\page changelog Change Log
- Build system:
- Add cmake flag to disable LTO in pymrpt module.
- Add -flto=auto to pymrpt so linking is much faster.
- Fix "FTBFS when binutils-dev is installed but not libiberty-dev" (Debian bug #1041165)
- pymrpt Debian packaging: triggering of post/pre installation scripts was missing.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Move the parameter eyeDistance2lightShadowExtension from TRenderMatrices to mrpt::opengl::TLightParameters so it can be changed from user code (ABI change).
- New parameter mrpt::opengl::TLightParameters::minimum_shadow_map_extension_ratio
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Python:
- More pymrpt examples.
- pymrpt was not automatically built when invoking the python tests using
make test_legacy
- pymrpt was not automatically built when invoking the python tests using
- Python:
- pymrpt now ships stub
files, for IDEs to autocomplete MRPT Python programs. - maps and multimaps are iterable again (Fixes a regression in v2.9.3)
- timestamps now has a
operator andto_double()
- pymrpt now ships stub
- Build system:
- Fix several modern cmake warnings.
- Fix fail to build with libftdi1 v1.4 (Ubuntu Focal).
- Python:
- New module pymrpt.ros_bridge
- Matrices now have proper conversion and accessor methods in the Python API, including conversion from/to numpy.
- Reduce build time of pymrpt.
- Changes in docs:
- Update dependency in instructions from
- Update dependency in instructions from
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_comms_grp
- mrpt::comms::CInterfaceFTDI Fix usage of deprecated API in libftdi
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- New static method mrpt::obs::CRawlog::ReadFromArchive() (useful for python bindings)
- New overload mrpt::obs::obs_to_viz() for mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame containers
- \ref mrpt_slam_grp
- mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilder::getCurrentlyBuiltMetricMap() returns a const ref instead of a pointer (safer, and does not lead to memory crashes in the Python wrapper).
- \ref mrpt_comms_grp
- Python:
- New wrapped functions:
- Fix python install directory:
- ROS 1 or pure Debian:
- ROS 2:
- ROS 1 or pure Debian:
- New wrapped functions:
- Fixed including the wrong
if building MRPT in a system with another ROS-provided MRPT build. - Fixed build errors with gcc-13 (Fixes Debian bug #1037783)
- Fixed including the wrong
- Build system:
- ROS 2: fix missing explicit dep on rclcpp in package.xml.
- Changes in apps:
- rosbag2rawlog: Added support for converting nav_msgs/LaserScan topics to mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan
- Changes in libraries:
- New Python3 module
with an almost full wrapping of all MRPT classes (via pybind11). Refer to the Python API documentation (pydoc3). - Removed the legacy module mrpt::hmtslam and associated applications. Please refer to older MRPT releases if needed.
- Removed all deprecated functions and headers.
- \ref mrpt_ros2bridge_grp
- Fix use of obsolete header
in newer ROS distributions.
- Fix use of obsolete header
- New Python3 module
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Expose shadow bias parameters into mrpt::opengl::TLightParameters
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- OpenGL shadow rendering: Fix error in calculation of anti peter-panning and shadow acne effects.
- Changes in apps:
- rosbag2rawlog: Added support for converting nav_msgs/Odometry topics to mrpt::obs::CObservationOdometry
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp
- New driver for TAObotics IMU sensors. See mrpt::hwdrivers::CTaoboticsIMU and the example \ref hwdrivers_taobotics_imu
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- mrpt::math::getRegressionPlane() return value is not roughly the inverse of the condition number of the regression problem, which gives a stronger quality indicator than the former formula.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Header
has been updated to include the backwards-compatible typemrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene
to smooth transition of existing code bases. - mrpt::opengl::CSphere now has a number of divisions property instead of two (one of them was not actually used).
- Fixed const correctness of mrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate::getNumberOfSegments()
- Header
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- Removed mrpt::system::setConsoleColor() (Deprecated since MRPT 2.3.3)
- \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp
- Build system:
- Fix use of obsolete
. - New minimum CMake version required is CMake 3.16.0
- Fix use of obsolete
- Fix regression in mrpt::obs::CRawlog::detectImagesDirectory() leading to RawLogViewer and other apps not finding the external image directories for datasets.
- Fix wrong rendering of shadows of lines when in orthographic projection.
- mrpt::opengl::CSphere::onUpdateBuffers_Triangles() did not update the list of points
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- All OpenGL viewports: pan is now also achieved by pressing the mouse middle button (wheel) + dragging, for similarity with many other CAD UIs.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Shadows can now be rendered for directional lights. See mrpt::opengl::Viewport::enableShadowCasting()
- These class names have been shortened for ease of use (typedefs with the older names still exist for backwards compatibility, including deserialization of old files):
- mrpt::opengl::COpenGLScene ==> mrpt::opengl::Scene
- mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport ==> mrpt::opengl::Viewport
- New class mrpt::opengl::CSkyBox for rendering "3D background" as sky boxes. Refer to example \ref opengl_skybox_example
- OpenGL shaders: more rational use of GLSL precision specifiers: highp for positions, lowp for colors.
- New flag mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::Parameters::raw_depth
- mrpt::opengl::FrameBuffer: Remove stencil bit for faster off-screen rendering.
- New class mrpt::opengl::OpenGLDepth2LinearLUTs
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh now supports texture wrapping over the mesh extension.
- Texture handling refactored into a new class mrpt::opengl::Texture
- Enabled GL MipMap texture generation.
- Triangles shaders now also account for shininess of material to generate specular reflections. See new method mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::materialShininess()
- mrpt::opengl::TLightParameters has been modified to make it more consistent: just one light color and three floats (diffuse, ambient, specular).
- mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable base methods are now 100% thread-safe. getPoseRef() method has been removed since it was not safe.
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- Fix unrealistic odometry error simulation in mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimulVirtualBase (it affected the app GridmapNavSimul).
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Remove unused header:
- Remove unused header:
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- New method mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::texturedObjects()
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Fix wrong evaluation of the pivot point for the angular threshold parameters in ICP (Closes #1264)
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Move the
literal to a new namespace mrpt::literals to allow finer-grainedusing namespace mrpt::literals;
instead ofusing namespace mrpt;
. This change is backwards compatible, no user code change required, but recommended.
- Move the
- \ref mrpt_expr_grp
- New mrpt::expr::CRuntimeCompiledExpression::register_function() to allow user-defined functions in runtime-compiled formulas.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Changes in applications:
- navlog-viewer:
- It now shows custom visualization artifacts stored in the new field mrpt::nav::CLogFileRecord::visuals.
- navlog-viewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- Upgrade embedded version of nanoflann to current
(2022-Nov-18). - \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- mrpt::math::KDTreeCapable updated to build against nanoflann v1.5.0
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- New method mrpt::system::COutputLogger::setVerbosityLevelForCallbacks()
- Upgrade embedded version of nanoflann to current
- General build changes:
- clang-format: enforce and upgraded to use clang-format-11.
- Fix crash if calling mrpt::opengl::CSetOfObjects::getByName() with null pointers as children objects.
- Fix opengl resources leak if mrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles instance is destroyed from a thread different than the one used to render.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New template class mrpt::containers::PerThreadDataHolder
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- The rendering pipeline (mrpt::opengl::enqueueForRendering) is now more optimized to cull earlier, achieving faster rendering of large and complex 3D scenes.
- All opengl shaders, objects, and renderers are now multithread capable, including rendering several FBOs in different threads.
- mrpt::opengl::CFBORender constructor now takes a parameters struct making it much more configurable.
- mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel now supports (de)serializing, storing itself in the Assimp binary format (
). - New opengl shaders: one set for light-enabled objects and another for objects without diffuse reflection effects (to avoid conditionals inside the GPU shader programs).
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- mrpt::gui OpenGL canvas windows and components no longer have a background color property. It is now always handled by the mrpt::opengl::Viewport to avoid duplicated functionalities.
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- These functions are now thread-safe if built in a system with the
variant oflocaltime()
:- mrpt::system::timestampToParts()
- mrpt::system::dateTimeLocalToString()
- mrpt::system::timeLocalToString()
- These functions are now thread-safe if built in a system with the
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Build system:
. - Fix build against latest (Debian/sid) libglut-dev.
- Fix build against latest version of EMSDK (Emscripten).
- Fix wrong scaling of samples in mrpt::random::CRandomGenerator::drawGaussianMultivariate() and mrpt::random::CRandomGenerator::drawGaussianMultivariateMany()
- mrpt::opengl::CSetOfTexturedTriangles was not automatically registered in the mrpt::rtti system
- Changes in applications:
- ptg-configurator:
- A maximum trajectory time can be specified now for rendering PTGs.
- New CLI arguments
to automate loading custom INI files.
- ptg-configurator:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- mrpt::container::yaml:
- Clearer error messages when an invalid type conversion is requested.
- It now does not throw internal exceptions when trying to convert strings to bool.
- mrpt::container::yaml:
- \ref mrpt_imgs_grp
- mrpt::img::CImage::filledRectangle() is now implemented using the fast opencv draw function instead of the slow mrpt::img::CCanvas default base implementation.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Correct copyright notes for embedded version of the CSparse sources (PR #1255).
- \ref mrpt_typemeta_grp
- mrpt::typemeta::TEnumType<> on invalid names, it now prints all valid known enum names in its exception error message.
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CFBORender is now faster, using a LUT for converting from logarithmic to linear depth values.
- \ref mrpt_ros1bridge_grp
- Implemented missing mrpt::ros1bridge::toROS() for point clouds.
- \ref mrpt_ros2bridge_grp
- Implemented missing mrpt::ros2bridge::toROS() for point clouds.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Fix build on hppa for parisc architecture too (not supported flag
) - nanogui: Fix mismatched memory allocator/free in serialization code.
- Fix potential segfault in RawLogViewer while building the tree view.
- Fix build on hppa for parisc architecture too (not supported flag
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- nanogui::mainloop() (and mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI()) now allows defining a minimum period for calls to user callback functions via a new second optional parameter.
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- Not all
classes were declared in<mrpt/obs/obs_frwds.h>
. Now it is corrected.
- Not all
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- Fix build on hppa (parisc64) architecture (not supported flag
- Fix build on hppa (parisc64) architecture (not supported flag
- mrpt::math::MatrixBase::eig_symmetric() now is ensured not to return negative eigenvalues due to numerical innacuracies in some platforms (i386).
- mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::getAsPointCloud() did not return the outermost cells as obstacles.
- Fix unit test errors when compiling with LTO (Closes Debian bug #1015550)
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- Bold points when selecting a sensor in the timeline UI.
- RawLogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- Embedded nanoflann version upgraded to v1.4.3
- Fix regression: mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel may fail to resolve texture relative paths.
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh was implementing texture coordinates flipping (u,v) wrt documented behavior.
- Fix
failure in CTicTac when building with latest emscripten clang compiler. - Fix regression: yaml parsing boolean values may throw an exception inside
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- New time-line UI for quickly navigating and selecting observations.
- New application:
- ros-map-yaml2mrpt: CLI tool to import ROS map_server maps into MRPT formats.
- RawLogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New functions mrpt::containers::find_closest() and mrpt::containers::find_closest_with_tolerance().
- mrpt::containers::yaml now also keeps information about line and column positions for each token, see mrpt::containers::yaml::node_t::marks
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- mrpt::Clock::toDouble() now returns 0 for default-constructed (invalid) time_point.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh supports having (x,y) limits with
for flipped elevation and image meshes. - New flag mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::LoadFlags::IgnoreMaterialColor for mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::loadScene()
- A new rendering mode for default no-perspective transformations. See mrpt::opengl::CCamera::setNoProjection()
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh supports having (x,y) limits with
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- Add correct displacement covariance calculation between two poses with cross-correlation via new method mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian::inverseCompositionCrossCorrelation() (Closes #1242)
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- New funtions mrpt::system::toAbsolutePath(), mrpt::system::pathJoin()
- Most functions in \ref filesystem ported to C++17 std::filesystem
- \ref mrpt_tfest_grp
- New method TMatchingPairList::overallSquareError() for SE(3) poses (CPose3D).
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Deprecations:
- The following macros, which were already deprecated, have been removed:
- The following macros, which were already deprecated, have been removed:
- Build system:
- Update fallback embedded version of octomap to v1.9.6
- FIX: OpenGL API errors if several CWxGLCanvasBase instances are updated simultaneously in the same program.
- mrpt::opengl::Viewport would throw if an uninitialized image is passed for rendering in "image mode".
- mrpt::system::formatTimeInterval() reported an incorrect number of milliseconds.
- Fix detection of Boost python module.
- Calling mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor_u8() did not force a regeneration of opengl buffer objects in all cases.
- Changes in applications:
- ptg-configurator:
- New menu action to export selected path to matlab/octave script.
- RawLogViewer:
- Visual improvements and display of timestamps in local time too.
- ptg-configurator:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- New set of functions to help visualize observations: \ref customizable_obs_viz_grp
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- Adds covariance mapping to SE(3) for GTSAM (Closes #1229)
- \ref mrpt_ros1bridge_grp
- Import mrptToROSLoggerCallback() from the now obsolete mrpt_bridge package into mrpt::ros1bridge.
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- Build system
- Fix ROS version detection; select ROS2 if packages for both versions are found.
- Fix mrpt-comms rare timeout in busy build farms.
- mrpt::ros1bridge and mrpt::ros2bridge were not correctly exporting the
function for LaserScan messages.
- Changes in libraries
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- new method mrpt::math::TPlane::signedDistance()
- \ref mrpt_ros2bridge_grp
- Fixed missing
in module config.cmake file.
- Fixed missing
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Build system:
- Fixed various ROS-level public dependencies.
- Examples:
- gui_depth_camera_distortion: Added option to change distortion model.
- Build system
- Fixed ROS-level public dependency on suitesparse.
- Enable tinyxml2 for ROS builds.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Method mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::addFrom() removed, it overlapped with mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap()
- New optional parameter in mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap()
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- New option mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams::onlyPointsWithIntensityColor
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Build system
- Fixed ROS-level public dependencies via package.xml
- Changes in libraries:
- New module \ref mrpt_ros2bridge_grp to support conversions to/from ROS2 data types and MRPT classes.
- Build system:
- Fix detection of dependencies for both ROS1 and ROS2.
- New web-based applications
- All MRPT modules (including \ref mrpt_opengl_grp and mrpt-nanogui) are now compatible with Emscripten so they can run as Javascript + wasm on any modern browser.
- Changes in applications:
- RawlogViewer:
- Browse dialog: Smarter coloring of pointclouds; check all & none buttons for sensor layers.
- rawlog-edit:
- Operation
now also works for mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan observations. - New operation
- Operation
- RawlogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat: Remove use of obsolete base class std::iterator.
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- 3rdparty libraries:
- Updated libfyaml to v0.7.12.
- Build system:
- Allow using libfyaml-dev system package if found.
- ROS package.xml: update dependencies so all sensors and mrpt-ros1bridge are enabled.
- Fix detection of ROS1 native
packages as build dependencies. - If ROS environment variables are detected at CMake configure time, unit tests are disabled by default (to reduce build time in build farms).
- ASSERT_NEAR_() did not work correctly when arguments were expressions with operators.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of strings with whitespaces in mrpt::from_string<>() when converting to std::string
- mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::get_unproj_lut() was ignoring the depth camera distortion model and always assumed plumb_bob.
- mrpt::ros1bridge converter for IMU observations now correctly handles missing IMU readings (ROS convention of "-1" in covariance).
- Changes in applications:
- navlog-viewer:
- The timestamp is now always shown.
- navlog-viewer:
- Do not run offscreen rendering unit tests in MIPS arch, since they seem to fail in autobuilders.
- mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration() did not return the distortion model (so if parameters are printed, it would look like no distortion at all!).
- mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::createManagedSubWindow() created the subwindows helper UI on top of the other user windows. It now remains on the back of other windows.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- mrpt::container::yaml::operator(size_t) added, conditionally to
being a different type thanuint64_t
and such (Fixes build errors on OSX).
- mrpt::container::yaml::operator(size_t) added, conditionally to
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- mrpt::callStackBackTrace() (and exception backtraces) now only use BFD to solve for line numbers in DEBUG builds, to avoid the large delay in processing each exception.
- New method mrpt::WorkerThreadsPool::size().
- \ref mrpt_expr_grp
- ExprTk updated to latest version.
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- GUI windows can now have custom icons via mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::setIcon() or mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::setIconFromData()
- \ref mrpt_img_grp
- New static method mrpt::img::CImage::LoadFromFile()
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Vector and matrix classes: add [[nodiscard]] to static "constructor" methods to avoid mistakes.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CFBORender now does not rely on GLUT to create opengl contexts, but on EGL.
- \ref mrpt_typemeta_grp
- Add syntactic sugar function mrpt::typemeta::str2enum<>().
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CFBORender did only render the
viewport, it now processes all of them. - Fix FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.0 (Debian Bug #1004585)
- mrpt::opengl::CFBORender did only render the
- Changes in build system:
- Disable -flto in nanogui (to avoid an Eigen regression).
- Changes in applications:
- rawlog-edit:
- New flag
- New flag
- RawlogViewer:
- Better handling of exceptions failing to load delayed-load images.
- rawlog-edit:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Remove unused header
- Remove unused header
- \ref mrpt_graphs_grp
- mrpt::graphs::CDijkstra now has an optional maximum topological search range.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- New geometry functions:
- mrpt::math::intersect(const TPolygon2D& subject, const TPolygon2D& clipping)
- mrpt::math::signedArea(const mrpt::math::TPolygon2D& p)
- New geometry functions:
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- New function mrpt::obs::format_externals_filename()
- Embedded copy of nanoflann: upgraded to v1.4.0.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Fix bug in mrpt::math::getAngle(const TPlane&, const TPlane&).
- Fix exception if mrpt::opengl::CFBORender is used with setProjectiveFromPinhole() camera models.
- Fix CMake Warning at cmakemodules/FindFilesystem.cmake and failure to detect the std::filesystem feature in some g++ versions.
- Fix numerical innacuracies with planar bounding boxes, fixed via new
parameter in mrpt::math::TBoundingBox::intersection() - Fix sluggish rendering in opengl+wxWidgets controls (e.g. within RawLogViewer, etc.).
- Changes in build system:
- Most important CMake variables now are prefixed with
to avoid name collisions if using MRPT as a git submodule in a larger project. GNUInstallDirs
directories are now always honored when installing.
- Most important CMake variables now are prefixed with
- Changes in acpplications:
- ptg-configurator:
- Show selected PTG path output motion command.
- navlog-viewer:
- New checkbox to enforce 2D orthogonal view, which is now the default view.
- rawlog-edit
- The
command now also shows the first and last timestamp in a rawlog.
- The
- RawLogViewer:
- Show mrpt::obs::CObservationPointCloud 3D point clouds in main window and scan animation dialog.
- Displays timestamp as the user tracks the timeline scroll bar.
- rosbag2rawlog:
- PointCloud2 messages are now only converted to mrpt::obs::CObservationRotatingScan is this latter class is specified in the YAML file.
- ptg-configurator:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_apps_grp
- Application rawlog-edit is now available as the C++ class mrpt::apps::RawlogEditApp
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New methods mrpt::containers::bimap::erase_by_key(),mrpt::containers::bimap::erase_by_value()
- mrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization has new methods
for a smoother transition from STL containers. - mrpt::containers::yaml and libfyaml updated to latest version (more memory efficient parser).
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- New base virtual interface class mrpt::Stringifyable unifying the asString() method already offered by many MRPT classes.
- \ref mrpt_img_grp
- [API change] mrpt::img::TCamera methods changed to allow defining fish-eye camera models too.
- \ref mrpt_io_grp
- GZIP compressed streams now also support open and append. See new mrpt::io::CFileGZOutputStream::open() signature.
- New enum mrpt::io::OpenMode for clearer-to-read code.
- Moved lazy-load operations to mrpt::io::setLazyLoadPathBase() and companion functions, since the older names mentioned images but this setting actually affects other sensors too.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- New function mrpt::math::xcorr()
- New header
, see \ref mrpt_gtsam_wrappers - New method mrpt::math::TBoundingBox::containsPoint()
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Optimization: mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap() avoids matrix multiplication if SE(3) identity is passed as insertion pose.
- [API change] mrpt::maps::CSimpleMap docs improved, API modernized and made const-correct including returned shared_ptr instances as ConstPtr where applicable.
- \ref mrpt_nav_grp
- mrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::initTPObstacleSingle() now always initializes to the maximum free distance, instead of saturating free space when heading to a target waypoint.
- [API change] mrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::getPathPose() had two overloaded signatures, which is not recommended being one of them a virtual method. Only the return-by-value is left.
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- Fix const-correctness of mrpt::obs::CObservation::unload() for consistency with load().
- [API change] Replaced all API signatures taking an optional mrpt::poses::CPose3D as pointers (with default=nullptr) with a modern
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- New method mrpt::opengl::Viewport::setClonedCameraFrom()
- mrpt::opengl::CFBORender changes:
- More consistent naming of API methods: mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::render_RGB().
- New method to render into a depth image mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::render_RGBD().
- mrpt::opengl::CCamera::setProjectiveFromPinhole() now allows defining a camera by means of a pinhole model.
- New class mrpt::opengl::FrameBuffer, used to refactor mrpt::opengl::CFBORender
- New methods to control face culling:
- mrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTriangles::cullFaces()
- mrpt::opengl::CRenderizableShaderTexturedTriangles::cullFaces()
- Remove specular light effects in the default shaders, to fix buggy behavior.
- [API change] New mrpt::opengl::Visualizable interface replaces former getAs3DObject() in all mrpt::maps and mrpt::poses classes with an uniform API, avoiding shared_ptr if possible.
- mrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane now more efficiently renders as plain triangles if no texture has been assigned.
- Custom user OpenGL shaders can now be defined and installed to replace MRPT defaults. Refer to example: \ref opengl_custom_shaders_demo
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- New function mrpt::poses::sensor_poses_from_yaml()
- New header
, see \ref mrpt_gtsam_wrappers
- \ref mrpt_random_grp
- New function mrpt::random::partial_shuffle()
- New function mrpt::random::portable_uniform_distribution()
- \ref mrpt_serialization_grp
- Implemented serialization of mrpt::containers::bimap in the new header
#include <mrpt/serialization/bimap_serialization.h>
. - Enums can now be binary-serialized too via
streaming operators into an mrpt::serialization::CArchive. - mrpt::serialization::CArchive and mrpt::io::CStreams now have virtual methods to provide human-friendly self-descriptions, useful to debug which stream causes an error in serialization.
- Implemented serialization of mrpt::containers::bimap in the new header
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- Backwards-compatible change: New function mrpt::system::InvalidTimeStamp() used now inside the macro INVALID_TIMESTAMP, so the macro always returns a const reference instead of returning by value.
- New function mrpt::system::consoleColorAndStyle()
- mrpt::system::intervalFormat() now generates more human-friendly strings for time periods larger than 1 second (e.g. "1 year, 3 days, 8 hours").
- \ref mrpt_tfest_grp
- [API change] mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPair members are now called "local" vs "global" instead of the former, more confusing, "this" vs "other".
- \ref mrpt_vision_grp
- SIFT descriptors can now be evaluated for arbitrary keypoint coordinates.
- \ref mrpt_apps_grp
- Fix potential race conditions in:
- mrpt::rtti class registry
- The global mrpt::random::getRandomGenerator()
- mrpt::typemeta::TEnumTypeFiller
- Image-mode was not serialized in mrpt::opengl::Viewport
- nanogui: avoid potential divide by zero.
- mrpt::comms::CClientTCPSocket crashed if socket handle >=1024 in Linux (Closes #1157)
- Fix error generating and parsing TUM RGBD dataset rawlog files.
- Fix regresion in mrpt::opengl::CFBORender::render() throwing an exception if the input image was empty.
- Fix incorrect handling of negative, fractional viewport sizes in mrpt::opengl::Viewport
- Fix: Should not scale velocity commands when in slow down, in CAbstractPTGBasedReactive::generate_vel_cmd() (Closes #1175).
- mrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer did not fill in correct absolute paths if a relative path was passed as starting directory to scan.
- Fix mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame::operator+=() did not perform what it was supposed to do.
- Fix potential race conditions in:
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- More tree view icons.
- "Play video" window now also shows timestamps.
- SceneViewer3D:
- New command-line flag
to define the base path for lazy-load images.
- New command-line flag
- rawlog-edit:
- New operation
exploiting the new export-to-txt API in mrpt::obs::CObservation
- New operation
- navlog-viewer:
- New UI tools to manually pick and export selected PTG selections to a training YAML file.
- RawLogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- YAML macros
, andMCP_SAVE()
now also support reading and writing enums directly as YAML, transparently converting numerical values to/from their symbolic names.
- YAML macros
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Added C++14 helper templates mrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount_t and mrpt::int_select_by_bytecount_t
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI: improved API to allow multiple callback handlers, and to report exceptions in them.
- New 3D navigation key binding: SHIFT+scroll wheel, for fast up/down pure vertical motion of the camera point.
- \ref mrpt_img_grp
- mrpt::img::CImage::loadFromFile() now avoids memory allocations if there was already an image in memory with the same size.
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- mrpt::obs::CObservation now has a common API to export datasets to TXT/CSV files, see methods exportTxtSupported(), exportTxtHeader(), exportTxtDataRow(). It has been implemented in all suitable observation classes.
- mrpt::obs::CObservationImage::unload() defaulted to doing nothing. It now correctly unloads lazy-load images.
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- New methods mrpt::math::TTwist2D::rotated() and mrpt::math::TTwist3D::rotated()
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- mrpt::system::CTimeLogger:
- Include custom
in underlying mrpt::system::COutputLogger name. - Fix all valgrind/helgrind warning messages.
- Include custom
- New functions mrpt::system::firstNLines() and mrpt::system::nthOccurrence()
- mrpt::system::CTimeLogger:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- mrpt::img::CImage::isEmpty() should return false for delay-load images.
- Fix build error with GCC 8 in
. - Fix exception rendering empty point clouds due to invalid bounding box.
- Fix broken 2D plots rendering in Ubuntu 20.04 (and probably other systems), via an update in mpWindow to properly use wxAutoBufferedPaintDC.
- mrpt::img::CImage::getPixelDepth() should force loading lazy load images.
- Fixed wrong rendering of different textures within the same opengl shader program.
- Fixed potential crashes inside BFD if using BFD and calling mrpt::callStackBackTrace() from several parallel threads.
- General cmake scripts:
is now much faster.
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- Browse scans window now has a check-box list to show/hide individual sensors.
- SceneViewer3D:
- Graceful failure when loading a corrupted 3Dscene file.
- RawLogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Removed mrpt::reverseBytesInPlace(long double) for it not being portable.
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New environment variable MRPT_YAML_PARSER_VERBOSE controlling mrpt::containers::yaml
- \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp
- New argument to pass custom ffmpeg options to mrpt::hwdrivers::CFFMPEG_InputStream::openURL(). New default is to prefer stream over TCP for more reliable IP cameras reading.
- mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG now has a parameter for between-data communications timeout (
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI new methods to minimize/restore subwindows.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- New method mrpt::math::TLine3D::closestPointTo()
- New methods mrpt::math::TPose3D::translation(), mrpt::math::TPose2D::translation().
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- New mrpt::obs::CActionCollection::insert() overload for smart pointers.
- New method mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan::getScanAngle() and clarify docs on class members.
- New class mrpt::obs::CObservation3DScene.
- mrpt::obs::CObservationIMU now uses std::array instead of std::vector (faster due to less dynamic memory).
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Deprecate mrpt::opengl::Scene::dumpListOfObjects() in favor of new mrpt::opengl::Scene::asYAML()
- New method mrpt::opengl::CSimpleLine::setLineCoords() accepting mrpt::math::TPoint3D (older signature deprecated).
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- New return-by-value signature for mrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer::explore(), older version deprecated.
- mrpt::system::extractFileDirectory() returns
instead of an empty string for filenames without any explicit full path.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Fix wrong formatting of empty string values (not null values) in mrpt::containers::yaml.
- Fix exception loading old datasets with stereo observations, via a new argument in mrpt::img::CImage::makeSureImageIsLoaded()
- Fix unhandled deserialization of v2 of mrpt::opengl::CPlanarLaserScan
- Fix build errors with MinGW.
- General build changes:
- CMake >=3.8.0 is now required to ensure proper handling of dependencies compile options.
- Changes in applications:
- ptg-configurator: target now also comprises a heading angle.
- RawLogViewer:
- New tab with CObservation3DRangeScan visualization options.
- All icons have been updated for a more modern look.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- add method mrpt::containers::map_as_vector::at()
- \ref mrpt_graphs_grp
- mrpt::graphs::CDijkstra:
- now no longer requires a field
in input graphs. - add convenient return by value getTreeGraph()
- Deprecate mrpt::graphs::CDijkstra::Visitor virtual class API in favor of new C++11 std::function-based mrpt::graphs::CDijkstra::visitor_t
- now no longer requires a field
- mrpt::graphs::CDijkstra:
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Removed redundant mrpt::math::pointIntoPolygon2D() -> mrpt::math::TPolygon2D::contains()
- Removed redundant mrpt::math::SegmentsIntersection() -> mrpt::math::intersect(mrpt::math::TSegment2D,mrpt::math::TSegment2D)
- Removed redundant mrpt::math::distancePointToPolygon2D() -> TPolygon2D::distance()
- Moved mrpt::math::minDistBetweenLines() -> mrpt::math::TLine3D::distance()
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel now uses a texture cache to speed up and reduce RAM usage if loading the same textures in different objects.
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- New function mrpt::system::progress()
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- ptg-configurator: Fix failure to list existing PTGs, due to RTTI unregistered name "CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator".
- mrpt::opengl::Viewport::get3DRayForPixelCoord() returned wrong pixel coordinates when in orthogonal projection mode.
- mrpt::opengl::CArrow: Fix wrong normal calculation (wrong rendering reflections).
- mrpt::opengl::CPointCloud::markAllPointsAsNew() and mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::markAllPointsAsNew() did not refresh OpenGL buffers.
- mrpt::nav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CollisionGridBased::getPathTwist() returned much larger velocities than the actual values.
- Fix broken Debian dependencies for libmrpt-vision-lgpl (Closes Debian bug #986071).
for 2D maps left uninitialized values inz
. Fixed to load zeros instead.- Fixed crash in mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration() causing segfault in the camera-calib app.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_vision_grp
- Remove all obsolete
is now the only possibility.
- Remove all obsolete
- \ref mrpt_nav_grp
- mrpt::nav::TWaypoint now uses std::optional instead of magic numbers in some fields.
- mrpt::nav::TWaypoint now has std::any fields to hold user-given extra data.
- \ref mrpt_vision_grp
- Fix invalid bounding box returned by octree_getBoundingBox() and mrpt::opengl point cloud classes when empty (Closes #1145).
- Fix potential infinite recursion in exceptions with stack trace (Closes #1141).
- Fix potential race conditions accessing waypoint lists in mrpt::nav::CWaypointsNavigator
- Fix build errors with gcc-11.
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- "Scan animation" window: now also shows the timestamp of observations.
- camera-calib and kinect-stereo-calib:
- New option to save camera calibration results as YAML files.
- navlog-viewer:
- New option to enable orthogonal view.
- RawLogViewer:
- General build changes:
- Fix excessive alignment in aarch64 (32->16 bytes).
- clang-format: enforce and upgraded to use clang-format-10.
- Fix building against the non-legacy GL library (Linux).
- nanoflann source code is no longer included as a copy: it will be used as the system library libnanoflann-dev, or as a git submodule if the former is not found.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New YAML to/from matrix methods: mrpt::containers::yaml::FromMatrix(), mrpt::containers::yaml::toMatrix()
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- New CMake build flags
to optionally disable reporting call stacks upon exceptions andMRPT_EXCEPTIONS_CALL_STACK_MAX_DEPTH
to set their maximum depth.
- New CMake build flags
- \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp
- mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG now has a parameter for communications timeout (
- mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG now has a parameter for communications timeout (
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- New class mrpt::math::TBoundingBox
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Const correctness fixed in all mrpt::maps::CMetricMap classes.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CFrustum() new constructor from mrpt::img::TCamera()
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- mrpt::poses::CPose3D: Add more syntactic sugger static constructors.
- \ref mrpt_slam_grp
- mrpt::slam::TMonteCarloLocalizationParams map parameters are now shared pointers instead of plain pointers for safer code.
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Log
macros (e.g. MRPT_LOG_THROTTLE_DEBUG) did not report the message the first time they were called, which seems a safer behavior. - Reverted changed behavior: mrpt::config::CConfigFile did not throw if a non-existing file was passed to its constructor, but it throws in MRPT 2.1.{0-7}.
- Fix build against opencv 2.4.x (version in Ubuntu Xenial 16.04).
- Fixed: CHokuyoURG::initialize() won't report sensor status as ssError if it fails to communicate with the sensor, incorrectly leaving it as ssInitializing instead.
- Fixed: mrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane::setPlaneCorners() did not check for incorrect null width or height.
- Fixed: mrpt::opengl textured objects leaking memory (Closes #1136).
- Fix bug in parsing CARMEN logs: mrpt::obs::carmen_log_parse_line() returned all scan ranges marked as "invalid".
- Log
- Fix bash syntax error in PPA release scripts.
- Fix Debian bug #978209: FTBFS: mainwindow.h:218:2: error: reference to Tracker is ambiguous
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Disable the use of BFD for symbols in stack traces by default in Debian builds. It is still used if found in the system and in Ubuntu PPAs.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Fix Debian bug #976803: mrpt uses private binutils shared library.
- Fix Debian bug #977247: fail to link pymrpt against opencv.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Both mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid and mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D are now compatible with range-based for loops, and also have a data() method.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Added mrpt::LockHelper::unlock()
- Added mrpt::Clock::nowDouble()
- New method mrpt::WorkerThreadsPool::name()
- Function mrpt::system::callStackBackTrace() moved to mrpt::callStackBackTrace()
- mrpt::callStackBackTrace() now uses BFD to find out line numbers if debug info (at least -g1) is available.
- Stacked exceptions changes:
- Line numbers will be now shown if built with debug info (>= -g1).
- Exceptions in STL or any other 3rd-party library will be also reported with exact call point line number, as long as MRPT_START/MRPT_END is used in the user function.
- No further need to call mrpt::exception_to_str(), just calling what() will return a detailed stack backtrace.
- New function mrpt::winerror2str()
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- New method mrpt::gui::CGlCanvasBase::CamaraParams::FromCamera()
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- Added missing method for consistent API across pose classes: mrpt::math::TPose3D::operator+()
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- mrpt::system::COutputLogger::writeLogToFile() will now save all messages despite the runtime log verbosity level.
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Fix error rendering an opengl scene with mrpt::opengl::CCamera objects in it.
- rawlog-edit silently ignored when more than one operation was requested.
- Fix FTBFS against libjsoncpp 1.9.4 (Closes #1118)
- Fix AppStream errors and warnings in Debian Tracker.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- mrpt::format() is no longer a template but a function, to use GCC automated printf-format warnings.
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- mrpt::containers::yaml avoids throwing internal exceptions as part of regular valid conversions, and better support and report of out-of-range integers.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- mrpt::math::linspace() added overload returning by value.
- \ref mrpt_random_grp
- mrpt::random::CRandomGenerator::permuteVector() added overload returning by value.
- \ref mrpt_tfest_grp
- mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairListTempl::saveAsMATLABScript() now draws 3D correspondences too.
- RANSAC method mrpt::tfest::se3_l2_ransac() now uses more correct SO(3) metric for angular distance threshold instead of independent yaw/pitch/roll angles.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- Fix wrong Debian dependencies of libmrpt-dev
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_config_grp
- Refactor parsing functionality as new exposed method mrpt::config::config_parser()
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI subwindows control UI automatically keep tracks of focused subwindows.
- \ref mrpt_config_grp
- Build system:
- Support for ccache, enabled by default if found.
- Fix build with system libsimpleini-dev.
- Fix mrpt::opengl::CFBORender requiring images with origin at the bottom-left corner.
- Fix wrong coloring of graph edges in mrpt::opengl::graph_visualize() (Closes #1111).
- Fix Debian Lintian error: exporting copyrighted sources as part of simpleini submodule.
- Changes in applications:
- SceneViewer3D:
- Command-line argument is now interpreted as ASSIMP model to open if it is not a 3Dscene.
- New menu: "File -> Import -> Show image" useful to test image-mode viewport rendering.
- SceneViewer3D:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- mrpt::Clock now has a simulated time mode. See mrpt::Clock::setSimulatedTime()
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- Useless nanogui_win() converted into mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::nanogui_screen()
- nanogui: New methods: nanogui::Screen::mouseState(), nanogui::Screen::mouseModifiers()
- Managed subwindows with minimize/restore capability. See mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::createManagedSubWindow()
- \ref mrpt_img_grp
- New method mrpt::img::CImage::channelCount()
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- New load flags in mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::loadScene()
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- navlog-viewer: Crash when clicking "play" (Closes #1103).
- RawLogViewer: Fix wrong indices in tree view. Fix freezed progress bar loading a second rawlog.
- RawLogViewer: Fix wrong rendering if font is missing in the system (Ubuntu 20.04)
- rawlog-edit: Fix --cut operation leaving empty sensory frames/action collections.
- mrpt::opengl::CCylinder::setHasBases() was ignored since last OpenGL3 refactor.
- Fix building against OpenCV 4.4
- Correct texture loading in mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel.
- Fix wrong aspect ratio of image-mode opengl viewports (Closes #1101).
- Incompatible API changes:
- mrpt::system::TParameters has been removed, superseded by mrpt::containers::yaml.
- Remove mrpt::hwdrivers::CRovio
- Removed old mrpt 1.5.x backwards-compatible
headers (Closes #1083).
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New class mrpt::containers::yaml for nested, YAML-like data structures.
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- New mrpt::for_<> constexpr for loop helper function.
- New function mrpt::demangle()
- New class mrpt::WorkerThreadsPool
- New macro ASSERT_NEAR_(). Defined new macros with correct English names ASSERT_LT_(), etc. deprecating the former ones.
- mrpt::get_env() gets specialization for bool.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- New static methods with semantic-rich names: mrpt::math::TPlane::From3Points(), mrpt::math::TPlane::FromPointAndLine(), ...
- New asString() methods in mrpt::math::TPlane, mrpt::math::TLine2D, mrpt::math::TLine3D
- \ref mrpt_tfest_grp
- New templatized mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairTempl<> and mrpt::tfest::TMatchingPairListTempl<>
- New mrpt::tfest::se3_l2() for
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Build:
- yamlcpp is no longer a build dependency.
- Less RAM and time required to build debug builds or to load in the debugger.
- Avoid crash in camera-calib app when clicking "Close" while capturing a live video.
- Fix potential Eigen crash in matrixes inverse() and inverse_LLt() if building mrpt and user code with different optimization flags.
- Wrong parsing of env variables in mrpt::get_env() when called more than once.
- mrpt::system::CTimeLogger: Fix wrong formatting (parent entry prefix collapse) in summary stats table.
- mrpt::opengl::CEllipsoid2D was not RTTI registered.
- Fix wrong copy of internal parameters while copying mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap objects.
- Changes in applications:
- rawlog-edit, rawlog-grabber: Now allows loading external "plugin" modules (.so) with user-defined types.
- RawLogViewer, navlog-viewer, ptg-configurator allows more than one "plugin" modules to be loaded.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- New semantically-rich named static methods:
- mrpt::math::TLine3D::FromPointAndDirector()
- mrpt::math::TLine3D::FromTwoPoints()
- mrpt::math::TLine2D::FromCoefficientsABC()
- mrpt::math::TLine2D::FromTwoPoints()
- New semantically-rich named static methods:
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- CObservation3DRangeScan::points3D_convertToExternalStorage() stores point clouds with points as rows (vs as columns as it did before).
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Emit warnings to std::cerr whenever opengl memory is leaked due to OpenGL buffers being created and destroyed in different threads.
- Overlaid text messages are now also (de)serialized in mrpt::opengl::Viewport, and hence in 3D scenes in general.
- All opengl shader base classes now expose their internal buffers as const ref. See children of mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- New class: mrpt::system::CControlledRateTimer (+ associated example)
- New functions: mrpt::system::loadPluginModule(), mrpt::system::loadPluginModules()
- mrpt::system::CRateTimer: enforce use of high-resolution monothonic clock.
- mrpt::system::CTicTac: enforce use of nanosecond monothonic clock.
- Misplaced functions moved to their proper namespace: mrpt::io::vectorToTextFile()
- New functions: mrpt::system::thread_name() to get and set thread names for debuggers.
- mrpt::system::setConsoleColor(): Do not change color if stdout/stderr are not real terminals.
- \ref mrpt_nav_grp
- mrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2D does not throw an exception if goal/source is out of map bounds.
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan would try to (incorrectly) "autofix" camera resolution if loading an externally-stored observation.
- mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::determineMatching2D(): avoid potential multi-thread problems with a vector::swap()
- Fix build against opencv <3.4.4
- Fix potential pointer to local returned in CParticleFilterData
- Fix: mrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI::setFromPCLPointCloudXYZI() was using a non-existing method.
- Fix: mrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2D did not honored maximum path length correctly.
- Fix race condition in CGenericCamera_AVI unit test.
- Changes in applications:
- navlog-viewer: Can now navigate with keyboard arrows too.
- RawLogViewer: better 3D pointcloud coloring in observation view and in "scan animation" view.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Point cloud classes mrpt::maps::CPointsMap: New methods:
- load2D_from_text_stream()
- load3D_from_text_stream()
- save2D_to_text_stream()
- save3D_to_text_stream()
- Point cloud classes mrpt::maps::CPointsMap: New methods:
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- More accurate analytical Jacobians for CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian::inverse() (Closes #1053)
- Incorrect number of points loaded when trying to load point clouds from incorrectly-formatted text files.
- Fix build error in riscv64 (gcc doesn't know mtune=native for that arch)
- Fix spurious unit test failures in mrpt::apps::RawlogGrabberApp due to system load.
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Changes in applications:
- navlog-viewer: Ported to the new nanogui UI system (fixes random OpenGL context errors in former version).
- Changes in libraries:
- mrpt_containers_grp
- mrpt::containers::vector_with_small_size_optimization: Get rid of potential uninitialized usage GCC warnings.
- mrtp_hwdrivers_grp
- Remove support for obsolete XSens MTi 3rd generation devices. Removed class mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens. 4th+ generation still supported.
- mrpt_gui_grp
- Fix mouse-motion rotation glitches if clicking inside a nanogui control.
- Fix cmake errors building user programs in Windows (missing glfw dependency).
- mrpt_math_grp
- mrpt::math::RANSAC_Template made more generic to support custom dataset and model types.
- mrpt_opengl_grp
- Fix displaying of uninitialized textured in mrpt::opengl::CTexturedPlane. It now uses the default solid color of the object.
- mrpt_ros1bridge_grp
- Narrower build and run time dependencies: rosbag -> rosbag_storage
- mrpt_containers_grp
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer: new "-l xxx.so" flag to load datasets with types defined in external projects.
- Changes in libraries:
- mrpt_obs_grp
- mrpt::obs::CObservationRobotPose: Fixed missing serialization of sensorPose
- mrpt_obs_grp
Most important changes:
- MRPT now requires C++17 to build and use. See this page for a guide to port existing code to MRPT 2.0: \ref porting_mrpt2
- Support for old namespaces
is over. - Backwards compatible headers for "maps" and "observations" in mrpt::slam are removed. They moved to their own namespaces in MRPT v1.3.0 (Jan 2015).
- All pointer typedefs are now in their respective classes: FooPtr -> Foo::Ptr
- Add support for serialization with std::variant
- PbMap has been factored out into its own repository
- XML-based database C++ classes have been removed from MRPT.
Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- The ICP module now supports Velodyne 3D scans.
- rawlog-edit:
- New operation:
- New operation:
- pf-localization:
- Odometry is now used also for observation-only rawlogs.
- RawLogViewer:
Changes in libraries:
- All
subdirectories have been renamed to3rdparty
since it is a widespread name used in most projects. - \ref mrpt_base_grp => Refactored into several smaller libraries, one per namespace.
- Removed class std::vectorstd::string. Replace by STL containers of
and functions mrpt::system::stringListAsString() in \ref string_manage.
- Removed class std::vectorstd::string. Replace by STL containers of
- \ref mrpt_core_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- Memory alignment of aligned_allocator_cpp11<> is set to 16,32 or 64 depending on whether AVX optimizations are enabled, to be compatible with Eigen.
- mrpt::cpu::supports(): a new cross-OS CPU feature detection function.
- mrpt::Clock allows users to select between Realtime or Monotonic sources.
- Removed custom macro MRPT_UNUSED_PARAM (replaced by c++17 attribute).
- Add syntactic suggar mrpt::lockHelper()
- \ref mrpt_math_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- Removed functions (replaced by C++11/14 standard library):
- mrpt::math::erf, mrpt::math::erfc, std::isfinite, mrpt::math::std::isnan
braced initializator
- Removed the include file:
. Replace by<mrpt/math/num_jacobian.h>
or individual methods in \ref mrpt_poses_grp classes.
- Removed functions (replaced by C++11/14 standard library):
- \ref mrpt_config_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase::write() now supports enum types.
- \ref mrpt_gui_grp
- New class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI exposing powerful GUI possibilities via the nanogui project.
- \ref mrpt_img_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- mrpt::img::TCamera distortion parameters now also supports the extra K4,K5,K6 distortion parameters.
- \ref mrpt_serialization_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- New method mrpt::serialization::CArchive::ReadPOD() and macro
for reading unaligned POD variables.- - Add support for
syntax to evaluate environment variables.
- New method mrpt::serialization::CArchive::ReadPOD() and macro
- \ref mrpt_slam_grp
- rbpf-slam: Add support for simplemap continuation.
- CICP: parameter
deleted (always true now). - mrpt::slam::CICP API: Simplified and modernized to use only one output parameter, using std::optional.
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- functions to get timestamp as local time were removed, since they don't make sense. All timestamps in MRPT are UTC, and they can be formated as dates in either UTC or local time frames.
- Added: mrpt::system::WorkerThreadsPool
- \ref mrpt_rtti_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- All classes are now registered (and de/serialized) with their full name including namespaces. A backwards-compatible flag has been added to mrpt::rtti::findRegisteredClass().
- CLASS_INIT() macro for automatic registration of classes has been removed, since it is not well-defined in which order global objects will be initialized. Therefore, manual registration (as already done in registerAllClasses.cpp files) is left as the unique registration system. This fixes warning messages "[mrpt::rtti::registerClass] Warning: Invoked with a nullptr".
- \ref mrpt_nav_grp
- Removed deprecated mrpt::nav::THolonomicMethod.
- mrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator: callbacks in mrpt::nav::CRobot2NavInterface are now invoked after
to avoid problems if user code invokes the navigator API to change its state. - Added methods to load/save mrpt::nav::TWaypointSequence to configuration files.
- Waypoints now have a field
which is directly forwarded to the low-level reactive navigator.
- \ref mrpt_comms_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- This new module has been created to hold all serial devices & networking classes, with minimal dependencies.
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap has been greatly simplified and now it is actually defined in the mrpt-maps library.
- New map type: mrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI for pointclouds with an intensity channel.
- New observation class: mrpt::obs::CObservationPointCloud
- Added optional "channel" attribute to CReflectivityGridMap2D and CObservationReflectivity to support different colors of light.
- \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp
- COpenNI2Generic: is safer in multithreading apps.
- CHokuyoURG:
- Rewrite driver to be safer and reduce mem allocs.
- New parameter
to decimate scans.
- VelodyneCalibration: Can now load YAML files, in addition to XML.
- New sensor state enum value: mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor::ssUninitialized
- NMEA GPS parser: now also recognizes all existing talker IDs (GP, GN, GA, etc.)
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- Update Assimp lib version 4.0.1 -> 4.1.0 (when built as ExternalProject)
- Rendering engine rewritten to work using OpenGL Core (GLSL 3.3) instead of Legacy fixed functions.
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan: Deprecated access to scan data via proxy objects
has been deleted. Please use the alternative getters/setters:obs->getScanRange(i)
, etc. - mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams and mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::unprojectInto now together support organized PCL point clouds.
- New method: mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::rangeImage_getAsImage()
- Support for multiple-return sensors in mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan.
- New NMEA frame class: Message_NMEA_GSA
- mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan: Deprecated access to scan data via proxy objects
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp [NEW IN MRPT 2.0.0]
- Reorganized all Lie Algebra methods into \ref mrpt_poses_lie_grp
- Removed CPose3DRotVec, since its conceptual design is identical to Lie tangent space vectors.
- \ref mrpt_vision_grp
- Removed FASTER methods, and the libCVD 3rd party dependency.
- All
- Fix reactive navigator inconsistent state if navigation API is called from within rnav callbacks.
- Fix incorrect evaluation of "ASSERT" formulas in mrpt::nav::CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase
- Fix aborting reading from LMS111 scanner on first error.
- Fix == operator on CPose3D: it now uses an epsilon for comparing the rotation matrices.
- Fix accessing unaligned POD variables deserializing CObservationGPS (via the new
macro). - Fix segfault in CMetricMap::loadFromSimpleMap() if the provided CMetricMap has empty smart pointers.
- Fix crash in CGPSInterface when not setting an external mutex.
- Fix potential crashes in RawLogViewer while editing list of observations.
- Fix incorrect conversion from quaternion to CPose3D.
- Applications: - pf-localization: - Odometry is now used also for observation-only rawlogs. - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - mrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Generic: added mutexes for safer multi-threading operation. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG: Added a new parameter to skip scans. Driver clean up to be safer and perform less memory allocs. - \ref mrpt_maps_grp - COccupancyGridMap2D: New LIDAR insertion parameters: maxFreenessUpdateCertainty, maxFreenessInvalidRanges. - \ref mrpt_reactivenav_grp - CAbstractPTGBasedReactive: Added new score `holo_stage_eval`. - BUG FIXES: - circular_buffer: exception made state preserving
- Detailed list of changes: - \ref mrpt_nav_grp - mrpt::nav::CHolonomicFullEval now uses an internal sin/cos LUT cache for improved performance. - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - A new class for SICK TIM561(TIM55x/TIM56x) lidar: - A new source file named CSICKTim561Eth_2050101.cpp, which supports SICK TIM series lidar including Tim55x, Tim56x - mrpt::hwdrivers::CSICKTim561Eth - A new test sample for SICK TIM561(TIM55x/TIM56x) lidar: - sample/SICK_tim561eth_test/test.cpp - BUG FIXES: - Fix likelihood computation in mrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D (which led to crash) - Fixed regression in particle resampling affecting RBPF-SLAM methods. Introduced in Dec. 2016 with [this commit](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/691973813bdc53d3faa7088b092eb041aa80d0ce).
- Detailed list of changes: - \ref mrpt_base_grp - Fix potential uninitialized value in CRobot2DPoseEstimator::getLatestRobotPose() - MRPT_getCompilationDate() returns time as well - \ref mrpt_gui_grp - mrpt::gui::mrptEventMouseMove: Added new mrpt::gui windows event type. - Build system: - Fix MRPTConfig.cmake for system octomap libraries. - Fix package-contains-vcs-control-file (.gitingore) Lintian error. - Fix compiling without liboctomap-dev in Ubuntu PPA. - BUG FIXES: - Fix waypoint reactive navigator edge case in which "end event" won't be issued. - Fix waypoint reactive navigator error while doing final aligning (missing and dupplicated nav-end events). - Fix aborting reading from LMS111 scanner on first error. - Fix waypoint reactive navigator edge case in which "end event" won't be issued. - Fix corrupted pointers in CNetworkOfPoses after copy or move operations. - Fix invalid TP-targets generated during reactive navigation. - Fix memory leak in reactivenav engine. - Fix potential out-of-range access in CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan()
- Detailed list of changes: - CMake >=3.1 is now required for use of ExternalProjects. - Scripts `packaging/prepare_{debian,release}.sh` have been refactored and simplified. - Removed embedded source code versions of Eigen, assimp and octomap. Downloaded and built as ExternalProjects if not present in the system. - Releases will be signed with PGP from now on and posted as binary attachments to GitHub releases.
- Detailed list of changes: - Changes in libraries: - \ref mrpt_base_grp - Added methods: - mrpt::synch::CCriticalSection::try_enter() - mrpt::synch::CCriticalSectionRecursive::try_enter() - \ref mrpt_nav_grp - mrpt::nav::CAbstractNavigator: callbacks in mrpt::nav::CRobot2NavInterface are now invoked *after* `navigationStep()` to avoid problems if user code invokes the navigator API to change its state. - Added methods to load/save mrpt::nav::TWaypointSequence to configuration files. - \ref mrpt_slam_grp - rbpf-slam: Add support for simplemap continuation. - BUG FIXES: - Fix reactive navigator inconsistent state if navigation API is called from within rnav callbacks. - Fix incorrect evaluation of "ASSERT" formulas in mrpt::nav::CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase
- Detailed list of changes: - Changes in libraries: - \ref mrpt_nav_grp - fix const-correctness: [commit](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/7e79003d2adeb7b170fa04e0bc34d42707e07306) - More flexible callback behavior: [commit](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/5b054336a1ac75f6e4f8741e5049971917a2980a)
- Changes in apps: - New app [PTG-configurator](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-ptg-configurator/) - [ReactiveNavigationDemo](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-reactivenavigationdemo/) has been totally rebuilt as a 3D visualizer capable of testing different navigation algorithms and robot kinematics. - [RawLogViewer](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/rawlogviewer/): - Now displays a textual and graphical representation of all observation timestamps, useful to quickly detect sensor "shortages" or temporary failures. - New menu operation: "Edit" -> "Rename selected observation" - mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan pointclouds are now shown in local coordinates wrt to the vehicle/robot, not to the sensor. - [rawlog-edit](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-rawlog-edit/): New flag: `--txt-externals` - Changes in libraries: - \ref mrpt_base_grp - New API to interface ZeroMQ: \ref noncstream_serialization_zmq - Deprecated function (since 1.3.0) deleted: mrpt::system::registerFatalExceptionHandlers() - New method mrpt::poses::CPosePDFParticles::resetAroundSetOfPoses() - Class mrpt::utils::CRobotSimulator renamed ==> mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_DiffDriven - New twist (linear + angular velocity state) classes: mrpt::math::TTwist2D, mrpt::math::TTwist3D - New template method: mrpt::utils::CStream::ReadAsAndCastTo - Added missing method mrpt::poses::CPose2D::inverseComposePoint() for consistency with CPose3D - New class std::recursive_mutex - New class mrpt::system::COutputLogger replaces the classes mrpt::utils::CDebugOutputCapable (deprecated) and mrpt::utils::CLog (removed). - New macros for much more versatily logging: - MRPT_LOG_DEBUG(), MRPT_LOG_INFO(), MRPT_LOG_WARN(), MRPT_LOG_ERROR() - MRPT_LOG_DEBUG_STREAM, MRPT_LOG_INFO_STREAM, MRPT_LOG_WARN_STREAM, MRPT_LOG_ERROR_STREAM - New functions for polynomial roots: see \ref polynomial_roots - New functions for signal filtering: see \ref filtering_grp - New functions for Fresnel integrals: see \fresnel_integrals_grp - New classes mrpt::math::CAtan2LookUpTable, mrpt::math::CAtan2LookUpTableMultiRes - [API change] The following functions are no longer static methods: (since their classes are now derived from the state-aware mrpt::system::COutputLogger) - mrpt::math::RANSAC_Template::execute() - mrpt::math::CLevenbergMarquardtTempl::execute() - Deleted methods in Eigen-extensions: leftDivideSquare(), rightDivideSquare() - Removed support for **named** semaphores in mrpt::synch::CSemaphore - new method mrpt::system::CTimeLogger::getLastTime() - Removed mrpt::utils::CStartUpClassesRegister, replaced by the new macro MRPT_INITIALIZER() - New class mrpt::utils::CRateTimer - mrpt::poses::CRobot2DPoseEstimator now uses a more generic odometry-based velocity model (vx,vy,omega). - New template mrpt::utils::ts_hash_map<> for thread-safe, std::map-like containers based on hash functions. - Included exprtk header-only library to runtime compile & evaluation of mathematical expressions, under `` - New smart pointer templates: `mrpt::utils::copy_ptr<>`, `mrpt::utils::poly_ptr<>`. - New colormap: mrpt::utils::hot2rgb() - New function mrpt::system::find_mrpt_shared_dir() - New class mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid3D<> - New function mrpt::comms::net::http_request() - New function mrpt::system::now_double() - New function mrpt::rtti::getAllRegisteredClassesChildrenOf() - Safer CClassRegistry: detect and warn on attempts to duplicated class registration. - New class mrpt::expr::CRuntimeCompiledExpression - mrpt::config::CConfigFile and mrpt::config::CConfigFileMemory now can parse config files with end-of-line backslash to split long strings into several lines. - New class mrpt::poses::FrameTransformer - mrpt::poses classes now have all their constructors from mrpt::math types marked as explicit, to avoid potential ambiguities and unnoticed conversions. - [Sophus](https://github.com/strasdat/Sophus/) is now used internally for some Lie Algebra methods, and also exposed to the user as `#include `, etc. as part of mrpt-base - \ref mrpt_bayes_grp - [API change] `verbose` is no longer a field of mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilter::TParticleFilterOptions. Use the setVerbosityLevel() method of the CParticleFilter class itself. - [API change] mrpt::bayes::CProbabilityParticle (which affects all PF-based classes in MRPT) has been greatly simplified via usage of the new mrpt::utils::copy_ptr<> pointee-copy-semantics smart pointer. - \ref mrpt_graphs_grp - New class mrpt::graphs::ScalarFactorGraph, a simple but extensible linear GMRF solver. Refactored from mrpt::maps::CGasConcentrationGridMap2D, etc. - \ref mrpt_gui_grp - mrpt::gui::CWxGLCanvasBase is now derived from mrpt::opengl::CTextMessageCapable so they can draw text labels - New class mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3DLocker for exception-safe 3D scene lock in 3D windows. - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - Using rplidar newest SDK 1.5.6 instead of 1.4.3, which support rplidar A1 and rplidar A2 - mrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPEmitter can now also dump raw NTRIP data to a file - \ref mrpt_kinematics_grp - New classes for 2D robot simulation: - mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_DiffDriven - mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleSimul_Holo - New classes for 2D robot kinematic motion commands. See children of mrpt::kinematics::CVehicleVelCmd - \ref mrpt_maps_grp - mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::loadFromBitmapFile() correct description of `yCentralPixel` parameter. - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap `liblas` import/export methods are now in a separate header. See \ref mrpt_maps_liblas_grp and \ref dep-liblas - New class mrpt::maps::CRandomFieldGridMap3D - New class mrpt::maps::CPointCloudFilterByDistance - \ref mrpt_obs_grp - [ABI change] mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan - range scan vectors are now protected for safety. - New getter/setter methods. - backwards-compatible proxies added for read-only from range scan members. - [ABI change] mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan: - Now uses more SSE2 optimized code - Depth filters are now available for mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::unprojectInto() and mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan() - New switch mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::EXTERNALS_AS_TEXT for runtime selection of externals format. - mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan now has an optional field for intensity. - mrpt::obs::CRawLog can now holds objects of arbitrary type, not only actions/observations. This may be useful for richer logs aimed at debugging. - mrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan::generatePointCloud() can now generate the microseconds-precise timestamp for each individual point (new param `generatePerPointTimestamp`). - \ref mrpt_opengl_grp - [ABI change] mrpt::opengl::CAxis now has many new options exposed to configure its look. - mrpt::opengl::CSetOfLines can now optionally show vertices as dots. - lib3DS is no longer shipped as an embedded version. A system library in Linux is required to use mrpt::opengl::C3DSScene. Use mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel as a more powerful alternative. - \ref mrpt_slam_grp - [API change] mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilder::TOptions does not have a `verbose` field anymore. It's supersedded now by the verbosity level of the CMetricMapBuilder class itself. - [API change] getCurrentMetricMapEstimation() renamed mrpt::slam::CMultiMetricMapPDF::getAveragedMetricMapEstimation() to avoid confusions. - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor: external image format is now `png` by default instead of `jpg` to avoid losses. - [ABI change] mrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Generic: - refactored to expose more methods and allow changing parameters via its constructor. - Now supports reading from an IR, RGB and Depth channels independenty. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG now can optionally return intensity values. - Deleted old, unused classes: - mrpt::hwdrivers::CBoardIR - mrpt::hwdrivers::CBoardDLMS - mrpt::hwdrivers::CPtuHokuyo - mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG no longer as a "verbose" field. It's superseded now by the COutputLogger interface. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CActivMediaRobotBase and the embedded ARIA library have been removed. Nowadays, one can access to ARIA robots via ROS packages more easily than via MRPT. - \ref mrpt_maps_grp - mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMapPDF added method CMultiMetricMapPDF::prediction_and_update_pfAuxiliaryPFStandard(). - \ref mrpt_nav_grp - New mrpt::nav::CWaypointsNavigator interface for waypoint list-based navigation. - [ABI & API change] PTG classes refactored (see new virtual base class mrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator and its derived classes): - Old classes `CPTG%d` have been renamed to describe each path type. Old PTGs #6 and #7 have been removed for lack of practical use. - New separate classes for PTGs based on numerically-integrated paths and on closed-form formulations. - Old deprecated method of PTGs `lambdaFunction()` removed. - Parameters are no longer passed via a mrpt::system::TParameters class, but via a mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase which makes parameter passing to PTGs much more maintainable and consistent. - PTGs now have a score_priority field to manually set hints about preferences for path planning. - PTGs are now mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions classes - New classes: - mrpt::nav::CMultiObjectiveMotionOptimizerBase - \ref mrpt_graphslam_grp - Extend mrpt-graphslam lib to execute simulated/real-time graphSLAM. mrpt-graphslam supports 2D/3D execution of graphSLAM, utilizing LaserScans, odometry information. - Develop application `graphslam-engine` that executes graphSLAM via the mrpt-graphslam lib - mrpt::grpahslam::CGraphSlamEngine as the generic object that manages graphSLAM, Node/Edge registration decider classes under the mrpt::graphslam::deciders namesapce, optimizer wrapper classes under mrpt::graphslam::optimizers - Changes in build system: - [Windows only] `DLL`s/`LIB`s now have the signature `lib-${name}${2-digits-version}${compiler-name}_{x32|x64}.{dll/lib}`, allowing several MRPT versions to coexist in the system PATH. - [Visual Studio only] There are no longer `pragma comment(lib...)` in any MRPT header, so it is the user responsibility to correctly tell user projects to link against MRPT libraries. Normally, this is done with the standard command `TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MYTARGET ${MRPT_LIBS})`. - Debian package: depends on libopenni-dev - Optional dependency `liblas`: minimum required version is now 1.6.0 (Ubuntu Trusty or above). - Update of embedded copy of nanoflann to version 1.2.0. - New script for automated dumping stack traces on unit tests failures (`tests/run_all_tests_gdb.sh`) - Fix build against wxWidgets 3.1.* - Embedded version of gtest upgraded to 1.8.0 - BUG FIXES: - Fix inconsistent state after calling mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::swap() - Fix SEGFAULT in mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan if trying to build a pointcloud in an external container (mrpt::opengl, mrpt::maps) - Fix mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG can return invalid ray returns as valid ranges. - Fix PTG look-up-tables will always fail to load from cache files and will re-generate (Closes [GitHub #243](#243)) - Fix mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::simulateScanRay() fails to mark out-of-range ranges as "invalid". - Fix mrpt::io::CMemoryStream::Clear() after assigning read-only memory blocks. - Fix point into polygon checking not working for concave polygons. Now, mrpt::math::TPolygon2D::contains() uses the winding number test which works for any geometry. - Fix inconsistent internal state after externalizing mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan - Fix a long outstanding bug regarding losing of keystroke events in CDisplayWindow3D windows (Closes #13 again) - Fix wrong units for negative numbers in mrpt::system::unitsFormat() - Fix potential thread-unsafe conditions while inserting a mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScan into a pointmap with SSE2 optimizations enabled. - CStream: Fix memory leak if an exception (e.g. EOF) is found during object deserialization. - Fix a bug in the `onlyUniqueRobust` option for point cloud matching (affecting CICP, etc.). Thanks [Shuo](https://github.com/ygzhangsoya)!
- Most important changes: - Support for Velodyne LIDAR sensors. - New minor version number due to changes in the API of these classes (read details below): mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS, mrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface - [Python bindings](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/wiki/PythonBindings) added for a subset of MRPT functionality (Thanks Peter Rudolph and Nikolaus Demmel!) - Detailed list of changes: - New apps: - [gps2rawlog](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-gps2rawlog/): Application to parse raw dumps of a GPS (GNSS) receiver output. - [image2gridmap](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-image2gridmap/): Small tool to import any image as an MRPT gridmap object file (`*.gridmap`). - [velodyne-view](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-velodyne-view/): Application to test, visualize and grab data from a live Velodyne sensor or from a PCAP record. - Changes in apps: - [rawlog-grabber](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-rawlog-grabber/): Now does not show GPS and IMU debug data in console, unless `MRPT_HWDRIVERS_VERBOSE` environment variable is set. - [rawlog-edit](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-rawlog-edit/): New operation: `--export-gps-all` - Changes in libraries: - \ref mrpt_base_grp - [ABI change] mrpt::system::tokenize() new parameter `skipBlankTokens` - mrpt::utils::circular_buffer now has peek() methods - Eigen::MatrixBase::loadFromTextFile() now also accepts `,` as column separator. - New functions: - mrpt::system::timestampAdd() - mrpt::utils::compute_CRC32() - mrpt::utils::saturate<>() - mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid<> now uses `double` instead of `float` for all dimensions and coordinate computations. - Priority with these functions now work properly in GNU/Linux; though, see the notes in their documentation for required permissions: - mrpt::system::changeCurrentProcessPriority() - mrpt::system::changeThreadPriority() - New classes/structures: - mrpt::math::TPointXYZIu8, mrpt::math::TPointXYZRGBu8, mrpt::math::TPointXYZfIu8, mrpt::math::TPointXYZfRGBu8 - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - New class mrpt::hwdrivers::CVelodyneScanner - mrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPEmitter now has a parameter to enable/disable sending back the data from the serial port to the NTRIP caster. - [API changed] mrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface API clean-up and made more generic so any stream can be used to parse GNSS messages, not only serial ports. - New class mrpt::hwdrivers::CStereoGrabber_Bumblebee_libdc1394 for capturing without PGR Flycapture but directly through libdc1394. - Removed class mrpt::hwdrivers::CStereoGrabber_Bumblebee , superseded by mrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2 which is capable of both monocular and stereo grabbing. - \ref mrpt_maps_grp - New class mrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_MRF - New base class mrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D_Base - mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D: - New method mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::copyMapContentFrom() - New likelihood parameter `LF_useSquareDist` - New parameter mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::RAYTRACE_STEP_SIZE_IN_CELL_UNITS - mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::simulateScanRay() is now ~40% (GCC) to ~250% (MSVC) faster by default. - New method mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::laserScanSimulatorWithUncertainty() - New method mrpt::maps::CHeightGridMap2D::insertIndividualPoint() - mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::compute3DMatchingRatio() has a simplified API now - \ref mrpt_obs_grp - New class mrpt::obs::CObservationVelodyneScan - mrpt::obs::CSinCosLookUpTableFor2DScans now can build a table from a mrpt::obs::T2DScanProperties structure, which now also has its separate header file for better modularity. - [API changed] mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS now stores only one message per objects. API clean-up and extended so the number of GNSS message types is larger and more scalable. - mrpt::obs::gnss: A new namespace with many new data structures for GPS-related messages - mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan: projection of RGBD images to 3D points now correctly filters out invalid points, which were in previous versions mapped as (0,0,0) points (relative to the sensor). In turn, this leads to point clouds of a dynamic number of points. In case of needing the (u,v) pixel coordinates of projected points, checkout the new fields `points3D_idxs_x` & `points3D_idxs_y`. - New class mrpt::obs::CObservation2DRangeScanWithUncertainty - \ref mrpt_opengl_grp - New class mrpt::opengl::CMesh3D to render 3D models/meshes - New method mrpt::opengl::CPointCloudColoured::recolorizeByCoordinate() - \ref mrpt_slam_grp - Small clean up of mrpt::slam::CICP API, add separate variable to select covariance estimation method. - \ref mrpt_topography_grp - New function mrpt::topography::geocentricToENU_WGS84() - \ref mrpt_vision_grp - Removed the old GPL-licensed Hess SIFT implementation. - mrpt::vision::CDifOdo has been refactored and now does faster image pyramid computation (By Mariano Jaimez) - mrpt::maps::CLandmarksMap changes: - `beaconMaxRange` & `alphaRatio` parameters have been removed since they were not used. - New likelihood parameter `beaconRangesUseObservationStd` to allow using different uncertainty values with each observation. - Changes in build system: - [Python bindings](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/wiki/PythonBindings) added for a subset of MRPT functionality (Thanks Peter Rudolph!) - Code ported to support the new libftdi1-dev (Fixes Debian bug #810368, GitHub issue #176) - Fix building with gcc 6.0 (Closes Debian bug #811812) - CMake new option: `DISABLE_MRPT_AUTO_CLASS_REGISTRATION` to reduce the footprint of MRPT statically-linked programs. - Fix building against wxWidgets 3.1 - BUG FIXES: - mrpt::math::CQuaternion<> did not check for unit norm in Release builds. - Fix build errors against OpenCV 3.0.0+ without opencv_contrib modules. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG now correctly handles opening both USB and Ethernet Hokuyo devices (Closes Github issue #180) - Fixed mrpt::comms::net::DNS_resolve_async() may SIGSEGV in slow networks. - mrpt::opengl::CMesh::updateColorsMatrix() did not ignore cells masked out. - Wrong weights used in mrpt::poses::CPosePDFSOG::getMean() - Removed ad-hoc bias addition in range-only predictions in landmarks maps. - Error loading height map count in mrpt::maps::TSetOfMetricMapInitializers (Closes GitHub issue #205. - Fix "gray images" grabbed in Windows when capturing the render output of 3D windows (Thanks Mariano J.T. & Christian Kerl from TUM!) - Fix typos and wxWidgets align errors in RawLogViewer GUI (Closes #219) - mrpt::nav::CHolonomicND & mrpt::nav::CHolonomicVFF didn't use the full range of output velocities. - mrpt::img::CImage::loadFromFile() now does not leave the image in undefined state if the load operation fails. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CLMS100Eth failed to load "pose_yaw" parameter from config file. - mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::doDepthAndIntensityCamerasCoincide() did not correctly return `false` for negative offsets between the camera poses.
- Changes in Apps: - [rawlog-edit](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-rawlog-edit/): - New operation: `--list-poses` - `--list-images` now also works with 3D range scans - Changes in libraries: - The library mrpt-srba has been moved out of MRPT and now is an independent project: https://github.com/MRPT/srba - \ref mrpt_base_grp - mrpt::math::KDTreeCapable::TKDTreeSearchParams: Removed parameter nChecks, which was ignored by nanoflann anyway. - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - mrpt::hwdrivers::CCameraSensor: Implemented OpenNI2 support for CCameraSensor - \ref mrpt_nav_grp - mrpt::nav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive: Maximum acceleration filter (SPEEDFILTER_TAU) now follows paths better (Thanks to Steven Butner, UCSB/ECE) - Changes in build system: - `FIND_PACKAGE(MRPT)` will return libraries in the var `MRPT_LIBRARIES`, following the CMake convention. The old variable name `MRPT_LIBS` will be also returned for backward compatibility. - BUG FIXES: - Fix excessive width of paths drawn by CMetricMapBuilderRBPF::drawCurrentEstimationToImage() - Fix image distortion: k3 may be ignored. (Thanks to CBaiz) - Fix Debian bugs.
- Changes in apps: - [navlog-viewer](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-navlog-viewer/): Now shows more information on navigation logs. - New app [icp-slam-live](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-icp-slam-live/): Real-time ICP-SLAM with a LIDAR sensor. - Changes in libraries: - \ref mrpt_base_grp - New helper templates: mrpt::utils::int_select_by_bytecount<>, mrpt::uint_select_by_bytecount<> - New methods to evaluate SO(2), SO(3), SE(2) and SE(3) averages and weighted averages. See: - Header - mrpt::poses::SO_average<2>, mrpt::poses::SO_average<3> - mrpt::poses::SE_average<2>, mrpt::poses::SE_average<3> - \ref mrpt_hwdrivers_grp - New sensors supported: - mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUIntersense - mrpt::hwdrivers::CSkeletonTracker - New parameter mrpt::hwdrivers::CHokuyoURG::m_disable_firmware_timestamp to override faulty Hokuyo timestamps with PC time. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CRoboPeakLidar::turnOn() and turnOff() now really implement turning on/off the RPLidar motor. - \ref mrpt_maps_grp - New method mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::getAsPointCloud() - \ref mrpt_nav_grp - Removed old base class CPathPlanningMethod - CPathPlanningCircularRobot => mrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2D: Class renamed (and better described) for consistency with other planners - mrpt::nav::CReactiveNavigationSystem: - Documentation has been added about all existing parameters, and template config files provided as starting points. - The loadConfigFile() method with 2 config files has been deprecated favoring the newer, simpler single config file. - The "ROBOT_NAME" parameter is no longer employed. A minor side effect (probably affecting no one) is that PTG cache files are no longer named differently for different robots. - mrpt::nav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator: New methods to save and load trajectories to binary streams. Used to debug in navlog-viewer. - \ref mrpt_obs_grp - mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan now supports pixel labels (semantic mapping, etc.) - New class mrpt::obs::CObservationSkeleton to hold body tracking information (by Francisco Angel Moreno) - mrpt::obs::CObservationIMU has new data fields and fields are better documented to reflect whether they refer to local/global coordinate frames - \ref mrpt_vision_grp - mrpt::vision::CImageGrabber_dc1394: Changed default Bayer filter from NEAREST to HQLINEAR - BUG FIXES: - Fix ocasional (false) failure of RANSAC unit tests due to their non-deterministic nature. - Fix build error with MSVC 2010 in mrpt-hmtslam (Closes #127). - Fixed potential wrong bounding box results in mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::boundingBox() when SSE2 optimization is enabled. - mrpt::obs::CObservation6DFeatures: Fixed random crashes related to non-aligned memory in 32bit builds (Fixes #141) - Fix Debian bug [#786349](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=786349) on Eigen2 support. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4: Fix crash in destructor of objects not attached to a physical device. - Fix wrong quaternion cross product when target variable is one of the operands. Also affected the += operator of mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat (Fixes #148) - mrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect with libfreenect driver: Fix potential memory corruption. - Fix a bug in mrpt::tfest::se3_l2_robust() that led to it returning without trying to find a good consensus solution. It affected the demo app kinect-3d-slam (Fixes #156) - Fix wrong feature points in CFeatureExtraction::extractFeaturesKLT() (Fixes #138)
- Most important changes: - Classes in libraries \ref mrpt_obs_grp and \ref mrpt_maps_grp now belong to new namespaces (mrpt::obs, mrpt::maps) instead of the old mrpt::slam - No more `using namespace`s polute MRPT headers. Errors in user projects missing `using namespace XXX` that might be formerly masked will now reveal. This is a good thing, though admitedly annoying... - New library \ref mrpt_nav_grp, subsumming the old \ref mrpt_reactivenav_grp. - New library \ref mrpt_tfest_grp, a refactor of the old \ref mrpt_scanmatching_grp. - Backwards compatible headers have been provided to ease the transition of user code for all those library changes. Warning messages will be shown recommending deprecated replacements. - Detailed list of changes: - Lib changes: - Clean up of the bad practice of `using namespace` in public scopes of headers. May lead to user code failing for missing `using namespace`s which were previously masked. - Namespace "slam" deprecated in libraries mrpt-obs and mrpt-maps (used for historical reasons): - New namespaces \ref mrpt_obs_grp and \ref mrpt_maps_grp. - #include files moved from old paths => - Backward compatible headers added in until mrpt 2.0.0 - New library \ref mrpt_nav_grp, subsumming the old mrpt-reactivenav (\ref mrpt_reactivenav_grp). - \ref mrpt_reactivenav_grp is now a meta-library, depending on \ref mrpt_nav_grp. - \ref mrpt_tfest_grp : Old library mrpt-scanmatching (\ref mrpt_scanmatching_grp) has been refactored, its API clean-up, and renamed \ref mrpt_tfest_grp - \ref mrpt_scanmatching_grp is now a meta-library, depending on \ref mrpt_tfest_grp. - These classes have been moved between libs for a more sensible organization: - mrpt::slam::CDetectorDoorCrossing ==> mrpt::detectors::CDetectorDoorCrossing - mrpt::slam::CPathPlanningMethod & CPathPlanningCircularRobot: \ref mrpt_slam_grp ==> \ref mrpt_nav_grp - Build System / General changes: - Many optimizations in function arguments (value vs ref). Forces ABI incompatibility with previous versions, hence the change to a new minor version number. - Updated embedded version of Eigen to 3.2.3 - Kinect: Dropped support for the CL NUI API, which seems discontinued. Alternatives in use are libfreenect and OpenNI2. - libfreenect is now detected in the system and used instead of compiling the embedded copy of it. - Embedded copy of libfreenect has been updated to (23/oct/2014). It now supports "Kinect for Windows". - More selective linking of .so files to avoid useless dependencies (Fixes #52). - (Windows only) MRPT can now be safely built with libusb support (Freenect, Kinect,...) and it will run on systems without libusb installed, by means of /DELAYLOAD linking flags. - More unit tests. - Changes in classes: - [mrpt-base] - New function mrpt::math::angDistance() - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4: (by Joe Burmeister for Suave Aerial Software) - Upgrade to latest XSens SDK 4.2.1. Requires libudev-dev in Linux - Add GPS observations to CIMUXSens_MT4 for Xsens devices like GTi-G-700 which have GPS - mrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_dc1394: Length of ring buffer is now configurable via TCaptureOptions_dc1394::ring_buffer_size - [mrpt-maps] - Important refactor of internal code related to mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap: - All maps (derived from mrpt::maps::CMetricMap) now have a more uniform interface. - Each map now has a `MapDefinition` structure with all its parameters. See docs for mrpt::maps::TMetricMapInitializer - Introduced mrpt::maps::TMapGenericParams to hold parameters shared in all maps. - [mrpt-obs] - CObservation::getDescriptionAsText(): New virtual method to obstain a textual description of observations. Refactoring of messy code previously in the RawLogViewer app. - [mrpt-vision] - mrpt::vision::CFeatureExtraction: Removed (unused) optional ROI parameter in detectors. - BUG FIXES: - mrpt::poses::CRobot2DPoseEstimator could estimate wrong angular velocities for orientations near +-180deg. - mrpt::system::CDirectoryExplorer::sortByName() didn't sort in descending order - Fixed crashes from MATLAB .mex files: mrpt::system::registerFatalExceptionHandlers() has no longer effect, and will be removed in future releases. (Thanks to Jesús Briales García for all the testing!) - Fixed potential crash for Eigen unaligned memory access in 32bit builds in mrpt::slam::CGridMapAligner and other places ([Closes #94](#94))
- Changes in apps: - SceneViewer3D: - New menu "File" -> "Import" -> "3D model" which supports many standard formats (via mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel) - New classes: - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CRoboPeakLidar to interface Robo Peak LIDAR scanners. - [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel for rendering complex 3D models (many supported formats) in OpenGL scenes. - Changes in classes: - Consistency in all "laser scan" classes: angular increments between rays are now FOV/(N-1) instead of FOV/N. - [mrpt-base] - New method mrpt::img::CImage::loadTGA() - *IMPORTANT*: Changed behavior of CSerializable/CObject macros (see bugfix below), introducing the new macros DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE_POST_*. May require changes in user code if serializable classes are defined: - Previous version: \code DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE_PRE_*(...) class XXX { DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(XXX) }; \endcode - Must be changed in this version to: \code DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE_PRE_*(...) class XXX { DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(XXX) }; DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE_POST_*(...) \endcode - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - Bumblebee2 Linux support in mrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2 via Triclops (by Jesus Briales) - [mrpt-maps] - New method mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::getRawMap() - New method mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::getPCLPointCloudXYZRGB() - [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::CWxGLCanvasBase (affects all 3D rendering classes): better handling of internal timers for smoother updates while rendering in multithreading apps. - [mrpt-srba] - New method to recover the global coordinates graph-slam problem for a RBA map: mrpt::srba::RbaEngine::get_global_graphslam_problem() (see example [MRPT]\samples\srba-examples\srba-tutorials\tutorial-srba-how-to-recover-global-map.cpp) - BUG FIXES: - mrpt::img::CImage constructor from a matrix crashed. - Unit tests: Named semaphores are not tested anymore if it's detected that the kernel version doesn't support them (Fix Debian 758725). - mrpt::synch::CSemaphore [Linux]: didn't call sem_unlink(). - mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D didn't implement get/set FOV. - Valgrind: Fixed potential unaligned memory access warning in point clouds. - Fix build error with AppleClang 5.1 (Closes #71). - mrpt::utils::CClientTCPSocket: Use a connection success check that works on all platforms - Important bug fixed regarding a missing dynamic_cast<> in smart pointers casting. See above possible implications in user code. properly (Patch by Joe Burmeister).
- Changes in classes: - [mrpt-base] - All points and poses now have a method setToNaN(), e.g. mrpt::poses::CPose3D::setToNaN() - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Sensor now has better support for opening several RGBD cameras (by Kenzaburo Miyawaki & Eduardo Fernandez) - Build system: - Fix compilation of SRBA with DEBUG_GARBAGE_FILL_ALL_NUMS=1 - Fix de-serialization error in mrpt::reactivenav::CLogFileRecord (and new unit tests added to avoid regressions). - Several Debian bugs closed (see packaging/debian/changelog), including build errors in uncommon platforms (MIPS, kFreeBSD, etc.)
- Most important changes: - Public header files (.h) have undergone a serious refactoring to minimize unnecesary dependencies and reduce compile time and memory as much as possible. As a side effect, user code might need to add new #include<> lines. This change justifies the new minor version series 1.2.X. - MRPT now cleanly builds in clang and OSX. - Support for new camera drivers (OpenNI2, DUO3D). - Many bug fixes. - Detailed list of changes: - Changes in apps: - [rawlog-edit](http://www.mrpt.org/Application%3Arawlog-edit): - New operations: --export-odometry-txt, --recalc-odometry - New flag: --rectify-centers-coincide - New examples: - kitti_dataset2rawlog - New classes: - [mrpt-base] - mrpt::math::ContainerType::element_t to allow handling either Eigen or STL containers seamlessly. - mrpt::config::CConfigFilePrefixer - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::COpenNI2Sensor: Interface to OpenNI2 cameras, capable of reading from an array of OpenNI2 RGBD cameras (By Eduardo Fernandez) - mrpt::hwdrivers::CDUO3DCamera: Interface to DUO3D cameras (By Francisco Angel Moreno) - mrpt::hwdrivers::CGPS_NTRIP: A combination of GPS receiver + NTRIP receiver capable of submitting GGA frames to enable RTCM 3.0 - [mrpt-obs] - mrpt::obs::CObservation6DFeatures - Changes in classes: - [mrpt-base] - Robust kernel templates moved from mrpt::vision to mrpt::math. See mrpt::math::RobustKernel<>. Added unit tests for robust kernels. - mrpt::poses::CPose3D has new SE(3) methods: mrpt::poses::CPose3D::jacob_dexpeD_de(), mrpt::poses::CPose3D::jacob_dAexpeD_de() - More efficient mrpt::utils::OctetVectorToObject() (avoid memory copy). - Fixed const-correctness of mrpt::img::CImage::forceLoad() and mrpt::img::CImage::unload() - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CCameraSensor: Added a hook for user code to run before saving external image files: mrpt::hwdrivers::CCameraSensor::addPreSaveHook() - mrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ now supports analog and digital outputs. - New method mrpt::hwdrivers::CNTRIPClient::sendBackToServer() - [mrpt-srba] - Now also implements SE(3) relative graph-slam. - [mrpt-vision] - mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration: More robust handling of stereo calibration patterns. OpenCV sometimes detects corners in the wrong order between (left/right) images, so we detect the situation and fix it. - mrpt::vision::findMultipleChessboardsCorners(): - Now enforces a consistent counterclockwise XYZ coordinate frame at each detected chessboard. - Much more robust in distingishing quads of different sizes. - Build system / public API: - Fixes to build in OS X - [Patch](https://gist.github.com/randvoorhies/9283072) by Randolph Voorhies. - Removed most "using namespace" from public headers, as good practice. - Refactoring of MRPT headers. - has been split into: - - - - - - - - - - - Deleted methods and functions: - mrpt::system::breakpoint() - mrpt::vector_float is now mrpt::math::CVectorFloat, mrpt::vector_double is mrpt::math::CVectorDouble, for name consistency. Also, using Eigen::VectorXf is preferred for new code. - mrpt::CImage::rectifyImage() with parameters as separate vectors. - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::getPoint() with mrpt::poses::CPoint3D arguments. - mrpt::vision::correctDistortion() -> use CImage method instead - All previous deprecated functions. - Embedded Eigen updated to version 3.2.1 [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/47913da94a27e98a9115f85b2a530b6c14a10b8f) [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/33258761d3b75bf133d38aecb257c64e4d76b21e) - BUG FIXES: - RawlogViewer app: Fixed abort while converting SF->obs.only datasets when there is no odometry. - mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame: The cached point map is now invalidated with any change to the list of observations so it's rebuild upon next call. - New implementation of mrpt::synch::CSemaphore avoids crashes in OS X - by Randolph Voorhies. - mrpt::opengl::CArrow was always drawn of normalized length. - FlyCapture2 monocular & stereo cameras could return an incorrect timestamp (only in Linux?). - mrpt::system::createDirectory() returned false (error) when the directory already existed. - mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap::rectify() didn't update the left & right camera poses inside mrpt::obs::CObservationStereoImages objects while rectifying. - RawLogViewer: Operation "convert to SF format" didn't take into account odometry observations. - Fix build errors with GCC 4.9 - Fix crash of mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4's destructor when it fails to scan and open a device. - Fix potential crash in mrpt::slam::data_association_full_covariance with JCBB when no individually compatible matching exists [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/482472ebd80a3484dce63d294b1ac4e8f001e1eb)
- New apps: - [DifOdometry-Camera](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-difodometry-camera). (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - [DifOdometry-Datasets](http://www.mrpt.org/list-of-mrpt-apps/application-difodometry-datasets). (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - New classes: - [mrpt-base] - mrpt::synch::CPipe: OS-independent pipe support. - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4 : Support for 4th generation xSens MT IMU devices. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ: Support for acquisition boards compatible with National Instruments DAQmx Base - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/a82a7e37997cfb77e7ee9e903bdb2a55e3040b35). - mrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2: Support for Point Grey Research's cameras via the FlyCapture2 libray - [(commits)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/pull/5/commits). - [mrpt-maps] - There are now two versions of octomaps (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa/Jose Luis Blanco) - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3443) - mrpt::maps::COctoMap (only occupancy) - mrpt::maps::CColouredOctoMap (occupancy + RGB color) - [mrpt-obs] - mrpt::obs::CObservationRawDAQ, a placeholder for raw and generic measurements from data acquisition devices. - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3459) - [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::CMeshFast, an open gl object that draws a "mesh" as a structured point cloud which is faster to render (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa). -[(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/9306bb4a585387d4c85b3f6e41dd2cbe5a354e80) - mrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D, an opengl object that shows a 2D Vector Field (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa). - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3461) - [mrpt-reactivenav] - mrpt::reactivenav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive, as part of a large code refactoring of these classes: [(commit)](#4) - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D - [mrpt-vision] - mrpt::vision::CDifodo, a class which implements visual odometry based on depth images and the "range flow constraint equation". (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/e6ab5595f70cb889d07658c0b540c27e495a1cfb) - Changes in classes: - Clean up and slight optimization of metric map matching API: - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3446) - Methods marked as deprecated: - mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::computeMatchingWith2D() --> mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::determineMatching2D() - mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::computeMatchingWith3D() --> mrpt::maps::CMetricMap::determineMatching3D() - New structures: - mrpt::slam::TMatchingParams - mrpt::slam::TMatchingExtraResults - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions now have methods to save/load from binary streams, making more maintainable the serialization of point maps - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/544d439c3462228b07344142de68e5bc10c1a2e3) - New options in point maps: mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions::insertInvalidPoints - [(commit)](#8) - mrpt::obs::CObservationIMU now includes data fields for 3D magnetometers and altimeters. - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3451) - Method renamed mrpt::utils::CEnhancedMetaFile::selectVectorTextFont() to avoid shadowing mrpt::CCanvas::selectTextFont() - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator: New methods: - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::inverseMap_WS2TP() for inverse look-up of WS to TP space - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/4d04ef50e3dea581bed6287d4ea6593034c47da3) - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::renderPathAsSimpleLine() - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/a224fc2489ad00b3ab116c84e8d4a48532a005df) - Changed the signature of mrpt::reactivenav::build_PTG_collision_grids() to become more generic for 2D & 2.5D PTGs - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/7bd68e49a4ba3bf08f194678787816c65de1d685) - Deleted classes: - mrpt::utils::CEvent, which was actually unimplemented (!) - mrpt::hwdrivers::CInterfaceNI845x has been deleted. It didn't offer features enough to justify a class. - New examples: - [MRPT]/samples/threadsPipe - [MRPT]/samples/NIDAQ_test - [MRPT]/openNI2_RGBD_demo (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - [MRPT]/openNI2_proximity_demo (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - Build system: - Fixed compilation with clang. - Fixed building against OpenCV 3.0.0 (GIT head) - Updated to the latest nanoflann 1.1.7. - Updated to Eigen 3.2.0 - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3455) - Binary packages for Windows now include .pdb files to help debugging with Visual Studio. - BUG FIXES: - Fixed potential infinity loop in mrpt::math::make_vector<1,T>() - Fixed build error with GCC when experimental parallelization is enabled. [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3441) - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem complained about missing config variables ROBOTMODEL_TAU & ROBOTMODEL_DELAY, which were removed in MRPT 1.0.2 - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3452) - Fixed potential mem alignment errors (Eigen's UnalignedArrayAssert) in SRBA for 32bit builds. [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3457) - mrpt::topography::geodeticToENU_WGS84() and related functions used a local +Z axis aligned to the line towards the Earth center; now the Z axis points normally to the ellipsoid surface. The difference with the previous behavior is small but may be of a few millimeters for each meter from the reference point. [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3473) - Potential crash when setting mpPolygon::setPoints() with empty vectors - [(commit)](http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/source/detail?r=3478) - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem and mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D didn't obey the "enableConsoleOutput" constructor flag - [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/db7b0e76506af2c24f119a28443a1e8f1a217861) - mrpt::synch::CSemaphore::waitForSignal() : Fixed error when thread got an external signal [(commit)](https://github.com/MRPT/mrpt/commit/511e95f03480537ff18ad2cad178c504b1cfbb53)
- New apps: - [ReactiveNav3D-Demo](http://www.mrpt.org/Application%3AReactiveNav3D-Demo) (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - Changes in apps: - [rawlog-edit](http://www.mrpt.org/Application%3Arawlog-edit): - New operations: --list-timestamps, --remap-timestamps, --export-2d-scans-txt, --export-imu-txt - New classes: - [mrpt-base] - mrpt::poses::CPose3DRotVec is now fully implemented (By Francisco Angel Moreno). - [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::CLight - OpenGL scenes now allow customization of OpenGL lighting. See also new lighting methods in mrpt::opengl::Viewport - r3409 - [mrpt-reactivenav] - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D - By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa - r3389 - New functions: - [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::RobotRhodon() - Changes in classes: - [mrpt-base] - Generic particle filter classes now allow directly resampling to a dynamic number of particles. Affected methods: - r3381 - mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapable::performResampling() - mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapable::computeResampling() - New method: CImage::loadFromXPM() - r3397 - [mrpt-maps] - mrpt::maps::COctoMap now exposes the inner octomap::OcTree object. See example samples/octomap_simple - r4304 - [mrpt-openg] - mrpt::opengl::CBox now be also rendered as a solid box + line borders. See mrpt::opengl::CBox::enableBoxBorder() - mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels - r4329 - Fixed calculation of normals (fix shading) - Added new coloring scheme to mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels::visualization_mode_t : "FIXED" - By default, light effects are disabled in this object, because shadows aren't computed anyway and the effect isn't pleasant. - Voxels cubes are sorted in ascending Z order so the visual effect is correct when rendering with transparency. - [mrpt-reactivenav] - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator: The "low pass filter" has been removed since it wasn't practical and was never used; thus, parameters "TAU" and "DELAY" has been removed. - r3395 - Methods removed since they weren't implemented in any derived class and there are no plans for doing it. - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem ::evaluate() - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem ::setParams() - Build system: - Updated to nanoflann 1.1.7: ICP is ~5% faster. - More unit tests: - [mrpt-base] geometry module. - BUG FIXES: - CTimeLogger::registerUserMeasure() ignored the enable/disable state of the logger - r3382 - mrpt-srba: SEGFAULT in 32bit builds due to missing - r3429
- Changes in apps: - RawLogViewer: - Better description of the "too much memory used" warning while loading large datasets. - robotic-arm-kinematics: - Now allows changing the orientation of the first DOF (X,Y,Z). - New classes: - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CInterfaceNI845x: An interface for this USB SPI/I2C data acquisition board. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CCANBusReader: A class to record CAN bus frames with a CAN232 converter. - [mrpt-obs] - mrpt::obs::CObservationCANBusJ1939 - New functions: - New opengl_stock objects: - mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::Hokuyo_URG() - mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::Hokuyo_UTM() - mrpt::opengl::stock_objects::Househam_Sprayer() - mrpt::math::saveEigenSparseTripletsToFile() - r3351 - New examples: - gmrf_map_demo - Changes in classes: - [mrpt-maps] - mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D now also evalutes likelihoods for sonar-like observations (mrpt::obs::CObservationRange), allowing particle-filter localization with these sensors - r3330 - New method mrpt::slam::CRandomFieldGridMap2D::insertIndividualReading() - [mrpt-kinematics] - mrpt::kinematics::CKinematicChain: Now allows changing the orientation of the first DOF (X,Y,Z). - Removed stuff: - Backwards-compatibility typedef mrpt::vision::TKLTFeatureStatus has been removed. Replace with mrpt::vision::TFeatureTrackStatus - KLT-specific values for mrpt::vision::TFeatureTrackStatus has been removed, since they were not used in detected features anyway. - Build system: - Fixed a potential build error if including FFMPEG's instead of the standard header - r3316 - Fixed determination of GCC version for all GCC builds - r3324 - Updated to Eigen 3.1.3 - r3349 - Updated to nanoflann 1.1.5 - BUG FIXES: - Unit tests "SchurTests" for mrpt-srba incorrectly reported errors due to an improperly initialized reference to a local variable - r3318 - Debian packages: added missing binary deps for libmrpt-dev - r3335
- Most important changes: - New library with a flexible implementation of Sparser Relative Bundle Adjustment (RBA), as presented in ICRA 2013: mrpt-srba. - New library for Plane-based Maps: mrpt-pbmap (also presented in ICRA 2013). - Some MRPT modules are now header-only libraries. - Support for a new Octomap metric map, via the octomap library. See mrpt::maps::COctoMap and detailed changes below. - Support for importing/exporting point clouds in the standard LAS format (Look for liblas below). - Better support for custom builds of MRPT (selective building of individual apps and libs, etc.) - Ready for Visual Studio 2012 and GCC 4.7 - From now on, MRPT is released under the "New BSD" license. - Many bug fixes. - Detailed list of changes: - New apps: - srba-slam: A command-line frontend for the Relative Bundle Adjustment engine in mrpt-srba. - holonomic-navigator-demo - robotic-arm-kinematics: A GUI for experimenting with Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. - Changes in apps: - navlog-viewer: - Fixed some minor visualization errors. - RawLogViewer: - Import sequence of images as rawlog: Didn't detect "png" file extension as images - r2940 - Closes #34 - The GUI toolbar has been ported from wxWidget's ToolBar to sets of wxCustomButton's to avoid visualization problems in wx 2.9.X - r2950 - ReactiveNavigationDemo: - The default holonomic navigation method is now the VFF, since after the last bug fixes and tunes it seems to work quite well. - SceneViewer3D: - The GUI toolbar has been ported from wxWidget's ToolBar to sets of wxCustomButton's to avoid visualization problems in wx 2.9.X - r2952 - Added a new menu: "File -> Import -> From LAS file..." - r3244 - grid-matching: new argument "--aligner" to select aligner method - r3021 - New classes: - [mrpt-base] - mrpt::math::MatrixBlockSparseCols, a templated column-indexed efficient storage of block-sparse Jacobian or Hessian matrices, together with other arbitrary information - r2995 - mrpt::utils::ignored_copy_ptr<> - mrpt::system::CTimeLoggerEntry - [mrpt-obs] - mrpt::obs::CObservationWindSensor - r3050 - [mrpt-maps] - mrpt::maps::COctoMap - [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels - Deleted classes: - [mrpt-vision] - CFeatureTracker_FAST and CFeatureTracker_PatchMatch have been removed since they didn't work robustly. Replace with mrpt::vision::CFeatureTracker_KL - New libraries: - [mrpt-kinematics] See mrpt::kinematics - [mrpt-pbmap] See mrpt-pbmap. - [mrpt-srba] See mrpt-srba. - Changes in libraries: - These libs are now header-only: r3035, r3045 - [mrpt-bayes] - [mrpt-graphs] - [mrpt-graphslam] - Integration of the Octomap C++ library (new BSD License) by Kai M. Wurm et al.: r3081, r3083, r3084, r3086, r3087, r3088, r3093 - The main new classes are mrpt::maps::COctoMap & mrpt::opengl::COctoMapVoxels - mrpt::maps::CMultiMetricMap now allows the seamless integration of octomaps in many MRPT map building or localization algorithms. - New example: samples/octomap_simple - Changes in classes: - [mrpt-base] - Eigen::MatrixBase::loadFromTextFile(), and all MRPT derived matrix classes, are now much faster loading huge matrices from text files - r2997 - The typedef Eigen::MatrixBase::typename of MRPT's plugin to Eigen classes has been REMOVED, to avoid conflicts with some part of Eigen's sparse classes. Use Matrix::Scalar instead - r3065 - New method mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat::inverse() - New methods mrpt::poses::SE_traits::pseudo_exp() - mrpt::system::CTimeLogger: - New method mrpt::system::CTimeLogger::getStats() for programatic execution time stats analysis - r2998 - New method mrpt::system::CTimeLogger::registerUserMeasure() for making stats of user-providen values - r3005 - mrpt::utils::map_as_vector<> can be now customized to use different underlying STL containers for storage - r3001 - mrpt::containers::CDynamicGrid::setSize() now also accepts a "fill_value" argument. - Added method mrpt::math::TPoint2D::norm() for consistency with mrpt::math::TPoint3D - Better support for saving (and not only loading) plain text configuration files, including commented files with default values of all existing parameters: - r2954 - All mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase::write() now have an extended signature for formatting. - mrpt::config::CLoadableOptions::dumpToTextStreamstd::ostream::Seek() now supports files larger than 2GB by using uint64_t instead of long (still see issue report for another patch required for MSVC2010) - (Closes issue 39, thanks Robert Schattschneider) - r3042 - mrpt::typemeta::TTypeName<> moved to its own header while refactoring - r3044 - mrpt::config::CConfigFileBase::write() now has signatures for "uint32_t" and "uint64_t" in both 32 and 64bit builds, instead of relying of the "size_t" type. This was done to fix build errors in some GCC versions under 32bits. - mrpt::poses::CPose2D now caches the cos() and sin() of phi, with a huge performance improvement in most common operations. - [mrpt-bayes] - mrpt::bayes::CKalmanFilterCapable (and all EKF-SLAM methods based on it) are now much faster. The implementation now exploits the sparsity of the Jacobian (~25% faster in a test 6D EKF-SLAM dataset) - r3059, r3060, r3061 - mrpt::bayes::CParticleFilterCapable now makes use of the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) design instead of ugly #define macros - r3182 - [mrpt-graphs] - mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses2D, mrpt::graphs::CNetworkOfPoses3D,... and so on, are now all typedef's instead of classes, since serialization is now implemented as pure templatized code, thus avoiding the need to declare derived auxiliary classes - r3044 - [mrpt-gui] - mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindow3D::addTextMessage() (and other opengl text routines) now allows drawing text with a shadow effect - r3007 - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - New method mrpt::hwdrivers::CActivMediaRobotBase::areMotorsEnabled() - mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor (and all derived classes) now allocate objects aligned in memory with - New static method mrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface::parse_NMEA() - [mrpt-maps] - Better integration of point cloud classes with PCL: - r2943 - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::loadPCDFile() - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::setFromPCLPointCloud() - mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::setFromPCLPointCloudRGB() - Point cloud loading & saving in the standard ASPRS LiDAR LAS format (if liblas is installed in the system, see http://www.liblas.org/ ). See also the ready-to-use import menu in SceneViewer3D - r3244 - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::loadLASFile() - mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::saveLASFile() - Integration of wind measurements in gas-concentration maps (by Javier G. Monroy) - r3050 - [mrpt-obs] - New method mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS::clear() - [mrpt-opengl] - Evaluation of bounding box of opengl objects. New methods: - r3026 - mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::getBoundingBox() - mrpt::opengl::Scene::getBoundingBox() - mrpt::opengl::Viewport::getBoundingBox() - mrpt::opengl::COctreePointRenderer::octree_get_graphics_boundingboxes() has a new flag to draw solid boxes at each leaf node - r3033 - mrpt::opengl::Viewport has a new set of "global OpenGL switches" that affect the rendering of entire scenes - r3185 - Classes drawing lines now by default enable anti-aliasing (can be disabled by the programmer): - r3185 - mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXY, mrpt::opengl::CGridPlaneXZ - mrpt::opengl::CSimpleLine - mrpt::opengl::CSetOfLines - [mrpt-reactivenav] - Much code of mrpt::reactivenav classes have undergone a clean-up, slight optimizations and a translation of old Spanish names/comments to English - r2939, r2942, r2958, r3091 - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::CCollisionGrid now has a more maintainable binary serialization format - r2939 - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::debugDumpInFiles() now also saves text files which can be used to visualize PTGs from MATLAB (see scripts/viewPTG.m) - r3009 - mrpt::reactivenav::CHolonomicVFF and mrpt::reactivenav::CHolonomicND now have more configurable parameters, loadable from config files. See their documentation. - Repulsive forces from obstacles in mrpt::reactivenav::CHolonomicVFF are now automatically normalized wrt the density of the 360deg view of obstacles and forces follow a "1/range" law instead of the old "exp(-range)". - Solved a stability issue in C-S paths, in mrpt::reactivenav::CPTG_DiffDrive_CS (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) - r3085 - [mrpt-scanmatching] - mrpt::scanmatching::robustRigidTransformation(): - Changed behavior not to allow features to appear in duplicated pairings. - Added a consistency test to avoid seeding RANSAC with an inconsistent initial model. - [mrpt-slam] - mrpt::slam::CMetricMapBuilderICP now does not integrate the small pose changes due to odometry and/or relocalization when considering the distance and angle thresholds. This means that fewer map updates are now done for the same ICP-SLAM parameters, which should lead to "less noisy" maps. - New functions: - [mrpt-base] - mrpt::utils::abs_diff() - mrpt::system::getMRPTLicense() - mrpt::system::getFileModificationTime() - mrpt::math::noncentralChi2PDF_CDF() is now exposed (was private) - mrpt::utils::sprintf_container() - mrpt::poses::operator -(mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat) - max3() and min3() moved from the global namespace to mrpt::utils::max3() and mrpt::utils::min3() - New examples: - octomap_simple - ransac-data-association - Build system: - Update to nanoflann 1.1.4 - r2937, r3017 - Update to Eigen 3.1.2 - r3064 - MRPT's root "CMakeLists.txt" has undergone a big refactoring and cleanup - r2961 - Backward compatible "mrpt-core" has been removed as a fake lib for which to search with CMake from user programs - r2961 - More system libs are detected in Linux (libclang-dev, lib3ds-dev), discarding embedded versions then - r2963 - Closes #17 - Automatic detection of supported SIMD extensions (SSE*) from CMake (only for Linux OS) - r3013 - Fixed building with Visual Studio 2012 (MSVC11) - r3017 - MRPT now allows defining header-only libraries with the define_mrpt_lib_header_only() macro - r3034, r3035 - More unit tests: - for all probability distribution functions in mrpt::math, - for the parser in mrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface::parse_NMEA() - for the octomap map - for serialization/deserealization of many classes. - Added new documentation page: environment variables. - Removed the build flag "MRPT_BACKCOMPATIB_08X". - Fixes for building under Mac OSX: r3181 - Enable some c++11 features if the compiler supports them - r3273 - BUG FIXES: - Build: Fixed detection of OpenCV 2.4.2+ installed in the system via CMake config file instead of pkg-config, which seems to be broken. - r3019 - [mrpt-base] The iterator returned by end() in all MRPT vectors and matrices (based on Eigen) pointed to the last element, not to the (now correct) next position after the last element - r2941 - [mrpt-base] mrpt::dynamicsize_vector::resize() performed a memory reallocation even if given the current size, due to an inherited behavior from Eigen. It is not the expected behavior, so it has been fixed. - r3003 - [mrpt-base] Wrong computation of normPDF() values for the multidimensional cases. Closes #46 - r3068 - [mrpt-base] mrpt::poses::CPoint::asString() confused the 2D and 3D cases (Thanks Cipri!) - [mrpt-base] Fixed errors in de-serialization of mrpt::utils::CPointPDFSOG and mrpt::maps::CReflectivityGridMap2D - [mrpt-base] mrpt::math::KDTreeCapable::kdTreeRadiusSearch2D() always returned 0 matched. - [mrpt-graphs] Fixed bug in RecursiveSpectralPartition (Thanks to Edu!) - r3026 - [mrpt-hwdrivers] Fixed potential SEGFAULT in mrpt::hwdrivers::CGPSInterface (Thanks K.Miyawaki for reporting) - [mrpt-hwdrivers] Fixed communications to LMS 1xx scanners (Thanks Henry! See http://code.google.com/p/mrpt/issues/detail?id=49 ) - [mrpt-maps] mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::getAs3DObject() returned cells with an occupancy of exactly "0" as transparent - r2957 - [mrpt-maps] Fixed saving the correct point colors in mrpt::maps::CColouredPointsMap::savePCDFile() (Thanks Mariano!) - r3090 - [mrpt-maps] In CPointsMap::computeMatchingWith3D. Fixed matching two 3D point clouds as each correspondence was inserted twice into the output vector. (By Paco) - r3162 - [mrpt-opengl] Fixed a potential bug: after deserializing an object based on a display-list (most of them), it won't update in the opengl view. - [mrpt-reactivenav] Class mrpt::reactivenav::CHolonomicVFF was not exported in Windows DLL's (Thanks Mariano for noticing!). - [mrpt-reactivenav] Fixed wrong computation of obstacles force fields in mrpt::reactivenav::CHolonomicVFF (Thanks Mariano for noticing!) - r2953 - [mrpt-reactivenav] Precomputed collision grids could be loaded in mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator even for different robot parameters/shape: now it correctly detects such situations and recompute when needed - r2939 - Closes #33 - [mrpt-reactivenav] ND algorithm: Fixed bugs of "last gap is never evaluated" and wrong composition of representative direction for some gaps (By Mariano) - r3056
- New applications: - kinect-stereo-calibrate: A GUI tool for calibrating RGB+D and/or stereo cameras, including live Kinect capturing. - Removed applications: - stereo-calib-gui: it's now superseded by kinect-stereo-gui. The old command line tool is still useful, so it's still there as the example "stereo-calib-opencv". - Changes in applications: - icp-slam: - Added a new option (SHOW_LASER_SCANS_3D in config files) to draw laser scans in the live 3D view - r2881 - rawlog-edit: - Operation "--camera-params" now also handles stereo observations. - New operation "--stereo-rectify" for batch rectifying datasets with stereo images. - New operation "--rename-externals". - SceneViewer3D: - New menu for generating high-resolution renders of any scene directly to imag files - r2775 - Many new menus for selective selecting objects and applying operations on them - r2776 - stereo-calib-gui: Now generates a report with detailed and clear results from stereo calibration and allows the user to change most parameters interactively - r2801 - kinect-3d-view: New key command: press '9' to grab selected snapshots to disk - r2890 - Kinect stuff: - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect now decodes Bayer color using OpenCV instead of default freenect - r2721, r2762 - mrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect no longer forces a horizontal tilt at start up by default, what may be annoying (if required, set "initial_tilt_angle") - r2722 - mrpt::hwdrivers::CKinect now loads Kinect calibration files in a format compatible with stereo cameras. See http://www.mrpt.org/Kinect_calibration - [mrpt-obs] - New method mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::convertTo2DScan() allows simulating a "fake 2D laser scanner" from a Kinect. See the example: http://www.mrpt.org/Example_Kinect_To_2D_laser_scan - [mrpt-vision] - New function mrpt::vision::checkerBoardStereoCalibration() to calibrate stereo and RGB+D cameras. See also the program kinect-stereo-calibrate: - New classes: - [mrpt-gui] - New event generated by GUI windows: mrpt::gui::mrptEventWindowClosed - [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CRaePID: A new interface to PID gas sensing devices (by Emil Khatib, University of Malaga) - r2841 - [mrpt-opengl] - New classes for representing confidence intervals (ellipsoids) in transformed spaces - r2783 - mrpt::opengl::CGeneralizedEllipsoidTemplate<> - mrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidRangeBearing2D - mrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidInverseDepth2D - mrpt::opengl::CEllipsoidInverseDepth3D - mrpt::opengl::CFrustum to easily render these geometric figures - New struct mrpt::opengl::TFontParams result of a code refactoring - [mrpt-vision] - mrpt::vision::TSIFTDescriptorsKDTreeIndex, TSURFDescriptorsKDTreeIndex - 2799 - mrpt::vision::CStereoRectifyMap - See tutorial online: http://www.mrpt.org/Rectifying_stereo_