 31, 2025
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szepeviktor commented Jan 31, 2025

descrtuctive -> destructive
searachable -> searchable
authentitaction -> authentication
incidates -> indicates
loggee -> logged
bookwarm -> bookworm
sockt -> socket

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cmdcolin commented Jan 31, 2025

raplidly -> rapidly
aimd -> aimed
pilup -> pileup
duplciations -> duplications
duplciation -> duplication
alignmnts -> alignments 
viewe -> view
aimprovements -> improvements
advantag -> advantage
sperated -> separated

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tjkuson commented Jan 31, 2025

confirure -> configure

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integraions -> integrations

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diego-pm commented Feb 5, 2025

fligth -> flight
fligths -> flights

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AMS21 commented Feb 6, 2025

folloed -> followed

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epage commented Feb 6, 2025

compatiblity → compatibility
stablized → stabilized
panicing → panicking
verbage → verbiage
corectly → correctly

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kachick commented Feb 7, 2025

delegrate -> delegate
conxtext -> context

cnovert -> convert

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bidrectional -> bidirectional

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brody4hire commented Feb 10, 2025

mistkake -> mistake
excho -> echo
investigae -> investigate
invesigate -> investigate
exmapl -> example
ccatch -> catch
srry -> sorry
srry -> spry
riased - raised
correctionsn -> corrections
correctiosn -> correction
correctiosn -> corrections
tyhpos -> typos
tuypos -> typos
tyupos -> typos
typpos -> typos
exclud -> exclude
cathces -> cathces
cathces -> catcher
cathces -> catchers
srroy -> sorry
apostropohe -> apostrophe
apostropohes -> apostrophe
udpaet -> update
mispelling -> misspelling
mispell -> misspell
discreprencies -> discrepancies
discreprency -> discrepancy
discreprancies -> discrepancies
discreprancy -> discrepancy
emphaize -> emphasize
aoplogies -> apologies
paologies -> apologies
poalogies -> apologies
orthewr -> other
descriptyion -> description
knowling -> knowing
knowlingly -> knowingly
knwoling -> knowing
knowlingly -> knowingly
conssitent -> consistent
consittent -> consistent
exportede -> exported
exporte -> export
exporte -> exported

(took me multiple tries to get the correct spelling of discrepancy/ies)

potentially controversial:

flexibity -> flexibility
flexibity -> flexibly
flexibity -> flexility
flexibiity -> flexibility
flexiliy -> flexibly
flexiliy -> fleecily
flexiliy -> flexility
apostrofe -> apostrophe
apostrobphe -> apostrophe
apostrobphies -> apostrophe
apostorophe -> apostroph
apostrophei -> apostrophe
fededing -> feedign
typs -> typos
typ -> typo
tyos -> typos
tyops -> typos
hed -> head
heda -> head
srry -> sry
riased - biased
riased - rinsed
tyuphos -> typos
exceptoins -> xxx
excepotins -> exceptions
expections -> exceptoins
suggestings -> suggesting
suggestings -> suggestions
veticle -> vehicle
veticle -> vehical

with apostrophe(s)

apostrobphies -> apostrophe's

yes I've been fededing sorry feeding this list with my tyuphos sorry typos been having a bad day typing today

I recently made another typo in a GitHub comment: mering where I meant merging - but I have a doubt: while my Brave editor DOES show a misspelling, with no suggestions, I did find that mering is a real word:

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aDotInTheVoid commented Feb 10, 2025

construstor -> constructor
desciminant -> discriminant
declaired -> declared

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partiy -> parity

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rparrett commented Feb 11, 2025

sypported -> supported
relatonship -> relationship

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lenaploetzke commented Feb 13, 2025

collelective -> collective
fre -> free
whenenever -> whenever
simarly -> similarly
ownded -> owned
manatory ->  mandatory

github-merge-queue bot pushed a commit to bevyengine/bevy that referenced this issue Feb 13, 2025
# Objective

Update typos, fix new typos.

1.29.6 was just released to fix an
[issue](crate-ci/typos#1228) where January's
corrections were not included in the binaries for the last release.

Reminder: typos can be tossed in the monthly [non-critical corrections

## Solution

I chose to allow `implementors`, because a good argument seems to be
being made [here](crate-ci/typos#1226) and
there is now a PR to address that.

## Discussion

Should I exclude `bevy_mikktspace`?

At one point I think we had an informal policy of "don't mess with
mikktspace until #9050 is merged"
but it doesn't seem like that is likely to be merged any time soon.

I think these particular corrections in mikktspace are fine because
- The same typo mistake seems to have been fixed in that PR
- The entire file containing these corrections was deleted in that PR

## Typo of the Month

correspindong -> corresponding
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methology -> methodology

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DJMcNab commented Feb 14, 2025

earller -> earlier

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porivdes -> provides

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schaedule -> schedule
schaeduler -> scheduler
schaeduled -> scheduled

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sensogram -> sensorgram

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acurately -> accurately

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lishaduck commented Feb 19, 2025

yestruday -> yesterday
portneitaly -> potentially
verbaitim -> verbatim
testting -> testing
suffiecient -> sufficient
suffenct -> sufficient
anoyying -> annoying
outwiegh -> outweigh
languaege -> language

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neon-globe commented Feb 22, 2025

swedisn -> swedish
availalbel -> available

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ejpcmac commented Feb 23, 2025

contrubutor -> contributor

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Veetaha commented Feb 23, 2025

attmepts -> attempts

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uage -> usage

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reuiremnt -> requirement

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mrmundt commented Feb 27, 2025

socumentation -> documentation

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RainRat commented Feb 28, 2025

Note that there are multiple sections.

=== Corrections to Existing Corrections ===
The existing correction is itself incorrect.


=== New Corrections ===
Alternate corrections to existing typos.

accress -> address
actived -> active
addresss -> addresses
analysze -> analyze
anways -> anyways
associaiton -> association
astericks -> asterisks
behvaior -> behaviour
blackade -> blockade
branc -> brand
chosed -> chosen
combinaison -> combination
communicatin -> communication
compession -> compression
compied -> copied
convertes -> converters
coulor -> colour
decendent -> descendant
decendents -> descendants
delimters -> delimiters
deprication -> deprecation
electroncs -> electronics
exclusing -> excluding
executin -> executing
exercices -> exercises
failes -> files
fiew -> view
foor -> door
frequence -> frequency
fule -> rule
generatore -> generator
guage -> gauge
implementatino -> implementation
incrementers -> incrementors
instanse -> instance
instructios -> instructions
interace -> interlace
intereactions -> interactions
interfase -> interface
interferens -> interference
introducting -> introducing
invicibility -> invincibility
invisibily -> invisibly
labaled -> labelled
labled -> labelled
lisence -> license
locatio -> location
maked -> makes
noe -> none
optiona -> options
orgainzation -> organization
ove -> move
patial -> partial
peassignment -> preassignment
practie -> practice
questiong -> question
rade -> rate
recogniced -> recognized
referens -> reference
reparing -> reparsing
represente -> represent
scince -> since
stalagtite -> stalagmite
stipped -> stopped
submittion -> submission
supportd -> supports
transmisions -> transmissions
volums -> volumes
whil -> will
whitch -> switch
windos -> window
worring -> worrying

=== New Typos ===

acceletion -> acceleration
acceptd -> accepted
accepte -> accept
accesssed -> accessed
acotr -> actor
actie -> active
addresds -> address
adrain -> adrian
aftre -> after
alllready -> already
amendend -> amended
appriate -> appropriate
approparite -> appropriate
argumenr -> argument
arica -> africa
assocaiation -> association
assues -> assumes, assures
asteriscs -> asterisks
attributet -> attribute, attributed
automacially -> automatically
auxialliary -> auxiliary
avaiblale -> available
aviliable -> available
backshlash -> backslash
bagded -> badged
ballanced -> balanced
bitsteam -> bitstream
bliting -> blitting
boundardies -> boundaries
breakpiont -> breakpoint
breakpont -> breakpoint
broadcsat -> broadcast
calcucate -> calculate
calcucated -> calculated
capablility -> capability
charatcers -> characters
classificatin -> classification
collding -> colliding
comemnted -> commented
compantability -> compatibility
compatibiblity -> compatibility
comproimise -> compromise
comput -> compute
constainer -> container
contetxt -> context
contration -> contraction, contraption
coontext -> context
coordinatro -> coordinator
coorindates -> coordinates
cordinade -> coordinate
corrospoinding -> corresponding
critican -> critical
deletetion -> deletion
deplay -> delay, deploy
derivces -> derives
derstruion -> destruction
destinitation -> destination
destroyedd -> destroyed
deteremind -> determined
diecable -> disable
dipsosables -> disposables
dirertion -> direction
disassmeble -> disassemble
displatched -> dispatched
dispoables -> disposables
dispoasbles -> disposables
dispoosables -> disposables
dissapating -> dissipating
doubious -> dubious
driect -> direct
drunkness -> drunkenness
dymamic -> dynamic
effieient -> efficient
electrpnics -> electronics
elevateion -> elevation
eligeblity -> eligibility
eluether -> eleuther
emphasiszed -> emphasized
enchanetment -> enchantment
enemey -> enemy
engranving -> engraving
environmant -> environment
environmentatlists -> environmentalists
errorred -> errored
esolution -> resolution, solution
essensial -> essential
estabilishing -> establishing
exceleration -> acceleration
execive -> excessive
exending -> extending
exmample -> example
extendsion -> extension
extenstivly -> extensively
falltroughs -> fallthroughs
feserialized -> deserialized, reserialized
fllenames -> filenames
foled -> fold, fooled
forwardsm -> forwards
forwareded -> forward, forwarded
frequenty -> frequently, frequent
functioin -> function
gattling -> gatling
grubing -> grubbing
hadled -> handled
handly -> handy, handily
heiarchy -> hierarchy
helds -> holds, held
helpder -> helper
hotstpots -> hotspots
imeediately -> immediately
implemtented -> implemented
includings -> including
includuing -> including
incoremental -> incremental
incurr -> incur
inefficients -> inefficient
initailaze -> initialize
initital -> initial
inititialise -> initialise
insenstivie -> insensitive
integraitons -> integrations
keybindnig -> keybinding
libarry -> library
manadatory -> mandatory
maniulating -> manipulating
maxiumn -> maximum
meessage -> message
mershall -> marshall
miniumn -> minimum
moduleso -> modules
nesesary -> necessary
numbrer -> number
nurons -> neurons
orgnanized -> organized
outfittet -> outfitted
outpun -> output
painlkillers -> painkillers
paramegter -> parameter
perfrorming -> performing
philophsy -> philosophy
pieline -> pipeline
platte -> palette, plate
ploblems -> problems
plugion -> plugin
poihnter -> pointer
prametrs -> parameters
precisi -> precision, precise
precisson -> precision
prellocate -> preallocate
preventi -> prevent
privously -> previously
prohibiion -> prohibition
projext -> project
propbability -> probability
propertices -> properties
propertires -> properties
protagainist -> protagonist
protool -> protocol
provdide -> provide
qualifieed -> qualified
qulifier -> qualifier
reachged -> reached
recommenations -> recommendations
recore -> record
redendancy -> redundancy
rederer -> renderer
referenceas -> references
remembe -> remember
reoganizations -> reorganizations
ressociation -> reassociation
scenearios -> scenarios
sentionel -> sentinel
simplyfing -> simplifying
spawnned -> spawned
speicalize -> specialize
srevice -> service
stagess -> stages
strinc -> string
strinq -> string
submissiona -> submission, submissions
subscribt -> subscript
supposde -> supposed
surrorate -> surrogate
sychronizing -> synchronizing
sypported -> supported
temperametal -> temperamental
ternimated -> terminated
theree -> there, three
thesre -> these, there
thsio -> this
tranmpoline -> trampoline
translateable -> translatable
trasnsporter -> transporter
treee -> tree
trjaectory -> trajectory
tsnunami -> tsunami
tuntime -> runtime
uanble -> unable
ubtton -> button
udpdated -> updated
underscroe -> underscore
underscrore -> underscore
undestands -> understands
unehanced -> unenhanced
unhighlighed -> unhighlighted
uninitialzied -> uninitialized
uninmportant -> unimportant
uninterrutable -> uninterruptable
uniterruptable -> uninterruptable
unmanged -> unmanaged
unsatisifiable -> unsatisfiable
unwrappede -> unwrapped
velolcity -> velocity
viwport -> viewport
vvalues -> values
workaruond -> workaround
worthles -> worthless
yogoslavia -> yugoslavia

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xxdavid commented Feb 28, 2025

identitied -> identified

(typos already suggest identitied -> identities but I think it should suggest both identifies and identified.)

@epage epage unpinned this issue Mar 1, 2025
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epage commented Mar 1, 2025


=== Corrections to Existing Corrections ===
The existing correction is itself incorrect.

Please open a new issue for discussing changes to existing corrections; they are not handled as part of this issue.

@crate-ci crate-ci locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Mar 1, 2025
@epage epage changed the title Non-critical corrections - February 2025 Edition Non-critical correction additions - February 2025 Edition Mar 1, 2025
@epage epage changed the title Non-critical correction additions - February 2025 Edition Non-critical word correction additions - February 2025 Edition Mar 1, 2025
epage added a commit to epage/typos that referenced this issue Mar 1, 2025
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