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Release 1.39.0

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@Ragin-LundF Ragin-LundF released this 28 Oct 11:19
· 179 commits to main since this release

Updated libraries

  • Spring Boot updated to 2.5.6 because of a memory leak in tomcat
  • Cucumber updated to 7.0.0


Added check for headers

If it is required to check if a HTTP header contains a special value, this can be done with the following sentence:

And I ensure, that the header "<header name>" is equal to "<header values>"

Be aware, that headers are always an array.
If there are more header values you want to check, please add them comma separated.


Scenario: Check a header
  When executing an authorized GET call to "/api/v1/header"
  Then I ensure that the status code of the response is 200
  And I ensure, that the header "X-TEST-HEADER" is equal to "present"

This might be used to check if XSS headers are set for example.

See src/test/resources/features/header/header.feature