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Add type declarations #267

merged 44 commits into from
Aug 12, 2023


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@fabioh8010 fabioh8010 commented Jun 29, 2023


This PR creates type declarations for Onyx functions and withOnyx HOC.

You can refer to this POC PR or checkout the POC branch to see more examples and test the typings.

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How it works

This library will use module augmentation in order to provide types from the consumer (the project who will use Onyx) to Onyx own functions.

To augment and add type-safety to Onyx functions and HOC, the developer needs to provides three types to Onyx: keys, collectionKeys, and values.

  • keys: An union type of all Onyx keys (excluding collection keys) used in the project.
  • collectionKeys: An union type of all Onyx collection keys (excluding normal keys) used in the project. This distinction is necessary in order to provide better type-safety to Onyx.
  • values: An object type which each key is a Onyx key, and each value is the data type that is going to be stored in that key. Both normal keys and collection keys has to be defined here.

The developer will need to augment Onyx library by overriding those types inside CustomTypeOptions interface.


////// ONYXKEYS.ts
const ONYXKEYS = {
    ACCOUNT: 'account',
        DOWNLOAD: 'download_',
        REPORT: 'report_',
    IS_LOADING_PAYMENT_METHODS: 'isLoadingPaymentMethods',
} as const;

type DeepValueOf<T> = T extends object ? DeepValueOf<T[keyof T]> : T;

type OnyxKeysMap = typeof ONYXKEYS;

// "download_" | "report_"
type OnyxCollectionKey = ValueOf<OnyxKeysMap['COLLECTION']>;

// "account" | "isLoadingPaymentMethods"
type OnyxKey = DeepValueOf<Omit<OnyxKeysMap, 'COLLECTION'>>;

type Account = {
    id: string;
    name?: string;
    items?: Array<{name: string}>;

type Download = {
    url: string;

type Report = {
    id: string;
    isArchived: boolean;
    data: {
        message: string;
        isRead?: boolean;

type OnyxValues = {
    [ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT]: Account;

    // Collection keys


export default ONYXKEYS;
export type {OnyxKey, OnyxCollectionKey, OnyxValues};
////// global.d.ts
import {OnyxKey, OnyxCollectionKey, OnyxValues} from './ONYXKEYS';

// Here I'm augmenting react-native-onyx library.
declare module 'react-native-onyx' {
    interface CustomTypeOptions {
        keys: OnyxKey;
        collectionKeys: OnyxCollectionKey;
        values: OnyxValues;

This process is optional and if the developer choose to NOT augment it, the library will then work with minimal type-safety and support.

When augmenting the library, all our type declarations will use the types provided by the developer to add type-safety and support to all Onyx functions and HOC.

Type declarations


// "account" | "isLoadingPaymentMethods" | `download_${string}` | `report_${string}`
const keys = Onyx.getAllKeys();


const isSafeEvictionKey = Onyx.isSafeEvictionKey(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT);
// const isSafeEvictionWrongKey = Onyx.isSafeEvictionKey('wrong key'); // raises an error, wrong key - correct


Onyx.removeFromEvictionBlockList(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, 1);
// Onyx.removeFromEvictionBlockList('wrong key', 1); // raises an error, wrong key - correct


Onyx.addToEvictionBlockList(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, 2);
// Onyx.addToEvictionBlockList('wrong key', 2); // raises an error, wrong key - correct


    key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment1'}`,
    callback: (value) => { // value is Download | null
        if (!value) {


// Because "waitForCollectionCallback" is true, we will return
// a dictionary of Reports in callback.
    callback: (value) => { // "value" is Record<string, Report> | null
        if (!value) {

    waitForCollectionCallback: true,


// Onyx.disconnect(1000, 'wrong key'); // raises an error, wrong key - correct


Onyx.set(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, {id: 'account1'});
Onyx.set(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment1'}`, {url: 'download_url'});
// Onyx.set(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, 'wrong value'); // raises an error, wrong value - correct



  • We have to add as const to the collection keys due to limitations in TS typing.
    [ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT]: {id: 'id2'},
    [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment1'}` as const]: {url: 'download_url'},
    // [ONYXKEYS.IS_LOADING_PAYMENT_METHODS]: 'wrong value', // raises an error, wrong value - correct


Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, {name: 'user name'});
Onyx.merge(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${'report'}`, {data: {isRead: true}});
// Onyx.merge(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, 'something'); // raises an error, wrong value - correct


// Onyx.clear(['wrong key']); // raises an error, wrong key - correct



  • We have to add as const to the keys due to limitations in TS typing.
    [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment1'}` as const]: {url: 'download_url'},
    [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment3'}` as const]: {url: 'download_url3'},
    // [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${'report1'}` as const]: {id: 'account'}, // raises an error, wrong key - correct
    // [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment2'}` as const]: false, // raises an error, wrong value - correct

// Onyx.mergeCollection(ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT, {
//     [`${ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT}${'account1'}` as const]: {id: 'account'},
// });  // raises an error, not a collection - correct



  • We have to add as const to the collection keys in mergeCollection due to limitations in TS typing.
        onyxMethod: 'set',
        key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${'report1'}`,
        value: {id: 'id1', isArchived: false, data: {message: 'message1'}},
        onyxMethod: 'merge',
        key: ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
        value: {id: 'id1'},
    // {
    //     onyxMethod: 'merge',
    //     value: {id: 'id1'}, // raises an error, wrong value - correct
    // },
    // {
    //     onyxMethod: 'mergeCollection',
    //     key: ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
    //     value: {},
    // }, // raises an error, not a collection - correct
        onyxMethod: 'mergeCollection',
        value: {
            [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${'report1'}` as const]: {data: {isRead: true}},
            // [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'report2'}` as const]: {data: {isRead: false}}, // raises an error, wrong key - correct



  • We have to add as const to the collection keys due to limitations in TS typing.
    keys: ONYXKEYS,
    initialKeyStates: {
        [ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT]: {id: 'id1'},
        [`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.DOWNLOAD}${'attachment1'}` as const]: {url: 'download_url'},
        // [ONYXKEYS.IS_LOADING_PAYMENT_METHODS]: 'wrong value', // raises an error, wrong value - correct
    safeEvictionKeys: [ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT],


// "level" is "alert" | "info", "message" is string
Onyx.registerLogger(({level, message}) => {});


How it works

  • withOnyx HOC will accept two types, Props and OnyxProps.
  • Each prop in OnyxProps need to be supplied to the HOC with its associated mapping object. The mapping object can have this properties:
    • key: Can be string or function. Specifies the Onyx key to supply the Onyx value to the prop. If passing a function, the parameter of it will be the Props of the component.
    • canEvict: Can be boolean or function. Specifies if the Onyx key can be evicted. If passing a function, the parameter of it will be the Props of the component.
    • initWithStoredValues: boolean. If set to false, then no data will be prefilled into the component.
    • selector: function. This will be used to subscribe to a subset of an Onyx key's data. The sourceData and withOnyx state are passed to the selector and should return the simplified data.
  • The component must be typed with the intersection of both Props and OnyxProps because all props specified in OnyxProps will be injected in the component.
  • The result component type will have all its OnyxProps stripped because they were injected by the HOC and we don't want whoever uses it to need to pass those props to it.


Given all the possible combinations in the Mapping object of each Onyx prop, we have the following limitations:

  • Onyx prop with string key:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
    • The type of the Onyx value that is associated with key must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
  • Onyx prop with string key and selector:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
          selector: (value: Account | null): string => value?.id ?? '',
    • The function signature and return type of selector must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
  • Onyx prop with function key:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: ({reportId}) => ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
    • The return type of key function must be a valid Onyx key and type of the Onyx value associated with key must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
  • Onyx prop with function key and selector:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: ({reportId}) => ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
          selector: (value: Account | null) => value?.id ?? '',
    • The function signature and return type of selector must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
  • Onyx prop with string collection key:
    • onyxProp: {
    • The type of the Onyx value that is associated with key must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
    • When specifying a collection key without a suffix the returned data structure from Onyx is a object with all the records of that collection, the key being the record ID and the value being the record itself. Currently the typings are not being able to differentiate collection key without a suffix with a key with suffix, which will result in a mismatch between Onyx value and onyxProp type. ❌ WORKING ON THIS
  • Onyx prop with string collection key and selector:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${`report1`}`,
          selector: (value: Report | null) => value?.isArchived ?? false,
          // FIXME: don't raises an error - incorrect
          // selector: (value: Account | null) => false,
    • The return type of selector must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
  • Onyx prop with function collection key:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: ({reportId}) => `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportId}`,
    • The type of the Onyx value that is associated with key must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅
  • Onyx prop with function collection key and selector:
    • onyxProp: {
          key: ({reportId}) => `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportId}`,
          selector: (value: Report | null) => value?.isArchived ?? false,
          // FIXME: don't raises an error - incorrect
          // selector: (value: Account | null) => false,
    • The return type of selector must match with the type of onyxProp prop, otherwise an error will be thrown. ✅

Overall, here are the limitations and issues with withOnyx right now:

  • In some cases the selector is losing partially its type-safety, to overcome this we can explicity specify its function signature to ensure type safety.
  • When using a collection key directly e.g. ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT, Onyx will return an object with all records e.g. {"report_0": {"id":"0", "value":"report_0"}, "report_1": {"id":"1", "value":"report_1"}}, translating into this TS typing Record<string, Report | null>. At the moment we don't have means to differentiate between ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT and ${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportId} which would only return Report | null, causing mismatches between the Onyx value and the Onyx prop. I'm looking for a fix for that.


////// Component.tsx
type OnyxProps = {
    report: Report | null;
    accountId: string;
    isLoadingPaymentMethods: boolean;

type Props = OnyxProps & {
    reportId: string;

function Component({ reportId, report, accountId, isLoadingPaymentMethods}: Props) {
    // component's code...

export default withOnyx<Props, OnyxProps>({
    report: {
        key: ({reportId}) => `${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT}${reportId}`,
    accountId: {
        key: ONYXKEYS.ACCOUNT,
        selector: (value: Account | null): string => value?.id ?? 'default account id',
    isLoadingPaymentMethods: {
////// Playground.tsx
import Component from './Component';

function Playground() {
    return <Component reportId="report id" />;

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lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
.eslintignore Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/Logger.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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@hayata-suenaga @blazejkustra I fixed some types based on your suggestions and improved other ones like connect, mergeCollection and update to cover some missing cases. I still have one case in update that is not solved yet, but besides that I will start typing withOnyx tomorrow!

lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved

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@neil-marcellini neil-marcellini left a comment

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Looking good

lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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@neil-marcellini neil-marcellini left a comment

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@blazejkustra blazejkustra left a comment

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lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/Onyx.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
lib/types.d.ts Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
neil-marcellini previously approved these changes Aug 7, 2023
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@neil-marcellini neil-marcellini left a comment

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I think it's good to go!

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will review this tonight

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@hayata-suenaga hayata-suenaga left a comment

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🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳

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hayata-suenaga commented Aug 9, 2023


We can merge this PR now.
After this PR is merged, the new version (release) of Onyx library is created and published to npm. So, we have to bump the version of Onyx in App's package.jsonhere so that we can use these new type definition files in App. The version bump should be done in the App setup PR.

There is a big change in Onyx recently, however, and the Onyx version in App is being bumped to reflect that change (this PR bumps the version). Let's wait until that PR is merged to merge the App setup PR that will bump the Onyx version further.

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