Releases: Ragin-LundF/bbd-cucumber-gherkin-lib
Release 1.42.0
An issue was fixed, which prevented overwriting the Accept-Language
, Content-Type
, and Accept headers
Release 1.41.0
Updated libraries
- Spring Boot updated to
- Cucumber updated to
Extended Polling
Polling now allows also to check for the HTTP code only.
Unauthorized Example
Scenario: Polling unauthorized until response code is correct with long config
Given that a requests polls every 1 seconds
And that a requests polls for 5 times
And that the API path is "/api/v1/polling"
When executing a GET poll request until the response code is 200
Authorized Example
Scenario: Polling authorized until response code is correct with short config
Given that a request polls every 1 seconds for 5 times
And that the API path is "/api/v1/pollingAuth"
When executing an authorized GET poll request until the response code is 200
Examples can be found at src/test/resources/features/polling/.
Extended Header Manipulation
Prefix for Header manipulation
Scenario: Add custom header with prefix
Given I set the header "X-My-Custom-Header" to "ABC_DEF" prefixed by "PRE_"
This sets the header X-My-Custom-Header
to the value of ABC_DEF
with the prefix PRE_
The prefix and the value can be also a variable name from the context.
Please have a look to the examples at: src/test/resources/features/header/
Release 1.40.0
Updated libraries
- Spring Boot updated to 2.6.1
- Cucumber updated to 7.1.0
Release 1.39.0
Updated libraries
- Spring Boot updated to
because of a memory leak in tomcat - Cucumber updated to
Added check for headers
If it is required to check if a HTTP header contains a special value, this can be done with the following sentence:
And I ensure, that the header "<header name>" is equal to "<header values>"
Be aware, that headers are always an array.
If there are more header values you want to check, please add them comma separated.
Scenario: Check a header
When executing an authorized GET call to "/api/v1/header"
Then I ensure that the status code of the response is 200
And I ensure, that the header "X-TEST-HEADER" is equal to "present"
This might be used to check if XSS headers are set for example.
Release 1.37.0
Updated libraries
- Spring Boot updated to
- Cucumber-JVM updated to
Release 1.36.0
Updated libraries
- Spring updated to
- With the Spring update Liquibase will also be updated to
- With the Spring update Liquibase will also be updated to
- Cucumber-JVM updated to
- JSON-Unit updated to
Small enhancements
A user token can be resolved also from a context map. If nothing was found there, it uses the given one.
This refers to the following sentences:
that the following users and tokens are existing
that the user is {string}
In general the ScenarioStateContext
class has now a new method called resolveEntry(key: String)
This method tries to read the value from the context map for the given key.
If the key was not found, it returns the key itself.
This may be helpful for own sentences based on the context map.
Possibility to wait
There is a new sentence that allows you to wait sometime before proceeding:
Scenario: Wait for something
Then I wait for 1000 ms
Examples at:
Release 1.35.0 - Date utils
Introduction of date util sentences and extended date validators.
This version introduces some Given
sentences to create a date in the past or future.
In addition, there is a new matcher that allows comparing this date with a JSON date or a datetime.
Read more at:
Examples at:
Release 1.34.1
An issue with the new configuration was fixed.
The introduction of the BddProperties
class made some problems with not configured properties.
Please ensure also, that you've put the library on the configuration scan path:
"com.ragin.bdd", ""
Release 1.34.0 - Maven Central and Spring Update
This release updates the Spring dependency to 2.4.5
It is recommended to update the project also to this version.
New groupId and Maven Central deployment
Because of the deprecation of jcenter, the artifacts are now published on Maven Central.
To be able to do that, the groupId
has to be changed to:
dependencies {
testImplementation "io.github.ragin-lundf:bdd-cucumber-gherkin-lib:${version.bdd-cucumber-gherkin-lib}"
Release 1.33.0
Re-Release of 1.32.0
This is a re-release of 1.32.0, because of some issues with jcenter.