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Non-critical corrections - January 2025 Edition #1200

epage opened this issue Dec 31, 2024 · 38 comments · Fixed by #1222

Non-critical corrections - January 2025 Edition #1200

epage opened this issue Dec 31, 2024 · 38 comments · Fixed by #1222
C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations


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epage commented Dec 31, 2024

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage added the C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations label Dec 31, 2024
@epage epage pinned this issue Dec 31, 2024
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NathanBaulch commented Jan 1, 2025

acitivty -> activity
advertized -> advertised
analyize -> analyze
asyncronus -> asynchronous
baceuse -> because
bucker -> bucket
colinear -> collinear
collions -> collisions
compoennt -> component
comune -> commune
confif -> config
consturcts -> constructs
converte -> converts
corecable -> coercible
crossign -> crossing
dependences -> dependencies
disance -> distance
distinguishible -> distinguishable
dowhill -> downhill
enccryption -> encryption
eucledian -> euclidean
euclidan -> euclidean
exaust -> exhaust
expensess -> expenses
expnese -> expense
extreemes -> extremes
geometrires -> geometries
granchild -> grandchild
heterogenous -> heterogeneous
highjack -> hijack
horible -> horrible
idebntifiers -> identifiers
inexistent -> nonexistent
lighthness -> lightness
longititude -> longitude
marshalls -> marshals
minimim -> minimum
orider -> order
paramerets -> parameters
proides -> provides
redudent -> redundant
relect -> reflect
replacemends -> replacements
represenging -> representing
separtated -> separated
simplifer -> simplifier
superfelous -> superfluous
supplmental -> supplemental
umarshal -> unmarshal
unaccessible -> inaccessible
underliying -> underlying
unespaced -> unescaped
useable -> usable

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rparrett commented Jan 3, 2025

oppposite -> opposite
elemnents -> elements
symettrical -> symmetrical
mehses -> meshes
resonably -> reasonably
doesnn't -> doesn't
mutablyy -> mutably
radiu -> radius
sistance -> distance
systesms -> systems
ocluded -> occluded
materal -> material
anistropy -> anisotropy
correspindong -> corresponding
garenteed -> guaranteed
ovservers -> observers
haulted -> halted
abstracton -> abstraction
wrold -> world
altas -> atlas
justifaction -> justification
exector -> executor
unanamious -> unanimous
expertss -> experts
moprh -> morph
tranformation -> transformation
registrered -> registered

github-merge-queue bot pushed a commit to bevyengine/bevy that referenced this issue Jan 3, 2025
# Objective

Use the latest version of `typos` and fix the typos that it now detects

# Additional Info

By the way, `typos` has a "low priority typo suggestions issue" where we
can throw typos we find that `typos` doesn't catch.

(This link may go stale) crate-ci/typos#1200
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V1dV1d commented Jan 3, 2025

theretically -> theoretically

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kowledge -> knowledge

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szepeviktor commented Jan 5, 2025

moodel -> model
froma -> from
mililiter -> milliliter
milimeter -> millimeter
webste -> website
typeo -> typo

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deseptively -> deceptively

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jrosdahl commented Jan 7, 2025

cordinate -> coordinate
intrinic -> intrinsic
larges -> largest, large
seters -> setters
toatul -> total
totalty -> totally, totality
transvers -> transverse

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akx commented Jan 8, 2025

decompresson -> decompression

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rusty-snake commented Jan 8, 2025

scrabing -> scraping
contists -> consists
servering -> serving
caracters -> characters
muti -> multi
sucessful -> successful

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kachick commented Jan 9, 2025

clouflare -> cloudflare
pakcgae -> package

cloudflare is a proper noun, but it was already registered in #1024 (comment)

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ranocha commented Jan 9, 2025

hyperblic -> hyperbolic

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AMS21 commented Jan 9, 2025

entchant -> enchant
entchantment -> enchantment
entchanting -> enchanting
entchanted -> enchanted
entchantable -> enchantable
entchants -> enchants
logrithm -> logarithm

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hofbi commented Jan 9, 2025

calculat -> calculate

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obtion -> option
obtions -> options

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boris-smidt-klarrio commented Jan 15, 2025

predecate -> predicate
kend -> kind

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parallizable -> parallelizable

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dupelicate -> duplicate

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organisiation -> organisation

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YgorSouza commented Jan 17, 2025

prodided -> provided
fasr -> fast
obviusly -> obviously
concent -> consent

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phip1611 commented Jan 20, 2025

activatd -> activated
topogy -> topology
topolgy -> topology
topoogy -> topology
mistaek -> mistake
specifcy -> specify

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compleletey -> completely

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administravie -> administrative

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origonal -> original

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implementors -> implementers
useable -> usable
inititialized -> initialized

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pollind -> polling

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spirali commented Jan 24, 2025

snaphost -> snapshot

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not-my-profile commented Jan 24, 2025

pipelies -> pipelines
visibliity -> visibility

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dreid commented Jan 24, 2025

poliy -> policy

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zbynek commented Jan 24, 2025

caclculations -> calculations
calulus -> calculus,callus
comparisan -> comparison
coninc -> conic
conintuity -> continuity
constrauct -> construct
constructin -> construction
continouty -> continuity
descendents -> descendants
exprssions -> expressions
initialiye -> initialize, initialise
intrface -> interface
prcision -> precision
polinomial -> polynomial
polygones -> polygons
polyomial -> polynomial
redfined -> refined
reeset -> reset
regresson -> regression
satistic -> statistic
sinular -> singular
statististics -> statistics
thickenss -> thickness
thinckness -> thickness
abcissa -> abscissa
acceptaable -> acceptable
alphabetcially -> alphabetically
analysisis -> analysis
anticlokwise -> anticlockwise
aynchronously -> synchronously
boundong -> bounding
bracess -> braces
cancelation -> cancellation
capiton -> caption
chaacters -> characters
cmulative -> cumulative
coeffficient -> coefficient
compusing -> computing
connic -> conic
coordinastes -> coordinates
coumn -> column
croped -> coped
cumultative -> cumulative
defnition -> definition
deigits -> digits
denomerator -> enumerator
derivaive -> derivative
derivates -> derivate
descendents -> descendent
descriptiont -> description
diection -> direction
directirx -> directrix
distinguishe -> distinguish
drawble -> drawable
dyrection -> direction
enableded -> enabled
evalouates -> evaluates
explitic -> explicit
exterlal -> external
fractiom -> fraction
fracton -> fraction
gamme -> gamma,game
graphhics -> graphics
greates -> greats
homeogeneous -> homogeneous
howeveer -> however
hyperobola -> hyperbola
implemnts -> implements
imrovements -> improvements
infine -> inline
infinife -> infinite
inpupt -> input
intesect -> intersect
intresection -> intersection
intrval -> interval
lacalization -> localization
loacl -> local
muliplies -> multiplies
noramlizer -> normalizer
numberical -> numerical
numbr -> number
obsever -> observer
orherwise -> otherwise
ortographic -> orographic
overwright -> overwrite, overweight
polygnon -> polygon
polyons -> polygons
probabililty -> probability
reactangle -> rectangle
recctangle -> rectangle
reidual -> residual
rendereer -> renderer
reomove -> remove
scienctific -> scientific
seected -> selected
simpplifications -> simplifications
sleection -> selection
smaall -> small
spreadsheed -> spreadsheet
supersript -> superscript
tmplate -> template
torelance -> tolerance
traansforming -> transforming
trnsformed -> transformed
turqoise -> turquoise
updtates -> updates
vertrex -> vertex
wheher -> whether
whetther -> whether
whindow -> window
xonstruction -> construction
euclidan -> euclidian
inspecor -> inspector
invarse -> inverse
propability -> probability
coeeficient -> coefficient
cordinate -> ordinate
drawbale -> drawable
dstribution -> distribution
homegenous -> homogenous
innput -> input
nagated -> negated
semicercle -> semicircle
triginometry -> trigonometry
cirlcle -> circle
collecter -> collector
eigrnvector -> eigenvector
trangulation -> strangulation
circlular -> circular
assining -> assigning
hitted -> hit,fitted

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darkblaze69 commented Jan 24, 2025

particlarly -> particularly
devlivering -> delivering

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visualizaion -> visualization

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lukehsiao commented Jan 27, 2025

alumi -> alumni
conttonwood -> cottonwood

initizlized -> initialized

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RainRat commented Jan 29, 2025

aafter -> after
abolsute -> absolute
aboud -> about, abound
abutt -> abut
acepts -> accepts
acessibility -> accessibility
acknowlement -> acknowledgment
acrtivations -> activations
adedd -> added
adjuste -> adjust
adressible -> addressable
agaian -> again
agaonst -> against
alailable -> available
aldready -> already
alise -> alias, allies
analyszing -> analyzing, analysing
anaylised -> analysed
anciliary -> ancillary
antia -> anti
antipenultimate -> antepenultimate
anyay -> anyway
aononymous -> anonymous
approxomate -> approximate
apropreate -> appropriate
arachive -> archive
arguemtnt -> argument
aross -> across, arose
arror -> error, arrow
artbitrary -> arbitrary
artibrary -> arbitrary
associaitions -> associations
asynchronuous -> asynchronous
atempted -> attempted
attentino -> attention
autocomple -> autocomplete
automattically -> automatically
begind -> behind, begin
bitmp -> bitmap
bootstraper -> bootstrapper
calucating -> calculating
canceleable -> cancelable
canibalize -> cannibalize
canibalizing -> cannibalizing
capabitilites -> capabilities
cardridge -> cartridge
casees -> cases
certaing -> certain
clampling -> clamping
clickabled -> clickable, clickables
columnms -> columns
communmication -> communication
comomand -> command
compatabilitiy -> compatibility
comprehenvise -> comprehensive
concatated -> concatenated
connceted -> connected
conneced -> connected
consummable -> consumable
containzer -> container
contigues -> contiguous
continius -> continuous
cooperateive -> cooperative
copyingn -> copying
corresoponing -> corresponding
correspindong -> corresponding
correspondning -> corresponding
couresty -> courtesy
coversations -> conversations
craption -> caption
crititical -> critical
crontrols -> controls
crytstal -> crystal
decommisioned -> decommissioned
deferrencing -> dereferencing
delaration -> declaration
delateable -> deletable
demphasized -> deemphasized
deperecations -> deprecations
depndency -> dependency
desciprion -> description
descrepency -> discrepancy
descrese -> decrease
descroption -> description
determinisctic -> deterministic
dfferent -> different
diagnosctic -> diagnostic
diagnsotic -> diagnostic
diagtnostic -> diagnostic
diassembled -> disassembled
diffenece -> difference
differring -> differing
diffulcty -> difficulty
disaable -> disable
disassmble -> disassemble
disassmbled -> disassembled
disassmbler -> disassembler
disimilarity -> dissimilarity
disposation -> disposition
disposeable -> disposable
disposeables -> disposables
disptacher -> dispatcher
distriminator -> discriminator
divable -> divisible, disable
dominanace -> dominance
drivern -> driven, driver
dsplaced -> displaced
eache -> each, ache
echancement -> enhancement
efficively -> effectively
embbed -> embed
empasis -> emphasis
emurator -> emulator
enconnding -> encoding
enexpected -> unexpected
engaving -> engraving, engaging
enterpises -> enterprises
enventually -> eventually
envolope -> envelope
eorrs -> errors, errs
erease -> erase
eucledian -> euclidian
excellement -> excellent
excepection -> exception
exeuted -> executed
exhcange -> exchange
exposion -> explosion
exteranl -> external
focues -> focuses, focus
foldeer -> folder
fragmenation -> fragmentation
functionsn -> functions
garranteed -> guaranteed
gemerate -> generate
genearated -> generated
generagor -> generator
genereator -> generator
generice -> generic
gibabyte -> gibibyte, gigabyte
gratiuitous -> gratuitous
greating -> greeting, grating
greedly -> greedily, greedy
hardwiered -> hardwired
helipcopter -> helicopter
heristic -> heuristic
hieararchy -> hierarchy
homewords -> homeworlds
horitzonal -> horizontal
hornor -> honor, horror
houndred -> hundred, hounded
identifcal -> identical
idetifer -> identifier
implemetened -> implemented
implemtned -> implemented
implenets -> implements
implmenents -> implements
includind -> including
incmopatible -> incompatible
incoke -> invoke, income
incompatibity -> incompatibility
incooperated -> incorporated
increassing -> increasing
incremenent -> increment
indecise -> indices, indecisive
ineriority -> interiority, inferiority
infomartion -> information
infomativeness -> informativeness
informativenss -> informativeness
inherents -> inherits, inherent
inherert -> inherit, inherent
inherient -> inherent
inheritate -> inherit
initiazation -> initialization
initiliazation -> initialization
inititialize -> initialize
instande -> instance
instrincs -> intrinsics, instincts
insturcion -> instruction
intanciate -> instantiate
intemediate -> intermediate
intential -> intentional
intialiezd -> initialized
intstuction -> instruction
invcocation -> invocation
inverleaved -> interleaved
itereations -> iterations
jestream -> jetstream
juptyer -> jupyter, jupiter
keybidings -> keybindings
keyswords -> keywords
legeacy -> legacy
levenhstein -> levenshtein
librarys -> libraries
limitet -> limited
miscelanious -> miscellaneous
mitagated -> mitigated
modififed -> modified
moneky -> monkey
monololy -> monopoly
mutilple -> multiple
naugty -> naughty
neccessaty -> necessity, necessary
neglibable -> negligible
nessesarry -> necessary
noticibly -> noticeably
obmitted -> omitted
obsosete -> obsolete
omains -> domains
orchastration -> orchestration
otherwie -> otherwise
outputsr -> outputs
overloaed -> overload
parcer -> parser
partices -> particles
partitition -> partition
partititioning -> partitioning
penaltys -> penalties
perfixes -> prefixes
pheriperials -> peripherals
pipeling -> pipelining, pipeline
polynomical -> polynomial
positionaning -> positioning
possiblke -> possible
potpurri -> potpourri
pottom -> bottom
poygon -> polygon
predding -> pressing
preservering -> preserving, persevering
pressd -> pressed, press
preste -> preset, pressed
priotiry -> priority
procss -> process
programtically -> programmatically
purturb -> perturb
putput -> output
pyhiscal -> physical
pypass -> bypass
qantized -> quantized
quadrdatic -> quadratic
quantuty -> quantity
quaterback -> quarterback
quatertion -> quaternion
raionale -> rationale
realitive -> relative
realitively -> relatively
reapeted -> repeated
recard -> record, regard
receice -> receive
recommenend -> recommended
redubant -> redundant
referecen -> reference
refrehsed -> refreshed
reguested -> requested
removeting -> removing
repedeatly -> repeatedly
replce -> replace
representible -> representable
reproduciablity -> reproducibility
repsponse -> response
reqeuired -> required
resetoring -> restoring
resolveable -> resolvable
responese -> responses, response
responsibilityt -> responsibility
restrictings -> restricting
retstore -> restore
returnexd -> returned
scanerios -> scenarios
scipping -> skipping
scrings -> strings, springs
secondadry -> secondary
secreenshots -> screenshots
shound -> should, sound
siftware -> software
silckscreened -> silkscreened
simultaneoulys -> simultaneously
sintilla -> scintilla
sontrollers -> controllers
statistircs -> statistics
statndalone -> standalone
stlying -> styling
strigified -> stringified
strusture -> structure
subbet -> subset, subnet
submssions -> submissions
substargets -> subtargets
suprress -> suppress
surpresss -> suppress, suppresses
synethic -> synthetic
tengant -> tangent
tennesee -> tennessee
termining -> terminating
texsts -> texts
thingey -> thingy
thtere -> there
timning -> timing
tintinabulation -> tintinnabulation
tokneization -> tokenization
toxicictiy -> toxicity
traceiver -> transceiver
trajatories -> trajectories
trajcectory -> trajectory
tranfsers -> transfers
trankated -> truncated
transfersal -> transversal
tranvers -> traverse, transverse
tripplets -> triplets
tsream -> stream
turnes -> turns
tyical -> typical
unashable -> unhashable
uncode -> unicode, encode
undeline -> underline
unexpecteed -> unexpected
unformattet -> unformatted
uninintialized -> uninitialized
uniqeness -> uniqueness
unreprocducable -> unreproducible
upliftng -> uplifting
utilizies -> utilities, utilizes
validatation -> validation
visualisaton -> visualisation
vrersion -> version
walkaroud -> workaround, walkaround
writebasck -> writeback
zerod -> zeroed

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cmdcolin commented Jan 29, 2025

improvd -> improved
filtred -> filtered
spradsheet -> spreadsheet
screnshot -> screenshot

the "e" key on my keyboard is giving out lol...

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mrmundt commented Jan 29, 2025

axtive -> active

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from gfx-rs/wgpu#7028 - found by trying cargo spellcheck:

hadned -> handed
necissary -> necessary

(cargo spellcheck suggests these as well, though with another option with necessary)

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akx commented Jan 31, 2025

instructon -> instruction, instructor

@epage epage unpinned this issue Jan 31, 2025
@crate-ci crate-ci locked and limited conversation to collaborators Jan 31, 2025
@epage epage closed this as completed in c9baeda Jan 31, 2025
@crate-ci crate-ci unlocked this conversation Jan 31, 2025
mrchantey pushed a commit to mrchantey/bevy that referenced this issue Feb 4, 2025
# Objective

Use the latest version of `typos` and fix the typos that it now detects

# Additional Info

By the way, `typos` has a "low priority typo suggestions issue" where we
can throw typos we find that `typos` doesn't catch.

(This link may go stale) crate-ci/typos#1200
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C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.