Currently implementing core features for MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
- Sign up functionality
- Login system
- Basic profile management
- Email confirmation
- Password reset
- Account deletion
- Resume PDF upload
- Resume parsing service
- Cover letter generation
- Document version control
- PDF parsing infrastructure
- Queue-based processing
- S3 storage integration
- ATS format conversion
- LaTeX generation
- Version control
- Personal story management
- Skills assessment
- Experience categorization
- Version control for all content
- Job description parsing
- URL scraping for job posts
- Matching algorithm
- Application tracking
- Cover letter generation
- Resume optimization
- Skills gap analysis
- Interview preparation
- Dashboard analytics
- Progress tracking
- Interactive resume builder
- Real-time status updates
- Docker configuration
- Basic CI/CD
- Monitoring and logging
- Performance optimization
- Domain configuration
- Stripe integration
- Subscription management
- Usage tracking
- Third-party integrations (LinkedIn, GitHub)
- Chrome extension
- Advanced interview prep
- Email notification system
- Enhanced job analytics
- Project recommendation system
- Career progression tracking
- AI-powered mentorship
- Automated skill development paths
Create migration (preserve data)
docker-compose exec backend sh -c "cd packages/backend && npx prisma migrate dev --create-only"
Apply migration
docker-compose exec backend sh -c "cd packages/backend && npx prisma migrate deploy"
Restart backend
docker-compose restart backend
- Branding update - There are a lot of similarties to dating and finding a job. Interviewing is kind of like dating, and getting a job is like soft-marriage. Lot of risk/reward, wasted time and money, and hard feelings on both sides.
- fix issue with password regex
- copy/paste doesn't work on mac it seems (cover letter)
- Simplify the flow when a user creates an account
- Add resume builder using LaTeX? (maybe)
- Optimize consideration of using users
- Chrome extension oomi