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Implemented a way for users to opt into ignoring mismatched CRCs in a…
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…n archive header (Issue abbeycode#82), and consistently replaced all references to 'self' inside blocks with 'welf'
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abbeycode authored and xiaogdgenuine committed Nov 3, 2020
1 parent 85a79a8 commit 79a32cc
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Showing 15 changed files with 978 additions and 101 deletions.
21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion Classes/URKArchive.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -477,11 +477,30 @@ extern NSString *URKErrorDomain;
Extract each file in the archive, checking whether the data matches the CRC checksum
stored at the time it was written
@return YES if the data is all correct, false if any check failed
- (BOOL)checkDataIntegrity;

Extract each file in the archive, checking whether the data matches the CRC checksum
stored at the time it was written. If any file doesn't match, run the given block
to allow the API consumer to decide whether to ignore mismatches. NOTE: This may be a
security risk. The block is intended to prompt the user, which is why it's forced onto
the main thread, rather than making a design-time decision
@param ignoreCRCMismatches This block, called on the main thread, allows a consuming API to
prompt the user whether or not he'd like to ignore CRC mismatches.
This block is called the first time a CRC mismatch is detected, if
at all. It won't be called if all CRCs match. If this returns YES,
then all further CRC mismatches will be ignored for the
archive instance
@return YES if the data is all correct and/or the block returns YES; returns false if
any check failed and the given block also returns NO
- (BOOL)checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:(BOOL(^)(void))ignoreCRCMismatches;

Extract a particular file, to determine if its data matches the CRC
checksum stored at the time it written
Expand Down
295 changes: 211 additions & 84 deletions Classes/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Classes/URKFileInfo.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ - (instancetype)initWithFileHeader:(struct RARHeaderDataEx *)fileHeader
_isEncryptedWithPassword = fileHeader->Flags & (1 << 2);
//_fileHasComment = fileHeader->Flags & (1 << 3)

_isDirectory = fileHeader->Flags & RHDF_DIRECTORY;
_isDirectory = (fileHeader->Flags & RHDF_DIRECTORY) ? YES : NO;

return self;
Expand Down
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions Tests/CheckDataTests.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,4 +91,70 @@ - (void)testCheckDataIntegrityForFile_ModifiedCRC {
XCTAssertFalse(success, @"Data integrity check passed for archive with modified CRC");

- (void)testCheckDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches {
NSArray *testArchives = @[@"Test Archive.rar",
@"Test Archive (Password).rar",
@"Test Archive (Header Password).rar"];

for (NSString *testArchiveName in testArchives) {
NSLog(@"Testing data integrity of file in archive %@", testArchiveName);
NSURL *testArchiveURL = self.testFileURLs[testArchiveName];
NSString *password = ([testArchiveName rangeOfString:@"Password"].location != NSNotFound
? @"password"
: nil);
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:testArchiveURL password:password error:nil];

__block BOOL blockInvoked = NO;
BOOL success = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
blockInvoked = YES;
return NO;

XCTAssertTrue(success, @"Data integrity check failed for %@", testArchiveName);
XCTAssertFalse(blockInvoked, @"Block prompting whether to ignore CRC mismatches should not have been called");

- (void)testCheckDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches_NotAnArchive {
NSURL *testArchiveURL = self.testFileURLs[@"Test File B.jpg"];
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:testArchiveURL error:nil];

__block BOOL blockInvoked = NO;
BOOL success = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
blockInvoked = YES;
return NO;

XCTAssertFalse(success, @"Data integrity check passed for non-archive");
XCTAssertFalse(blockInvoked, @"Block prompting whether to ignore CRC mismatches should not have been called");

- (void)testCheckDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches_ModifiedCRC_Ignore {
NSURL *testArchiveURL = self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"];
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:testArchiveURL error:nil];

__block BOOL blockInvoked = NO;
BOOL success = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
blockInvoked = YES;
return YES;

XCTAssertTrue(success, @"Data integrity check failed for archive with modified CRC, when instructed to ignore");
XCTAssertTrue(blockInvoked, @"Block prompting whether to ignore CRC mismatches should have been called");

- (void)testCheckDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches_ModifiedCRC_DontIgnore {
NSURL *testArchiveURL = self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"];
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:testArchiveURL error:nil];

__block BOOL blockInvoked = NO;
BOOL success = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
blockInvoked = YES;
return NO;

XCTAssertFalse(success, @"Data integrity check passed for archive with modified CRC");
XCTAssertTrue(blockInvoked, @"Block prompting whether to ignore CRC mismatches should have been called");

57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions Tests/ExtractBufferedDataTests.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,63 @@ - (void)testExtractBufferedData
@"File extracted in buffer not returned correctly");

- (void)testExtractBufferedData_ModifiedCRC
NSURL *archiveURL = self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"];
NSString *extractedFile = @"";
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:archiveURL error:nil];

NSError *error = nil;
NSMutableData *reconstructedFile = [NSMutableData data];
BOOL success = [archive extractBufferedDataFromFile:extractedFile
^(NSData *dataChunk, CGFloat percentDecompressed) {
NSLog(@"Decompressed: %f%%", percentDecompressed);
[reconstructedFile appendBytes:dataChunk.bytes

XCTAssertFalse(success, @"Failed to read buffered data");
XCTAssertNotNil(error, @"Error reading buffered data");

NSData *originalFile = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.testFileURLs[extractedFile]];
XCTAssertTrue([originalFile isEqualToData:reconstructedFile],
@"File extracted in buffer not returned correctly");

- (void)testExtractBufferedData_ModifiedCRC_IgnoringMismatches
NSURL *archiveURL = self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"];
NSString *extractedFile = @"";
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:archiveURL error:nil];

BOOL checkIntegritySuccess = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
return YES;

XCTAssertTrue(checkIntegritySuccess, @"Data integrity check failed for archive with modified CRC, when instructed to ignore");

NSError *error = nil;
NSMutableData *reconstructedFile = [NSMutableData data];
BOOL success = [archive extractBufferedDataFromFile:extractedFile
^(NSData *dataChunk, CGFloat percentDecompressed) {
NSLog(@"Decompressed: %f%%", percentDecompressed);
[reconstructedFile appendBytes:dataChunk.bytes

XCTAssertTrue(success, @"Failed to read buffered data");
XCTAssertNil(error, @"Error reading buffered data");
XCTAssertGreaterThan(reconstructedFile.length, 0, @"No data returned");

NSData *originalFile = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.testFileURLs[extractedFile]];
XCTAssertTrue([originalFile isEqualToData:reconstructedFile],
@"File extracted in buffer not returned correctly");

- (void)testExtractBufferedData_VeryLarge
Expand Down
35 changes: 33 additions & 2 deletions Tests/ExtractDataTests.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - (void)testExtractData
@"Test Archive (Header Password).rar"];

NSSet *expectedFileSet = [self.testFileURLs keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^BOOL(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"];
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"] && ![key hasSuffix:@"md"];

NSArray *expectedFiles = [[expectedFileSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ - (void)testExtractData
- (void)testExtractData_Unicode
NSSet *expectedFileSet = [self.unicodeFileURLs keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^BOOL(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"];
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"] && ![key hasSuffix:@"md"];

NSArray *expectedFiles = [[expectedFileSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,4 +121,35 @@ - (void)testExtractData_InvalidArchive
XCTAssertEqual(error.code, URKErrorCodeBadArchive, @"Unexpected error code returned");

- (void)testExtractData_ModifiedCRC
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"] error:nil];

NSError *error = nil;
NSData *data = [archive extractDataFromFile:@"" error:&error];

XCTAssertNotNil(error, @"Extract data for invalid archive succeeded");
XCTAssertNil(data, @"Data returned for invalid archive");
XCTAssertEqual(error.code, URKErrorCodeBadData, @"Unexpected error code returned");

- (void)testExtractData_ModifiedCRC_IgnoringMismatches
URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"] error:nil];

BOOL checkIntegritySuccess = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
return YES;

XCTAssertTrue(checkIntegritySuccess, @"Data integrity check failed for archive with modified CRC, when instructed to ignore");

NSError *error = nil;
NSData *data = [archive extractDataFromFile:@"" error:&error];
NSData *expectedData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.testFileURLs[@""]];

XCTAssertNil(error, @"Extract data for invalid archive succeeded");
XCTAssertNotNil(data, @"Data returned for invalid archive");
XCTAssertEqualObjects(data, expectedData);

81 changes: 79 additions & 2 deletions Tests/ExtractFilesTests.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - (void)testExtractFiles
@"Test Archive (Header Password).rar"];

NSSet *expectedFileSet = [self.testFileURLs keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^BOOL(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"];
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"] && ![key hasSuffix:@"md"];

NSArray *expectedFiles = [[expectedFileSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ - (void)testExtractFiles_RAR5
- (void)testExtractFiles_Unicode
NSSet *expectedFileSet = [self.unicodeFileURLs keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^BOOL(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"];
return ![key hasSuffix:@"rar"] && ![key hasSuffix:@"md"];

NSArray *expectedFiles = [[expectedFileSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,4 +240,81 @@ - (void)testExtractFiles_InvalidArchive
XCTAssertFalse(dirExists, @"Directory successfully created for invalid archive");

- (void)testExtractFiles_ModifiedCRC
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"] error:nil];

NSString *extractDirectory = [self randomDirectoryWithPrefix:@"ExtractInvalidArchive"];
NSURL *extractURL = [self.tempDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:extractDirectory];

NSError *error = nil;
BOOL success = [archive extractFilesTo:extractURL.path
BOOL dirExists = [fm fileExistsAtPath:extractURL.path];

XCTAssertFalse(success, @"Extract invalid archive succeeded");
XCTAssertEqual(error.code, URKErrorCodeBadData, @"Unexpected error code returned");
XCTAssertFalse(dirExists, @"Directory successfully created for invalid archive");

- (void)testExtractFiles_ModifiedCRC_IgnoreCRCMismatches
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"] error:nil];

BOOL fileHasIntegrity = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
return YES;


NSString *extractDirectory = [self randomDirectoryWithPrefix:@"ExtractInvalidArchive"];
NSURL *extractURL = [self.tempDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:extractDirectory];

NSError *error = nil;
BOOL success = [archive extractFilesTo:extractURL.path

XCTAssertTrue(success, @"CRC mismatch not ignored");
XCTAssertNil(error, @"Unexpected error code returned");

BOOL dirExists = [fm fileExistsAtPath:extractURL.path];
XCTAssertTrue(dirExists, @"Directory successfully created for invalid archive");

NSURL *extractedFileURL = [extractURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@""];
XCTAssertTrue([extractedFileURL checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:NULL]);

- (void)testExtractFiles_ModifiedCRC_DontIgnoreCRCMismatches
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

URKArchive *archive = [[URKArchive alloc] initWithURL:self.testFileURLs[@"Modified CRC Archive.rar"] error:nil];

BOOL fileHasIntegrity = [archive checkDataIntegrityIgnoringCRCMismatches:^BOOL{
return NO;


NSString *extractDirectory = [self randomDirectoryWithPrefix:@"ExtractInvalidArchive"];
NSURL *extractURL = [self.tempDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:extractDirectory];

NSError *error = nil;
BOOL success = [archive extractFilesTo:extractURL.path

XCTAssertFalse(success, @"CRC mismatch not ignored");
XCTAssertNotNil(error, @"Unexpected error code returned");

BOOL dirExists = [fm fileExistsAtPath:extractURL.path];
XCTAssertFalse(dirExists, @"Directory successfully created for invalid archive");


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