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Releases: Prisma501/CSMM-Patrons-Mod

CPM 20.8

08 Jan 22:28
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Version 20.8 A20 b238 Stable

  • Added consolecommand lcp (listcpmplayers): list all players that ever visited your server. Filter by online only. Search players by (partial)playername, steamId or EOS_Id. Info per player: playerName, entityId, steamId, EOS_Id, Online status, IP Address, TotalPlayTime, Overridden chatname, ColorGroup membership, Individual chatcolor and mutedChat status.
  • Fixed consolecommand mcp (mutechatplayer): fixed always returning unmuted when checking mute status
  • Changed consolecommands pcc (playerchatcolor) and mpc (muteplayerchat): added support for coloring and muting offline players
  • Changed consolecommand shutdownba: added multiple reset support for all reset functionality. Use all or any combination of parameters reset, resetunclaimed, resetvehicles and resetdrones in one command.
  • Removed casesensitivity on all commands that use parameter steamId for usage on ofline players. Steam_xxxx and steam_xxxx will both be accepted for all commands.

Version History + Documentation

CPM 20.7

31 Dec 10:02
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Version 20.7 A20 b238 Stable

  • Fixed whitelisting in blockplacement Adv. Claims: lcbfree, landclaim, problock and antiblock
  • Changed consolecommand brender: Added option to make the rendered prebab part of the randomgen world permanently. Use parameter "addtorwg" and the prefab you just rendered in will be saved in the RWG world. You can now add more skyscrapers, cities, lobby, hordebase etc to your generated RWG world. All you added with "addtorwg" will still be in the world after a chunkreset, regionfile delete or full map wipe. When you use this, the RWG world will be altered and that will trigger (re)downloading the world for all clients. So advise to make your custom RWG world on a non-player server and when done, deploy it to a production server.
  • Changed consolecommand bundo: added "brender addtorwg" detection. When the undo is handling an addtorwg done with brender it will remove the prefab from the RWG world it was added to.
  • Yes i know, ill be returning to my break.

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CPM 20.6

25 Dec 23:23
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Version 20.6 A20 b238 Stable

  • Fixed a booboo i made in CPM's webapi handler with the 20.5 release
  • Spent a good amount of time optimizing CPM's code overall. Found some sweet spots that are handled a lot better now. This will make 20.6 the final version for a long time. As, for a guy who quit and only promised compatibility, i spent a lot more hours than i liked on A20 version. Taking a break from this all, so enjoy this version. Its going to serve you for A20 for a long time.

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CPM 20.5

25 Dec 11:44
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Version 20.5 A20 b238 Stable

  • Added EOS id serveradmin support to CPM WebUI and WebApi's. No need to have Steam platform format in serveradmin.xml anymore for CPM. You can have eosId, steamId or both. CPM doesnt care anymore. For Allocs map it is still a requirement to use Steam platform format as he hasnt updated yet. So be aware of that if you use CPM's webapi through my patched allocs webmap (map.js).

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CPM 20.4

22 Dec 10:30
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Version 20.4 A20 b238 Stable

  • Recompiled for A20 b238 Stable
  • Removed exclude options from getprefab consolecommand. Will be added back once rrp gets a return to CPM.

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CPM 20.3

21 Dec 10:37
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Version 20.3 A20 b237 Experimental Compatible

  • A20 b237 compatibility
  • Added killer position to playerKilledPlayer logline
  • Changed consolecommand bexport: help text now points to the correct new export location (/UserData/LocalPrefabs)
    Best practice (to prevent /Saves and /UserData wandering off to userprofile or .local and keep all data in the main server folder) is to set the locations in serverconfig.xml:
    <property name="UserDataFolder" value="UserData" />
    <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="Saves" />

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CPM 20.2.1

17 Dec 11:15
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Version 20.2.1 A20 b233 Experimental Compatible

  • Fixed consolecommand brender: it broke with A20 b231

Version History + Documentation

CPM 20.2

14 Dec 21:24
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Version 20.2 A20 b231 Experimental Compatible

  • Added consolecommand getdrone: drones seem to get stuck in walls a lot. Let players get it by command (use for custom CSMM command).
  • Added drone dupe prevention: got multiple reports of the existence of this (very easy) dupe exploit by using a drone. Implemented prevention of this exploit by not allowing to teleport if a player has a drone deployed. Enable in CpmSettings.xml (DroneDupePrevention_Enabled). Configurable response string in CpmStrings.xml (DroneDupePrevention).
    Protected CPM chat,- and consolecommands: /bag, /bed, /ft, /ftw, /mv, /mvw, /rt, /tb, teleportplayerhome, mv, mvw, tp2bag
    Protected Vanilla consolecommand: teleportplayer (this is used by CSMM's teleport system. So if you enable dupe prevention, CSMM will also be protected).

Version History + Documentation

CPM 20.1

12 Dec 18:37
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Version 20.1 A20 b218 Experimental Compatible

  • Added: setting in CpmSettings.xml for removing drones that are not packed away from the world on restart(Drones_RemoveOnRestart)
  • Changed consolecmd shutdownba: added parameter "resetdrones" for on demand drone removal
  • Changed all ttp edit commands to take steamId (hail to the old ways!) when running against offline players. For online players steamId, entityId and playerName can be used.
    Affects: rvr(removevendingrental), sdc(setdeathcount), wi(wipeinventory), rl(resetlevel), rpd(resetplayerdata), rs(resetskillpoints)
  • Changed consolecmd lfp(listplayerfriends): show friends names instead of EOSid.
  • Changed webapi getlandclaims: added EOSid to json response for owner info in claimcreator webUI.
  • Changed webapi getplayerhomes: added EOSid to json response for owner info in claimcreator webUI.
  • Fixed: chatcommands aaf and raf (add or remove all ingame friends to your adv. claim(s) whitelist)
  • Fixed: consolecmd af(addfriend)
  • Fixed: consolecmd grablcb
  • Fixed: consolecmd rlp2(removelandprotection2)
  • Fixed: consolecmd mv with fo(friendsonly) parameter
  • Fixed: consolecmd wlf(whitelistfriends)

Version History + Documentation

CPM 20.0

06 Dec 20:30
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Version 20.0 A20 b218 Experimental Compatible

  • A20 Experimental Compatibility
  • steamId format changed. Use new format in commands/configs. Steam_76561928123009260
  • Make sure you use the steam platform format in serveradmin.xml for assigning permissions. If you use the new EOS identifier, CPM (and Allocs fixes) dont pick it up. Example:
    <user platform="Steam" userid="76561928123009260" name="Prisma501" permission_level="0" />
  • rrp and rac are breaking region files in A20 so they are disabled while being worked on
  • CPM now uses harmonyX that is shipped with the vanilla game. Make sure 0harmony.dll is not present in CPM modfolder. This is to ensure compatibility with mods that use the new built-in patch system that came with A20
  • All major features have been tested and are functional
  • Let me know if you find any quirks.
  • Latest allocs version is required. Make sure you have installed 22_24_39


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