Releases: Ragin-LundF/bbd-cucumber-gherkin-lib
Release 2.20.0
Dependency Updates
All dependencies were updated.
Most noticeable:
- Spring Boot to 3.4.2
- Cucumber to 7.21.1
Logging Optimization
Now the logging of the response will only log the body, if it is not a media-subtype of pdf
, octet-stream
or zip
The internal assertions are now using assertj-core
, which is a dependency of spring-test
instead of using jUnit 4
jUnit 4
is sadly still a dependency, because of cucumber-junit
Release 2.18.0
Dependency Updates
All dependencies were updated.
Most noticeable:
- Spring Boot to 3.4.1
- Kotlin to 2.0.10
Form Data Optimization
The multi-form-data upload uses now Resource
as basis instead of ByteArray
This matches better to the needs of RestTemplate
and the MultipartFile
on server-side.
The sentence Given that the file "<filename>" is stored as "<context>"
stores now the file in the ScenarioContext
file map, but also the name of the file in the regular map under the same key.
This is required, because the filename is required for multi-form-data uploads.
Release 2.17.0
The configuration
is no longer required.
It must be set, if a default token can be used. Else the token must be provided via Background
or inside of the Scenario
Release 2.16.0
- Spring Boot to 3.3.3
- liquibase-core to 4.29.1
- Fix for missing dependency versions
Release 2.15.0
Fixed issues with BOM's.
It was not possible to resolve the transitive dependencies.
Release 2.14.0
Updated Gradle structure, code analysis and coverage
- Updated Gradle structure and split each configuration into separate files
- Replaced
- Updated Gradle task for
- Added
for static code analysis
Updated Libs
- Spring Boot to 3.3.2
- liquibase-core to 4.29.0
- Cucumber libs to 7.18.1
Release 2.12.0
Updated Libs
- Spring Boot to 3.2.5
- Cucumber Libs to 7.18.0
- liquibase-core to 4.27.0
Added a new default matcher (${json-unit.matches:isNotEqualTo}string
) to compare, that a value is not equal to a given string.
The string can be anything after the closing bracket:
{ "string": "${json-unit.matches:isNotEqualTo}another string" }
Scenario: Validate field with a string that it is not the value
When executing a GET call to "/api/v1/fieldValidation"
Then I ensure that the status code of the response is 200
And I ensure that the body of the response is equal to
"string": "${json-unit.matches:isNotEqualTo}another string",
"number": 12,
"boolean": true,
"list": [
"object": {
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
"uuid": "${json-unit.matches:isValidUUID}",
"objectList": [
"first": 1,
"second": 2
"first": 3,
"second": 4
See src/test/resources/features/body_validation/field_compare.feature
Release 2.11.0
Updated Libs
- Spring Boot to 3.2.4
- Cucumber Libs to 7.16.1
- liquibase-core to 4.26.0
Release 2.10.0
- Removed
default header.
Release 2.9.0
Updated Libs
- Spring Boot to 3.2.3
- Cucumber Libs to 7.15.0
- liquibase-core to 4.26.0