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Releases: Prisma501/CSMM-Patrons-Mod

CPM 19.8.1

04 Oct 14:11
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Version 19.8.1 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • changed PVP kill logline: made logline more consistent with other CPM loglines, added more information and made format easier for regex info extraction. Ex. INF [CSMM_Patrons]playerKilledByPlayer: The killer (offenderSteamId=76561198123089815) killed Prisma501 (victimSteamId=76561198123095123) @ -350 58 -817 with AK-47 Machine Gun
  • Added logline for player getting killed by any other entity than another player. For creating CSMM hooks on player killed by animal, zombie, animalzombie, modded npc's, bandits etc. Ex. INF [CSMM_Patrons]playerKilledByEntity: animalBossGrace (-346,58,-820) killed Prisma501 (76561198123083837) @ -348 58 -818
  • Fixed wrong description in bmsOverrideVanillaSpawner console command
  • Lowered heartbeat interval to 3 seconds
  • Implemented auto debuff when a player logs off while on notify claim (buff visible), logs back in and moves/tp's out of the claim before it can detect the player on it again. The bufficon would stay on screen. Now there is an auto debuff when that happens.

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CPM 19.8

30 Sep 10:29
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Version 19.8 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • added new consolecommand timerba: a generic bloodmoon aware timer. Can be used for anything as long as there are commands for it. Configurable delay on bloodday after time and delay until after bloodmoon time in CpmSettings.xml (TimerBA_DelayBloodDayAfter and TimerBA_DelayAfterBloodmoonUntil). Example: timerba 10 "[00FF00]Prefabs will reset in [FF0000]{Minutes} minutes" "rrp kicklockreboot" You can use multiple commands. Seperate them with ; and use single quotes around command parameters that contain spaces.
  • Revised Adv. Claim PVE and added Adv. Claim PVP: compatible with existing PVE claims. Will prevent doing playerdamage when on PVE claim or allow doing player damage when on PVP claim. For PVP claims the KillingMode can be configured in CpmSettings.xml (AdvClaims_PVP_KillingMode). Default = 3. Create the same way as the previous PVE claims (except no punishment command needed with the new ones): make a notifyclaim with PVE (or PVP) in its name and you are done. The claims do use tooltip communication. Adjust to your liking in CPM's buffs.xml in the mod config folder. If your server global setting is PVE, use PVP claims. If your server global setting is PVP, use PVE claims. This functionality was already possible by using Adv. command claims but it needed multiple claims to cover the map. These new ones make it easier to implement PVE/PVP.


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CPM 19.7.2

22 Sep 20:04
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Version 19.7.2 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Improved all get vehicle commands: improved owner detection on getbicycle, getbike, getmotorcycle, getjeep, getgyrocopter, getblimp and gethelicopter commands when player plays with a steam family share account.

Version History + Documentation

CPM 19.7.1

17 Sep 18:00
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Version 19.7.1 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • "Performance enhancements and bugfixes": strongly advise to update to this version (seriously, do it)

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CPM 19.7

15 Sep 15:05
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Version 19.7 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Added Vanilla Bloodmoon spawner override: many players on a server? Lots of bloodmoon parties going on? Suffering from "boring" bloodmoons? This is the solution for you. CPM can now override the vanilla bloodmoon spawner. That spawner is not built to handle bloodmoons on servers with many players on (the so called high pop servers). Take full control and give back alive and kicking bloodmoons!

New settings (CpmSettings.xml):

  • BloodmoonSpawner_OverrideVanillaSpawner: set true to override vanilla bloodmoon spawner and let CPM handle bloodmoon.
  • BloodmoonSpawner_Overridden_AdjustBMEnemyCountPerPlayerToNrOnlinePlayers: set true (default) to let CPM handle the bloodmoonspawning based on number of online players. This is the full auto mode and is recommended. Max alive zombies per player will be calculated and when players are in a bloodmoon party, CPM will bring the joy to all members of that party.
  • BloodmoonSpawner_Overridden_BMEnemyCountPerPlayer: only used if the previous setting is false. This will set the maximum number of zombies alive per player during bloodmoon regardless of number of players online.
  • BloodmoonSpawner_Overridden_AddMaxAliveServerDuringBloodmoon: this value will be added to the maximum allowed zombies alive that is configured in serverconfig.xml. Use this to spice up the bloodmoon spawning even more by allowing more zombies alive during bloodmoons.

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CPM 19.6.4

05 Sep 15:16
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Version 19.6.4 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Added bloodmoon despawner: Allows to despawn all zombies alive on map right before bloodmoon starts. Disabled by default. Enable in CpmSettings.xml (BloodmoonSpawner_DespawnAllOnStart).
  • Changed consolecommand protect, chatcommand /bubble and Adv. claim hostilefree: traders (which are hostile by design) will not be despawned anymore. No need for a modlet anymore to remove the hostile tag from traders.

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CPM 19.6.3

27 Aug 14:01
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Version 19.6.3 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Changed Adv. Claim Reversed: added setting for TpHeight on teleporting back into a reversed claim (AdvClaims_Reversed_TpHeight in CpmSettings.xml)
  • Changed consolecommand sleepers: added sleeper despawn and reset by coordinates. No need to be ingame anymore because coordinates can be used instead of only p1, p2.
  • Fixed consolecommand cvc (checkvehiclecontent): fixed always using Jetpack for vehiclename when a vehicle is locked and owner is returned.

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CPM 19.6.2

20 Aug 18:45
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Version 19.6.2 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Added logline with position on player death: for easy CSMM hook creation on player death where location of death is relevant. For creating a "return to location a player died"-command for example.

Example logline: INF [CSMM_Patrons]playerDied: Prisma501 (76561198103885860) died @ 218 58 -1094

Version History + Documentation

CPM 19.6.1

14 Aug 07:56
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Version 19.6.1 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Added colon (:) support to commands in an Adv. Command Claim: Makes it possible to use colons in command(s) within an Adv. Command claim. Specifically implemented to support the use of CSMM variables that contain colon(s) like {{time}} (used in Deadly Airdrops for example).

Version History + Documentation

CPM 19.6

30 Jul 08:03
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Version 19.6 A19.6 b8 Stable

  • Updated harmony to v2.1.1
  • A19.6 b8 compatibility

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