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Bubble Hero Engine

This is the game engine for the iOS game Bubble Hero, built with Swift 4 and latest API from iOS 11. It was built by Yunpeng in 2018.

This engine is published as a Cocoapod. Add the following line to your Podfile for usage:

pod 'GameEngine', :git => '[email protected]:yunpengn/BubbleHeroEngine.git', :branch => 'master'

Design & Class Diagram

Class Diagram

(Credit to ProcessOn for providing us with an excellent online tool to draw UML diagram)

This Bubble Hero Engine application follows the MVC (model, view, controller) architecture. Each component is explained as follows:

  • Model: The model provides a reliable backend store for all the data in the game. Similar to Problem Set 3, a Level is composed of many Bubbles. By default, each Level has 12 rows, 11/12 columns of FilledBubbles. However, note that the Level class this type supports more functionalities compared to Problem Set 3. Stack is used to support some of these functionalities internally. In Problem Set 5, we may create subclasses for FilledBubble since there are special bubbles. Each FilledBubble has a BubbleType. For example, FilledBubbles of different colors are of different BubbleTypes. Each object controlled by the PhysicsEngine must be a GameObject. A GameObject represents a simplified idealized physical object that obeys a certain subset of physics laws. In this problem set, it is a 2D object with no mass or volumn. However, it has a fixed size and its shape is a perfect circle. If its isRigidBody attribute is true, then it becomes a rigid body. Collision may happen between two rigid bodies. A GameObject can have speed and acceleration, both of which can be seen as a 2D vector. The BubbleProvider will continously generate random BubbleType, as a supplier for the bubble launcher.
  • Controller: The BubbleArenaController is the main controller for the game view. To support bubbleArena which is a UICollectionView, this class will conform to UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate and UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout protocols. The BubbleLauncherController controls the related operations and user input about launching a bubble (using the bubble launcher at the middle bottom of the screen). After a bubble has been launched, the ShootingBubbleController will take over the control. It will work closely with PhysicsEngine and GameObjectsController to instruct the movement of shooted bubbles and detect collision. Whenver collision happens, the PhysicsEngine will inform ShootingBubbleController to handle the game-specific logic. GameObjectsController acts as a bridge and mapping between the GameObjects managed in the game engine and FilledBubbles stored in the model. For information passing and notification of events happened, delegate pattern is applied to the three main controllers. They conform to BubbleArenaControllerDelegate, BubbleLauncherControllerDelegate and ShootingBubbleControllerDelegate protocols respectively.
  • View: The view in this problem set is pretty simple. It mainly consists of two parts, the BubbleArena and the BubbleLauncher. The BubbleArena is a UICollectionView, which is composed of many BubbleCells, which conforms to the UICollectionViewCell protocol. The BubbleLauncher is simply a UIImageVIew, which shows the next bubble to be launched. Whenever the player shoots a bubble, it will be updated according to the supply from BubbleProvider.

(The idea of rigid body & collision is adapted from Unity3D game engine, although there are variations.)


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GNU General Public Licence 3.0


Game engine to support the Bubble Hero iOS game, built with Swift 4








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