We've identified two main issues with the resume parsing system:
Notification System
- ✅ Fixed callback URL by adding
prefix - ✅ Added improved error logging in resume-parser
- ✅ Notifications are now reaching the backend
- ✅ Fixed callback URL by adding
MongoDB Storage Issue
- ❌ Documents failing validation
- Need to review schema validation rules
- Need to handle empty/null fields appropriately
Parser Effectiveness
- ❌ Parser not extracting data from PDFs
- PDF reading works (confirmed by byte count)
- All fields returning empty/null
- Review current schema in
- Consider relaxing validation rules for MVP
- Add better error logging to identify specific validation failures
- Test with minimal valid document
- Create test suite with sample PDFs
- Add debug logging in:
- Review section detection logic
- Test PDF text extraction locally
- Set up local test environment
- Create collection of test PDFs
- Add logging checkpoints
- Verify each parsing stage:
- PDF reading
- Text extraction
- Section identification
- Data extraction
- MongoDB storage
- Add confidence scoring
- Improve error handling
- Add retry mechanism for MongoDB storage
- Consider fallback parsing strategies
- Docker compose network configuration is correct
- Services are communicating properly
- Logging has been enhanced for debugging
- Backend routes are properly configured
- Sample PDF resumes for testing
- MongoDB schema documentation
- Current parsing rules documentation
View parser logs docker-compose logs resume-parser Test parser locally cargo test -- --nocapture Check MongoDB connection docker-compose exec mongodb mongosh
- Keep the improved logging we've added
- Consider adding metrics for parser success rate
- May need to adjust MongoDB schema for MVP