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Asobo LZ Compression

widberg edited this page Oct 22, 2022 · 34 revisions

Custom LZRS Compression

FUEL uses a byte-aligned, sliding window Lempel–Ziv-Reed-Solomon (LZRS) variant with 32-bit control flags.

The same compression method is used in most Asobo games. At this time I can confirm it is used in Ratatouille and WALL-E. The WALL-E (Mac) debug symbols use the UnPack_Z::DecodeRS and Pack_Z::EncodeRS method names for these functions. Future games may use different methods, for example, A Plague Tale games use LZ4. A Python implementation of the decompression method is available in the fmt_fuel repository. A Rust implementation of the decompression and compression methods is available in the dpc repository.

void lzrs_fuel_decompress(const std::uint8_t* compressed_buffer_ptr, std::uint32_t compressed_buffer_size, std::uint8_t* decompressed_buffer_ptr, std::uint32_t decompressed_buffer_size, bool is_in_place)
    // Magic Numbers
    constexpr std::uint32_t WINDOW_LOG = 0xe;
    constexpr std::uint32_t WINDOW_MASK = 0x3fff;

    std::uint8_t* end_ptr = decompressed_buffer_ptr + decompressed_buffer_size;

    while (true)
        std::uint32_t flag = _byteswap_ulong(*(std::uint32_t*)compressed_buffer_ptr); // read as big endian
        std::uint8_t len = flag & 0x3; // 0b11 [0-3]
        std::uint8_t temp_shift = WINDOW_LOG - len;
        std::uint32_t temp_mask = WINDOW_MASK >> len;
        compressed_buffer_ptr += 4;

        for (std::uint8_t i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
            if ((flag & 0x80000000) != 0)
                std::uint16_t temp = _byteswap_ushort(*(std::uint16_t*)compressed_buffer_ptr); // read as big endian
                compressed_buffer_ptr += 2;

                std::uint8_t* window_ptr = decompressed_buffer_ptr - ((temp & temp_mask) + 1);
                for (std::uint32_t length = (temp >> temp_shift) + 3; length > 0; --length)
                    *(decompressed_buffer_ptr++) = *(window_ptr++);
                *(decompressed_buffer_ptr++) = *(compressed_buffer_ptr++);

            if ((decompressed_buffer_ptr == end_ptr) || (is_in_place && (decompressed_buffer_ptr > compressed_buffer_ptr)))

            flag <<= 1;
#define PACKET_SIZE (0x8000U)
#define LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE (1 << (sizeof(std::uint16_t) * CHAR_BIT))

struct PacketMatch
    std::int32_t length = 0;
    std::int32_t data = 0;

struct Packet
    std::int32_t match_length = 0;
    std::int32_t total_length = 0;
    std::vector<PacketMatch> matches = {};

struct Match
    const std::uint8_t* ptr = nullptr;
    Match* prev = nullptr;
    Match* next = nullptr;

    void orphan()
        prev->next = nullptr;
        prev = nullptr;

    void push_back(Match* node)
        node->prev = prev;
        if (node->prev) node->prev->next = node;
        node->next = this;
        node->next->prev = node;

bool encode_packet(const std::uint8_t* uncompressed_buffer_ptr, Packet& packet, std::uint32_t window_index, const std::uint8_t* const uncompressed_buffer, const std::uint8_t* const uncompressed_buffer_end, Match* const g_window_buffer)
    std::uint32_t remaining_length = (1 << packet.match_length) + 2;
    std::uint32_t v20 = 0x10000 >> packet.match_length;

    for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i != 30; ++i)
        const std::uint8_t* v5 = std::max(uncompressed_buffer, uncompressed_buffer_ptr - v20);

        remaining_length = std::min(remaining_length, (std::uint32_t)(uncompressed_buffer_end - uncompressed_buffer_ptr));

        if (remaining_length <= 2)
            packet.matches.push_back({ -1, *uncompressed_buffer_ptr++ });
            const std::uint8_t* ptr = nullptr;

            std::int32_t match_length = 2;
            for (Match* cur = g_window_buffer[window_index].prev; cur && cur->ptr >= v5; cur = cur->prev)
                if (uncompressed_buffer_ptr[2] == cur->ptr[2])
                    std::uint32_t j;
                    for (j = 3; cur->ptr[j] == uncompressed_buffer_ptr[j] && remaining_length != j; ++j)

                    if (match_length < j)
                        if (remaining_length == j)
                            ptr = cur->ptr;
                            match_length = remaining_length;
                        match_length = j;
                        ptr = cur->ptr;

            if (match_length == 2)
                packet.matches.push_back({ -1, *uncompressed_buffer_ptr++ });
                packet.total_length += match_length;
                packet.matches.push_back({ match_length - 3, (std::int32_t)(uncompressed_buffer_ptr - ptr) });
                uncompressed_buffer_ptr += match_length;
                window_index += match_length;

        window_index = window_index % PACKET_SIZE;

        if (uncompressed_buffer_ptr >= uncompressed_buffer_end)
            return false;

    return true;

std::uint32_t lzrs_fuel_compress(const std::uint8_t* uncompressed_buffer, std::uint8_t* compressed_buffer, std::uint32_t uncompressed_buffer_size, std::uint32_t compressed_buffer_size)
    Match* g_window_buffer = new Match[PACKET_SIZE];
    Match* short_lookup = new Match[LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE];

    *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(compressed_buffer) = uncompressed_buffer_size;
    std::uint8_t* compressed_buffer_ptr = compressed_buffer + 8;

    const std::uint32_t WINDOW_SIZE = std::min(uncompressed_buffer_size, PACKET_SIZE);

    const std::uint8_t* const uncompressed_buffer_end = uncompressed_buffer + uncompressed_buffer_size;

    Packet packets[4];
    packets[0].match_length = 2;
    packets[1].match_length = 3;
    packets[2].match_length = 4;
    packets[3].match_length = 5;

    std::uint32_t window_index = 0;

    for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; ++i)
        const std::uint8_t* ptr = uncompressed_buffer + i;
        std::uint32_t match_index = _byteswap_ushort(*reinterpret_cast<const std::uint16_t*>(ptr));
        Match& current = g_window_buffer[i];
        Match& next = short_lookup[match_index];
        current.ptr = ptr;

    const std::uint8_t* uncompressed_buffer_ptr = uncompressed_buffer;

    std::uint32_t buffer_size_2 = PACKET_SIZE;
    std::int32_t k = 0x7000;

    while (uncompressed_buffer_ptr < uncompressed_buffer_end)
        std::uint8_t len;

        packets[3].total_length = 0;
        packets[2].total_length = 0;
        packets[1].total_length = 0;
        packets[0].total_length = 0;

        if (encode_packet(uncompressed_buffer_ptr, packets[3], window_index, uncompressed_buffer, uncompressed_buffer_end, g_window_buffer) && packets[3].total_length <= 540)
            if (encode_packet(uncompressed_buffer_ptr, packets[2], window_index, uncompressed_buffer, uncompressed_buffer_end, g_window_buffer))
                len = (packets[2].total_length <= packets[3].total_length) + 2;
                if (packets[len].total_length <= 300)
                    if (encode_packet(uncompressed_buffer_ptr, packets[1], window_index, uncompressed_buffer, uncompressed_buffer_end, g_window_buffer))
                        if (packets[1].total_length > packets[len].total_length)
                            len = 1;

                        if (packets[len].total_length <= 180)
                            encode_packet(uncompressed_buffer_ptr, packets[0], window_index, uncompressed_buffer, uncompressed_buffer_end, g_window_buffer);
                            if (packets[0].total_length >= packets[len].total_length)
                                len = 0;
                        len = 1;
                len = 2;
            len = 3;

        Packet& currentPacket = packets[len];

        std::uint32_t flag = 0;
        for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < currentPacket.matches.size(); ++i)
            if (currentPacket.matches[i].length >= 0)
                flag |= 0x80000000U >> i;

        *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(compressed_buffer_ptr) = _byteswap_ulong(flag | len);
        compressed_buffer_ptr += 4;

        for (auto match : currentPacket.matches)
            if (match.length == -1)
                *compressed_buffer_ptr++ =;
                *reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t*>(compressed_buffer_ptr) = _byteswap_ushort( + (match.length << (0xEU - len)) - 1);
                compressed_buffer_ptr += 2;

        uncompressed_buffer_ptr += currentPacket.total_length;

        window_index = (window_index + currentPacket.total_length) % PACKET_SIZE;

        k -= currentPacket.total_length;
        if (k < 0)
            const std::uint32_t WINDOW_SIZE_1 = std::min(uncompressed_buffer_size, buffer_size_2 + 0x1000U);
            for (std::uint32_t i = buffer_size_2; i < WINDOW_SIZE_1; ++i)
                const std::uint8_t* ptr = uncompressed_buffer + i;
                std::uint32_t match_index = _byteswap_ushort(*reinterpret_cast<const std::uint16_t*>(ptr));
                Match& current = g_window_buffer[i % PACKET_SIZE];
                Match& next = short_lookup[match_index];
                current.ptr = ptr;
            k += 0x1000U;
            buffer_size_2 = WINDOW_SIZE_1;

    std::uint32_t compressed_size = compressed_buffer_ptr - compressed_buffer;
    *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(compressed_buffer + 4) = compressed_size;

    delete[] g_window_buffer;
    delete[] short_lookup;

    return compressed_size;

This alternate compression function has a better compression ratio than the original one used by Asobo.

std::uint32_t lzrs_fuel_compress_alternate(const std::uint8_t* decompressed_buffer, std::uint32_t decompressed_buffer_size, std::uint8_t* compressed_buffer, std::uint32_t compressed_buffer_size)
    constexpr std::uint32_t WINDOW_LOG = 14;
    constexpr std::uint32_t WINDOW_MASK = (1 << WINDOW_LOG) - 1;
    constexpr std::uint32_t MATCH_NUM = 30;
    constexpr std::uint32_t MATCH_ITER = 4;
    constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_MATCH_LEN = 3;
    constexpr std::uint32_t MIN_DISTANCE = 1;

    std::uint32_t distances_table[MATCH_NUM][MATCH_ITER]; // distances
    std::uint32_t lengths_table[MATCH_NUM][MATCH_ITER]; // lengths

    const std::uint8_t* decompressed_buffer_ptr = decompressed_buffer;
    const std::uint8_t* decompressed_buffer_end = decompressed_buffer + decompressed_buffer_size;
    std::uint8_t* compressed_buffer_ptr = compressed_buffer;

    while (true)
        if (decompressed_buffer_ptr >= decompressed_buffer_end)

        const std::uint8_t* decompressed_buffer_ptr_backup = decompressed_buffer_ptr;
        std::uint8_t* pflag = compressed_buffer_ptr;
        compressed_buffer_ptr += 4;
        std::uint32_t opt_flag = 0;
        double opt_rate = 0;

        for (std::uint32_t t = 0; t < MATCH_ITER; t++)
            std::uint32_t flag = 0;
            std::uint32_t ulen = 0;
            std::uint32_t clen = 0;
            decompressed_buffer_ptr = decompressed_buffer_ptr_backup;
            std::uint32_t temp_wlog = WINDOW_LOG - t;
            std::uint32_t temp_mlen = (1 << (16 - temp_wlog)) - 1 + MIN_MATCH_LEN;
            std::uint32_t temp_mask = WINDOW_MASK >> t;

            for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < MATCH_NUM; i++)
                distances_table[i][t] = 0;
                lengths_table[i][t] = 1;

            for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < MATCH_NUM; i++)
                if (decompressed_buffer_ptr >= decompressed_buffer_end)

                std::uint32_t pos = decompressed_buffer_ptr - decompressed_buffer;
                std::uint32_t k = pos - (temp_mask + MIN_DISTANCE);
                if ((k & 0x80000000) != 0)
                    k = 0;
                std::uint32_t l = decompressed_buffer_end - decompressed_buffer_ptr;
                if (l > temp_mlen)
                    l = temp_mlen;
                std::uint32_t ml = 0; // max match len
                std::uint32_t mj = 0; // max match pos
                std::uint32_t start = pos - 1;
                std::uint32_t end = k - 1;
                std::uint32_t j = start;
                while (j != end)
                    std::uint32_t rr = l;
                    for (std::uint32_t r = 0; r < l; r++)
                        if (decompressed_buffer_ptr[r] != decompressed_buffer[j + r])
                            rr = r;
                    if (rr > ml)
                        ml = rr;
                        mj = pos - j;


                if (ml < MIN_MATCH_LEN)
                    // literal
                    ulen += 1;
                    clen += 1;
                    // match
                    distances_table[i][t] = mj;
                    lengths_table[i][t] = ml;
                    flag |= 1 << (31 - i);
                    ulen += ml;
                    decompressed_buffer_ptr += ml;
                    clen += 2;

            } // for

            double new_rate = double(ulen) / (4 + clen);

            if (new_rate > opt_rate)
                opt_rate = new_rate;
                opt_flag = flag | t;

        *(std::uint32_t*)pflag = _byteswap_ulong(opt_flag); // write as big endian

        std::uint32_t t = opt_flag & 3;
        decompressed_buffer_ptr = decompressed_buffer_ptr_backup;
        std::uint32_t temp_wlog = WINDOW_LOG - t;
        std::uint32_t temp_mask = WINDOW_MASK >> t;

        for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < MATCH_NUM; i++)
            if (decompressed_buffer_ptr >= decompressed_buffer_end)
            if (opt_flag & (1 << (31 - i)))
                // match
                std::uint32_t ml = lengths_table[i][t];
                std::uint32_t mj = distances_table[i][t];
                std::uint16_t c = ((ml - MIN_MATCH_LEN) << temp_wlog) + ((mj - MIN_DISTANCE) & temp_mask);
                *(std::uint16_t*)compressed_buffer_ptr = _byteswap_ushort(c);
                compressed_buffer_ptr += 2;
                decompressed_buffer_ptr += ml;
            else {
                // literal
                *compressed_buffer_ptr++ = *decompressed_buffer_ptr++;

    return compressed_buffer_ptr - compressed_buffer;



For FMTK Users and Mod Developers

Read the Docs

For FMTK Developers

Asobo BigFile Format Specification
Asobo Classes
Asobo File Format Idioms
Asobo CRC32
Asobo LZ Compression
Asobo Arithmetic Coding Compression
Asobo Save Game File Format Specification
Asobo Audio Formats
TotemTech/ToonTech/Zouna/ACE/BSSTech/Opal Timeline
Zouna Modding Resources

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