WordMat v. 1.28
- Numeric calculation is now default
- Automatic Backup is now disabled by default. It can cause problems.
- Equation solving problem when using period as decimal separator solved.
- Graphing using GeoGebra browser now uses 'GeoGebra Calculator Suite'
- 'GeoGebra Calculator Suite' is now default graphing program on both Windows and Mac
- WordMat on Windows nows supports all different flavors of GeoGebra: Classic 5, Classic 6, Calculator Suite, Graphing App, CAS App
(Only Classic 5 supported on Mac) - GeoGebra 5 is no longer installed with WordMat
- If GeoGebra 5 is not installed, the user is guided to complete the installation, when first used.
- If more than one flavor of GeoGebra is installed the priority is Classic 5, Calculator Suite, Classic 6, Graphing App, CAS App
- If more than one version of GeoGebra is installed the newest version is now used.
- Update function improved. Update now also Works on Mac.
- Link to Maxima help now works
- Windows Installer now defaults to 'user' installation. This to prepare for nonadmin updateinstaller
- Several bugs resolved
Patch 1
- Some more bugs fixed