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Index of AIPs

Frances Liu edited this page Feb 21, 2025 · 38 revisions
Number Theme Title Author
AIP-0 Aptos Improvement Proposals aptos-foundation
AIP-1 Core Proposer selection improvements @igor-aptos
AIP-2 Smart Contract Multiple Token Changes areshand
AIP-3 Smart Contract Multi-step Governance Proposal 0xchloe
AIP-4 Gas Update Simple Map To Save Gas areshand
AIP-5 - Soulbound and Freezing Token Standard -
AIP-6 Governance Delegation pool for node operators alexfilip2/[email protected]
AIP-7 Smart Contract Transaction fee distribution georgemitenkov
AIP-8 Smart Contract Higher-Order Inline Functions for Collections wrwg
AIP-9 Smart Contract Resource Groups davidiw, wrwg, msmouse
AIP-10 Smart Contract Move Objects davidiw, wrwg
AIP-11 Smart Contract Digital Assets: Tokens as Objects davidiw, movekevin, lightmark, capcap, kslee8224, neoul
AIP-12 Smart Contract Multisig Accounts v2 movekevin
AIP-13 Smart Contract Coin Standard Improvements movekevin
AIP-14 Framework Update vesting contract movekevin
AIP-15 Smart Contract Update and rename token_standard_reserved_properties areshand
AIP-16 Cryptography New cryptography natives for hashing and MultiEd25519 PK validation Alin Tomescu ([email protected])
AIP-17 Gas Reducing Execution Costs by Decoupling Transaction Storage and Execution Charges msmouse, vgao1996, davidiw
AIP-18 Smart Contract Introducing SmartVector and SmartTable to apto_std Standard
AIP-19 Governance Enable updating commission_percentage in staking_contract module michelle-aptos, gerben-stavenga
AIP-20 Cryptography Generic Cryptography Algebra and BLS12-381 Implementation zhoujun-ma, alin
AIP-21 Smart Contract Fungible Assets lightmark, movekevin, davidiw
AIP-22 Smart Contract No-Code Digital Assets (Token Objects) davidiw, movekevin, lightmark, capcap
AIP-23 Cryptography Make Ed25519 public key validation native return false if key has the wrong length Michael Straka [email protected]
AIP-24 Move Language Move Library Updates gerben-stavenga
AIP-25 Smart Contract Transaction Argument Support for Structs gerben-stavenga
AIP-26 Blockchain Quorum Store bchocho
AIP-27 Blockchain Sender Aware Transaction Shuffling [email protected]
AIP-28 Governance Partial voting for on chain governance wintertoro, michelle-aptos, xingdingw
AIP-29 Blockchain Peer monitoring service joshlind
AIP-30 Governance Implement decrease in staking rewards michelle-aptos, xindingw, junkil-park
AIP-31 Governance Allowlisting for delegation pool wintertoro, michelle-aptos, xingdingw
AIP-32 Gas Storage Deletion Refund msmouse
AIP-33 Gas Block Gas Limit danielxiangzl
AIP-34 Gas Unit Gas Price Estimation bchocho
AIP-35 Smart Contract Charging Invariant Violation Errors [email protected]
AIP-36 Smart Contract Universally Unique Identifiers [email protected], [email protected]
AIP-37 Blockchain Filter duplicate transactions within a block bchocho
AIP-38 Gas Deprecate Storage Gas Curves msmouse
AIP-39 Gas Separate gas payer gerben-stavenga, movekevin, davidiw, kslee8224, neoul, styner32
AIP-40 DevEx Address Standard v1 banool
AIP-41 Cryptography Move APIs for public randomness generation Alin Tomescu ([email protected])
AIP-42 DevEx Aptos TypeScript SDK V2 0xmaayan
AIP-43 Smart Contract Parallelize Digital Assets (Token V2) minting/burning igor-aptos (, vusirikala (
AIP-44 Smart Contract Module Events lightmark
AIP-45 Smart Contract Safe Burning of User-Owned Objects davidiw, movekevin, lightmark, bowenyang007, capcap, kent-white
AIP-46 Cryptography New modules for ElGamal, Pedersen and Bulletproofs over Ristretto255 Michael Straka ([email protected]), Alin Tomescu ([email protected])
AIP-47 Blockchain Aggregators V2 georgemitenkov (, vusirikala (, gelash (, igor-aptos (
AIP-48 Smart Contract Allow direct commission change vesting contract wintertoro, movekevin, junkil-park
AIP-49 Cryptography secp256k1 ECDSA for Transaction Authentication davidiw
AIP-50 Smart Contract Change Commission rates in delegation pools junkil-park, michelle-aptos, movekevin, wintertoro
AIP-51 Smart Contract Changing beneficiaries for operators junkil-park, michelle-aptos, movekevin, wintertoro
AIP-52 Smart Contract Automated Account Creation for Sponsored Transactions davidiw
AIP-53 Smart Contract Make Fee Payer Address Optional in Transaction Authenticator davidiw
AIP-54 Smart Contract Object code deployment movekevin, xbtmatt
AIP-55 Smart Contract Generalize Transaction Authentication and Support Arbitrary K-of-N MultiKey Accounts davidiw, hariria
AIP-56 Move Lang Resource Access Control wrwg
AIP-57 Blockchain Block Output Size Limit and Conflict-Aware Block Gas Limit igor-aptos
AIP-58 Gas Gas Schedule Adjustments igor-aptos, vgao1996
AIP-59 Gas Storage IO Gas Adjustments msmouse
AIP-60 Gas Improve fairness of shared computation resources igor-aptos, vgao1996
AIP-61 Blockchain Keyless accounts alinush
AIP-62 Devex Wallet Standard 0xmaayan, hardsetting, NorbertBodziony
AIP-63 Smart Contract Coin to Fungible Asset Migration lightmark, davidiw, movekevin
AIP-64 Blockchain Validator Transaction Type [email protected], [email protected]
AIP-65 Gas Storage Fee for State Bytes refundable msmouse
AIP-66 Cryptography Passkey Accounts hariria
AIP-67 Cryptography Native Consensus for JSON Web Key (JWK) Zhoujun Ma ([email protected])
AIP-68 Blockchain Reordering transactions in a block for fairness igor-aptos
AIP-69 Smart Contract Start replication of Google JWKs on chain Zhoujun Ma ([email protected])
AIP-70 Smart Contract Parallelize Fungible Assets igor-aptos (, vusirikala (
AIP-71 Smart Contract Refactor Aptos Framework Events with Module Events lightmark
AIP-72 Devex Minting Standard for Digital Assets johnchanguk, jillxuu, briungri, bowenyang007
AIP-73 Smart Contract Dispatchable token standard Runtian Zhou
AIP-74 Blockchain Increase block gas limit to account for concurrency increase Sital Kedia ([email protected]), Igor Kabiljo ([email protected])
AIP-75 Cryptography Prover service for keyless accounts Rex Fernando ([email protected])
AIP-76 Smart Contract Digital Assets Composability aladeenb, jczhang
AIP-77 Smart Contract Multisig V2 Enhancement junkil-park (, movekevin (
AIP-78 Smart Contract Aptos Token Objects Framework Update johnchanguk
AIP-79 Cryptography Implementation of instant on-chain randomness Alin Tomescu ([email protected]), Zhuolun "Daniel" Xiang ([email protected]), Zhoujun Ma ([email protected])
AIP-80 Ecosystem Standardize Private Keys Greg Nazario - [email protected]
AIP-81 Cryptography Pepper service for keyless accounts Zhoujun Ma ([email protected])
AIP-82 Smart Contract Transaction context extension junkil-park (, lightmark (, movekevin (
AIP-83 Framework Framework-level Untransferable Fungible Asset Stores davidiw
AIP-84 Gas Improving Gas Coverage vgao1996
AIP-85 Framework Improve APT FA performance igor-aptos
AIP-86 Cryptography BN254 elliptic curve arithmetic in Move alinush
AIP-87 Blockchain Introduce native API to evaluate aggregator value is greater or equal to given amount igor-aptos
AIP-88 Blockchain BlockEpilogue to replace StateCheckpoint transaction igor-aptos
AIP-89 Blockchain Consensus Latency Reduction using Order Votes Satya Vusirikala, Daniel Xiang, Zekun Li
AIP-90 Framework Add Apple as a supported OIDC provider Alin Tomescu ([email protected])
AIP-91 Framework Enum Types in the Move VM AIP Author
AIP-92 Smart Contract Transaction Simulation Enhancement junkil-park (, movekevin (, gregnazario (
AIP-93 Blockchain Consensus Observer Josh Lind ( & Zekun Li (
AIP-94 Governance Reduce stake lockup duration to 14 days and governance voting duration to 3 days per community vote Tony (, Eric ([email protected])
AIP-95 Smart Contract Collections Permission Update johnchanguk, briungri
AIP-96 Smart Contract Federated Keyless accounts Alin Tomescu ([email protected]), davidiw, heliuchuan
AIP-97 Blockchain Storage Format Change grao1991
AIP-98 Governance Reduce minimal stake required to submit governance proposal from 10M to 1M sherry-x
AIP-99 Smart Contract Disable Safe Burn of User-Owned Objects gregnazario ([email protected])
AIP-100 Framework Private Entry Function for Multisig Account Creation yeptos (, gregnazario (
AIP-101 Framework Safe onchain key rotation address mapping for standard accounts Alex Kahn
AIP-102 Framework Dynamic Transaction Composer runtian-zhou
AIP-103 Framework Permissioned Signer runtian-zhou wrwg igor-aptos davidiw lightmark
AIP-104 Framework Account Abstraction lightmark
AIP-105 Framework Value manipulation move stdlib native utilities igor-aptos
AIP-106 Informational Optimistic Quorum Store ibalajiarun, zekun000, sasha8
AIP-107 Core New Loader and Code Cache for Move VM George Mitenkov ([email protected])
AIP-108 Framework Enable interoperability for Federated Keyless Accounts for the same issuer (user-pool/tenant) Oliver He ([email protected])
AIP-109 Framework Hide Unwanted Soulbound Objects gregnazario
AIP-110 Governance Lower the Threshold for Passing a Governance Proposal from 400M APT to 300M APT sherry-x
AIP-111 Blockchain Transaction Execution Replay Backward Compatibility Policy sherry-x
AIP-112 Standard Language Function Values in the Move VM Wolfgang Grieskamp
AIP-113 Framework Domain-based Account Abstraction igor-aptos, lightmark
AIP-114 Framework Increase Coin Symbol Byte Length gregnazario
AIP-XX Category Title AIP Author
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