WordMat v. 1.26
- GeoGebra updated
- Differential equation solver now has button to numerically solve the differential equation
- Support for f'(x)=... notation in differential equations
- Numerical solver for differential equations: improved and bugs resolved.
- Complete support for piecewise-defined functions in calculations and graphplotting with GnuPlot or GeoGebra
- Problems with Formulae in the menu resolved
- Formulae for confidence interval added to binomial menu
- Excel sheet 'Statistik': columns expanded to show more digits
- Excel sheet 'Simulering' has a new binomial example
- New shortcut overview
- MikTex support fixed (still in Beta)
- Support for another way of entering vectors in Word.
- Solved problem with vector calculations using GeoGebra
- Several minor bug fixes
Patch 1 Mac: Fixed missing 'Show graph'-button for numerical differential equation solver. Button to fix keyboard shortcuts repaired.