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widberg edited this page Aug 14, 2022 · 46 revisions


struct Material_Z : ResourceObject_Z // 172
    Vec4f color;
        // rgba
    Vec3f emission;
    std::int32_t unknown0;
    Vec2f tMatrixTopLeft;
    std::int32_t someNumber;
        // Can be -1
    std::uint32_t flags1;
    Vec2f tMatrixBottomRight;
    std::uint16_t enabledBitmaps;
        // Bit flags representing which bitmap fields are enabled
        // Least significant bit represents the first field
    std::uint16_t zero;
        // Padding
    std::uint32_t RdrFlag;
    Vec2f tMatrixOffset;
    float tMatrixScale;
    float tAngle;
    float param0;
    float param1;
    float param2;
    float param3;
    float param4;
    float param5;
    float param6;
    float param7;
    float param8;
    float param9;
    float param10;
    float param11;
    float param12;
    float param13;
    std::uint32_t sDiffuseBitmapCRC32;
    std::uint32_t unknownBitmapCRC320;
        // Always 0?
    std::uint32_t sSpecularBitmapCRC32;
    std::uint32_t sAddNormalLocalBitmapCRC321;
        // Rarely set
        // Very green
        // When this is set the other normal bitmap is 0
    std::uint32_t sOcclusionBitmapCRC32;
    std::uint32_t sNormalBitmapCRC32;
    std::uint32_t sDirtBitmapCRC32;
    std::uint32_t sNormalLocalBitmapCRC32;
        // Rarely set
        // When this is set the other normal bitmap is 0
    std::uint32_t unknownBitmapCRC321;
        // Always 0?
        // Since enabledBitmaps only has 8 bits it is unlikely this is a bitmap
        // However, it is loaded with the others in a loop so it probably is
//--- 010 Editor v11.0.1 Binary Template

struct Material_Z
    float constants0;
    float constants1;
    float constants2;
    float constants3;
    float constants4;
    float constants5;
    float constants6;
    int32 unknown0;
    float tMatrix0X;
    float tMatrix0Y;
    int32 flags0;
    int32 flags1;
    float tMatrix1X;
    float tMatrix1Y;
    int32 enabledBitmaps;
    int32 RdrFlag;
    float tMatrix2X;
    float tMatrix2Y;
    float tMatrixScale;
    float someAngle;
    float unknownvecX;
    float unknownvecY;
    float unknownvecZ;
    float constants7;
    float constants8;
    float constants9;
    float constants10;
    float constants11;
    float tRotationX;
    float tRotationY;
    float tRotationZ;
    float tRotationW;
    int32 moreFlags;
    int32 moreMoreFlags;
    uint32 diffuseBitmapCRC32;
    uint32 unknownBitmapCRC320;
    uint32 metalBitmapCRC32;
    uint32 unknownBitmapCRC321;
    uint32 greyBitmapCRC32;
    uint32 normalBitmapCRC32;
    uint32 dirtBitmapCRC32;
    uint32 unknownBitmapCRC322;
    uint32 unknownBitmapCRC323;
} material;
struct Material_Z : ResourceObject_Z // 177
    Vec4f color;
        // rgba
    Vec3f emission;
    std::int32_t unknown0;
    float vertexShaderConstantFs[31];
        // Theres some uint32s in here so I'll need to see which data goes to which calls
    std::uint8_t opt;
    if (opt != 0)
        crc32_t unknownCRC32s[2];
    std::uint32_t bitmapCRC32s[6];
struct Material_Z : ResourceObject_Z // 181
    Vec4f color;
        // rgba
    Vec3f emission;
    std::int32_t unknown0;
    float vertexShaderConstantFs[34];
        // Theres some uint32s in here so I'll need to see which data goes to which calls
    std::uint8_t opt;
    if (opt != 0)
        crc32_t unknownCRC32s[2];
    std::uint32_t bitmapCRC32s[6];


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Asobo BigFile Format Specification
Asobo Classes
Asobo File Format Idioms
Asobo CRC32
Asobo LZ Compression
Asobo Arithmetic Coding Compression
Asobo Save Game File Format Specification
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