Releases: Eduap-com/WordMat
Releases · Eduap-com/WordMat
WordMat v. 1.34
- Solves some problems in equation solver
- On Windows timeout or stopnow is now handled better.
- User keyboard shortcuts. Alt+e and alt+n now deactivated by default.
Patch 1
- Error reporting for too few parameters to a function
- better VBACAS figures
- Handles insert formula error at end of table.
- Solves Mac problem with units on.
WordMat v. 1.33
- New function: Complete the square
- New function: Generate html from Worddokument incl. equations
- Improved numerical solver
- Equations, vector, parametric plots can now be entered in Word and converted to GeoGebra
Many bugs fixed
Patch 1
- definitions did not work when using GeoGebra CAS engine
- minor bugs mainly with GeoGebra as CAS engine
WordMat v. 1.32
Can now locate definition errors.
Several bugs resolved
WordMat v. 1.31
- Speed improvements
- Hidden document no longer needed
- Menu redesign
- Choose between decimals and significant figures
- Better support for esc, tab order, Alt shortcut on all forms
- Many bugs resolved
Patch 1-3
- Solves a problem with integration for certain integrals
- If an integral was at the very end of a document when calculating the document would look blank
WordMat v. 1.30
- Ribbon updated
- New collection of formula
- Many bug fixes
WordMat v. 1.29
- New modern UI. All forms redesigned. New Microsoft font Aptos used
- Graphing now graphs the entire selected equationfield regardless of any selection
- Bug resolved: Graphing with GeoGebra calc suite converted log -> ln
- WordMat now guides you if you have set equations to Latex to change it to Unicode
- Better validation and error reporting
- Latex fixed for MikTex in user profile
- New option to connect to Maxima using WSH on Windows. This function requires Partnership. The function is an alternative to the c# api, which can be used if there are antivirus problems. It can also be used if WordMat is installed without Admin priviliges.
- Better handling of the hidden document.
- Many bugs resolved
Patch 1: Attempt at making the files more antivirus friendly
WordMat v. 1.28
- Numeric calculation is now default
- Automatic Backup is now disabled by default. It can cause problems.
- Equation solving problem when using period as decimal separator solved.
- Graphing using GeoGebra browser now uses 'GeoGebra Calculator Suite'
- 'GeoGebra Calculator Suite' is now default graphing program on both Windows and Mac
- WordMat on Windows nows supports all different flavors of GeoGebra: Classic 5, Classic 6, Calculator Suite, Graphing App, CAS App
(Only Classic 5 supported on Mac) - GeoGebra 5 is no longer installed with WordMat
- If GeoGebra 5 is not installed, the user is guided to complete the installation, when first used.
- If more than one flavor of GeoGebra is installed the priority is Classic 5, Calculator Suite, Classic 6, Graphing App, CAS App
- If more than one version of GeoGebra is installed the newest version is now used.
- Update function improved. Update now also Works on Mac.
- Link to Maxima help now works
- Windows Installer now defaults to 'user' installation. This to prepare for nonadmin updateinstaller
- Several bugs resolved
Patch 1
- Some more bugs fixed
WordMat v. 1.27
- Support for MacOS Sonoma
- Maxima upgraded to version 5.47.0
- GeoGebra updated to version 804
- Several bugs in the CAS-part resolved. mainly in equation solver
- In piecewise definitions you can now use OR, AND or the \vee symbol
- Output longer than 500 characters is now supported.
- Direction field improvements for GeoGebra.
- Binomial and normaldistribution formulae revised to better help with definitions and support GeoGebra
- Formuale for vectors now defines vectors if not already defined
WordMat v. 1.26
- GeoGebra updated
- Differential equation solver now has button to numerically solve the differential equation
- Support for f'(x)=... notation in differential equations
- Numerical solver for differential equations: improved and bugs resolved.
- Complete support for piecewise-defined functions in calculations and graphplotting with GnuPlot or GeoGebra
- Problems with Formulae in the menu resolved
- Formulae for confidence interval added to binomial menu
- Excel sheet 'Statistik': columns expanded to show more digits
- Excel sheet 'Simulering' has a new binomial example
- New shortcut overview
- MikTex support fixed (still in Beta)
- Support for another way of entering vectors in Word.
- Solved problem with vector calculations using GeoGebra
- Several minor bug fixes
Patch 1 Mac: Fixed missing 'Show graph'-button for numerical differential equation solver. Button to fix keyboard shortcuts repaired.
WordMat v. 1.25
- GeoGebra updated
- Several minor bug fixes
Windows patch 1
- solved problem with Word Crashing on computers with autoupdate.
Windows patch 2 - solved problem with uninstaller not cleaning up causing err code 2 upgrading from old releases. Install twice to resolve.
- Uninstaller now also digitally signed
- Version in registry