aip | title | author | discussions-to | Status | last-call-end-date (*optional) | type | created | updated (*optional) | requires (*optional) |
53 |
Make Fee Payer Address Optional in Transaction Authenticator |
davidiw |
Draft |
<mm/dd/yyyy the last date to leave feedbacks and reviews> |
Framework |
10/08/2023 |
<mm/dd/yyyy> |
39 |
When submitting sponsored transactions to the blockchain, a client-side user may not know who is the actual fee payer. The current way these transactions are generated requires the client-side user to know who will be the fee payer for each transaction submitted to the blockchain. This AIP proposes making the knowledge of the fee payer optional enabling a better user and developer experience.
This AIP makes it easier for a client to submit a sponsored transaction and be ignorant of who ultimately pays for it. As result, this will substantially improve the developer experience on Aptos.
While there are a few discussions on refactoring the transaction layout to eliminate legacy quirks introduced by the long history of the Aptos code base, those proposals have yet to be published and will regretablly take substantial effort to gain adoption. Furthermore, these updates would require changes across many pieces within the Aptos software stack including SDKs, Indexers, as well as transaction and Move code resulting in several months of dedicated engineering ignoring the social challenges of pushing such an update.
Currently, when signing a transaction, the fee payer's address is included within the data to be signed. As a result, all parties must first know the fee payer's address prior to being able to submit a transaction.
This AIP dictates that for non-fee payer signers, the fee payer's address may either be set to the actual address or to 0x0
, a non-allocated address within Move. The fee payer must still sign their address to ensure the intent to be the fee payer. As a result, during verification, each signature besides the fee payer's must be compared against the raw transaction computed with the actual fee payer's address and that of 0x0
Verified via end-to-end tests.
There may be a slight performance degradation for sponsored transactions as now many formats need to be checked. These tend to be cheap and at worst case double the cost of verification. As most SDKs will likely conform to the simpler method of using 0x0
, this will inevitably become a negligible cost.
In the current model, everyone knows who the fee payer is. This gives a false sense of some form of security. The transaction is already unique by all the other components within so signing it with or without an explicit fee payer address is irrelevant.
This does, however, empower the user to generate a single transaction that can then be wrapped by distinct fee payers. From a visible perspective, this is not entirely different than what exists today. In either case, the Aptos Mempool design prevents two transactions with the same sequence number from being registered or executed, hence there is no consequence that comes from this change as extra transactions will be discarded prior to charging the fee payer.
It is possible that two fee payers could compete for paying for a transaction. The current mempool design will only support a single variant at a time. Therefore a malicious entity could intercept the transaction and replace it with a faulty fee payer. As a result, the transaction could be discarded in consensus resulting in a form of censorship. While the likelihood is small due to the inherent trust model and network dynamics, this still remains a risk. Specifically, transactions are typically submitted to fullnodes trusted to forward the transaction to validator fullnodes, who in turn have the same expectation -- setting an invalid fee payer and forwarding is more work than discarding the transaction. As a result, application developers are recommended to specify the fee payer when possible rather than leveraging the optional fee payer model.
The intended timeline for this AIP is release 1.8.