Releases: Prisma501/CSMM-Patrons-Mod
Releases · Prisma501/CSMM-Patrons-Mod
CPM 22.3
Version 22.3 A20.6 b9 Stable (NOT A20.5 and lower compatible)
- Added settings for Level Jump detection: configure MinJumpLevel, ExcludeAdminLevel and command(s) to execute on detection in CpmSettings.xml
- Added placeholder
for use in commands in Adv. Commandclaim, SpectatorDetection, GodmodeDetection, DamageDetection and LevelJumpDetection. ${steamId} is still in for backwards compatability in existing commands.
CPM 22.2
Version 22.2 A20.6 b8 Experimental (NOT 20.5 and lower compatible)
- A20.6 b8 compatability
- Fixed consolecommands bexport and brender: prefab im,- and exporting broke with A20.6 b8
- Changed consolecommand deactivatebedroll: added Xbox Live support
- Removed consolecommand givexp: TFP added that command to vanilla
CPM 22.1
Version 22.1 A20.5 b2 Stable
- Fixed tradingsystem: releasetradingitems (/rti) and canceltradingitems (/cti) were broken due to EOS implementation.
CPM 22.0
Version 22.0 A20.5 b2 Stable
- Changed consolecommand lcp (listcpmplayers): added ability to search players by XBL id. Renamed steamId to PlatformId in playerlisting.
- Fixed WebUI not using custom settings: settings were loaded after the WebUI initialization, causing WebUI to always use default settings.
- Fixed consolecommand rrp (resetrwgprefabs): stopped using TFP code to check if a prefab has a landclaim in it. That is bugged. It will only "see" the first landclaim placed by a player, causing prefabs that contain players 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc landclaim to be reset even with setting on to not reset claimed prefabs. Wrote my own implementation to fix it.
CPM 21.9
Version 21.9 A20.5 b2 Experimental
- A20.5 b2 Experimental Compatibility
CPM 21.8.1
Version 21.8.1 A20.4 b42 Stable
- Fixed consolecommand ds (donorslots): donorslots broke with previous release. This minor update fixes it.
CPM 21.8
Version 21.8 A20.4 b42 Stable
- Added gamepass player support for offline players: added gamepass offline players support for ReservedSlots (ds), ResetPlayerData (rpd), ResetLevel (rl), ResetDroneData (rdd), SetDeathCount (sdc), WipeInventory (wi), ResetSkillPoints (rs), AddFriend (af).
CPM 21.7
Version 21.7 A20.4 b42 Stable
- Updated CPM WebUI to 1.8.0: show EOS Id on landclaimblocks and beds. Landclaim color green for active lcb's and red for inactive lcb's
CPM 21.6
Version 21.6 A20.4 b42 Stable
- A20.4 b42 Stable compatibility
- Reintroducing consolecommand rrp (resetrwgprefabs): Dusted off my 3 year old implementation of resetting prefabs. This one does not use chunkresets which still causes region corruption. When running it will reset a prefab when all its chunks are loaded (by player(s)), so players actually do the work. You can leave it running until the next time you want to do a reset run as prefabs that are not loaded will just stay in the same state (they all become Schrödinger's prefabs). Its suboptimal compared to chunkresets, but at the moment this is the best you re going to get.
CPM 21.5
Version 21.5 A20.4 b38 Experimental (NOT A20.3 b3 stable compatible)
- A20.4 b38 Experimental compatibility
- Removed all dependencies on allocs mod. CPM is now completely standalone. I considder allocs mod abandonware, since updates are not coming (in time) anymore. CPM does its own maprendering now.