Releases: Ragin-LundF/bbd-cucumber-gherkin-lib
Release 2.0.1
This release requires Java 17 and Spring Boot 3.
It uses also the jakarta.*
packages instead of the javax.*
Update Libraries
- Spring Boot updated to 3.1.1
- Liquibase updated to 4.23.0
- Cucumber updated to 7.13.0
- Apache HTTP Client updated to 5.2.1
Release 1.52.0
Update Libraries
- Cucumber updated to 7.11.2
- Spring Boot updated to 2.7.10
- Liquibase updated to 4.20.0
- Snakeyaml updated to 2.0
Release 1.51.0
Update Libraries
- Cucumber updated to 7.11.1
- Spring Boot updated to 2.7.8
- Liquibase updated to 4.19.0
Release 1.50.0
Update Libraries
- Cucumber updated to 7.9.0
- Spring Boot updated to 2.7.5
- Liquibase updated to 4.17.2
Release 1.49.0
Update Libraries
- Cucumber updated to 7.5.0
- Spring Boot updated to 2.7.2
- Liquibase updated to 4.14.0
The sentence I store the string of the field "{string}" in the context "{string}" for later usage
is now able to store any kind of objects and not only strings.
Release 1.48.0
Updated Libraries
- Cucumber updated to 7.3.4
- Liquibase updated to 4.10.0 (CVE-fix)
- JSON-Unit to 2.35.0
Release 1.46.0
Updated Libraries
- Spring Boot updated to 2.6.7
- Cucumber updated to 7.3.2
Feature: Simple form-data POST request
It is now possible to create a simple form-data POST request.
A file can also be attached in the process.
To add the file there is the sentence:
Scenario: Post form data
Given that the file "test.txt" is stored as "FORM_FILE"
The file is placed as a byte array in a separate context, which is emptied again after the scenario is completed for memory reasons.
To execute a form-data request the following sentences are available:
When executing a form-data POST call to "/your/api" with the fields
| text-form-data-key | text-form-data-value |
When executing an authorized form-data POST call to "/your/api" with the fields
| text-form-data-key | text-form-data-value |
The fields are written as key/value datamap.
Examples can be found at src/test/resources/features/form_data/.
Release 1.45.0
Update Spring Boot to 2.6.6 (Spring Shell)
Release 1.44.0
- Disable redirects for HTTP client.
Release 1.43.0
Release 1.43.0
Updating dependencies
- Spring Boot 2.6.4