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Releases: Prisma501/CSMM-Patrons-Mod

CPM 23.7

22 Jun 07:07
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Version 23.7 1.0 b306 Experimental (NOT A21.2 b37 Stable and lower compatible)

  • LOTS of compatibility fixes
  • Brought reset region system up to speed with todays standards. No more server restart needed. Removed parameters from shutdownba. Consolecommands resetregions and resetunclaimedregions can be used at will, ultra fast and on a running server. Marking regions (by console or webui has not changed)
  • Due to big changes in storage, tradingsystem and consolecommands checkloot, remitem, unlockall and own have been removed

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.6

02 Nov 20:15
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Version 23.6 A21.2 b37 Stable (NOT A21.1 b16 Stable and lower compatible)

  • A21.2 b37 Stable compatibility
  • Improved hostilefree advanced claim: better handling of enemies, that in edge case have already been despawned.
  • Changed consolecommand addfriend: fixed A21.2 b37 incompatability

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.5

10 Aug 19:07
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Version 23.5 A21.1 b16 Stable - A21.2 b14 Experimental

  • A21.1 b16 Stable - A21.2 b14 Experimental compatibility

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.4

21 Jul 13:40
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Version 23.4 A21.1 b6 Experimental

  • A21.1 b6 Experimental compatibility
  • Fixed /day7 zombie count
  • Changed consolecommand mv: added parameter os (offline support) for parameter fo (friends only). If os parameter is added to mv fo, the tp will support offline target player. If omitted, offline tp is not supported.
  • Removed command tprotect: TFP moved traderprotection to RWG prefab level instead of chunk/block level. Renders tprotect completely useless. Back to the drawing board for this functionality.

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.3

29 Jun 18:14
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Version 23.3 A21 b324 Stable (NOT A20 and lower compatible)

  • A21 b324 Stable compatibility

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.2

24 Jun 13:11
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Version 23.2 A21 b317 Experimental (NOT A20 and lower compatible)

  • Changed RegionsReset, Vehicle/Drone Removal, ResetPlayerData and Permadeath: implemented thread/latesaving safety. In edge cases (high pop servers) there was a chance of failing, because of busy gamethreads/latesaving operations.
  • CPM Web UI 1.8.3: added location to landclaim info on map.

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.1

15 Jun 11:08
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Version 23.1 A21 b313 Experimental (NOT A20 and lower compatible)

  • CPM Web UI 1.8.2: switched coordinates for Mouse position and Last click from N/S - E/W to E/W - N/S
  • Changed flydetection: fixed false positive on flying when player is in water/swimming in A21.
  • Changed webapi access: added possibility to add apiusers in cpmcc_permissions.xml. Now you can use apiuser(s) to gain access to the cpm webapis based on their permissionlevel. Add "?apiuser=username&password=password" after your apicall from any script/software to use cpm apis. Delete cpmcc_permissions.xml and it will autogenerate with apiusers tree on server start. Or add the tree manually like below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		 <!-- <apiuser username="apiuser1" password="password1" permission_level="0" /> -->
		<permission module="" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.createadvclaims" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getlandclaims" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getadvclaims" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getresetregions" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getplayerhomes" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getplayersonline" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getquestpois" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getallpois" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.gettraders" permission_level="0" />
		<permission module="cpmcc.getvehicles" permission_level="0" />

Version History + Documentation

CPM 23.0

12 Jun 20:12
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Version 23.0 A21 b313 Experimental (NOT A20 and lower compatible)

  • A21 Compatibility.
  • Changed CPM Web UI: Added owner name to bed(roll) info. Added owner name and vehicle id (both loaded and unloaded vehicles) to vehicle info.
  • Changed consolecommands resetlevel, resetskillpoints and removeexpdeficit: no more playerkicking for offline ttp editing. Level, skillpoints and expdeficit can be set live with player online.

Version History + Documentation

CPM 22.4.1

19 Dec 20:12
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Version 22.4.1 A20.7 b1 Stable (NOT A20.5 and lower compatible)

  • Note to self to NOT empty worldgeneration caches on chunkresets on a server that still needs to run after the reset. Please update 22.4 if you have already downloaded it.

Changelog is the same as 22.4:

  • changed consolecommand ResetChunks: fixed region corruption on using chunkresets
  • enabled consolecommand rac (resetadvclaims): enabled command for resetting adv. claim reset areas, without the region corruption. You can use adv. claim reset again!
  • changed command rrp (resetrwgprefabs): now using chunkresets for resetting prefabs again, without the region corruption. Reset all prefabs in minutes!
  • vanilla consolecommand cr (chunkreset) will still cause region corruption if used, except if you use the fix (mod) that O C has created for patching this command.

Version History + Documentation

CPM 22.4

19 Dec 16:15
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BIG Shoutout to O C, the author of ServerTools. He found out, that deleting a chunk before regenerating it, will cause region corruption. That makes this release possible in the first place.

Version 22.4 A20.6 b9 Stable (NOT A20.5 and lower compatible)

  • changed consolecommand ResetChunks: fixed region corruption on using chunkresets
  • enabled consolecommand rac (resetadvclaims): enabled command for resetting adv. claim reset areas, without the region corruption. You can use adv. claim reset again!
  • changed command rrp (resetrwgprefabs): now using chunkresets for resetting prefabs again, without the region corruption. Reset all prefabs in minutes!
  • vanilla consolecommand cr (chunkreset) will still cause region corruption if used, except if you use the fix (mod) that O C has created for patching this command.

Version History + Documentation