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ReleaseNote v0.45(en)

PoChang007 edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 3 revisions


Bug Fixes

  • Textures such as Normal Map and MettalicRoughness were exported without the conversion. This was a bug that only the last material was exported correctly. The others were exported before the conversion and copy.

  • Fixed an issue when specifying sRGBWrite was insufficient. This might be because sRGB was output as Linear and the texture color became dark. The Color Space was set to Linear in the Unity project (Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings), etc.

  • Fixed BlendShapeProxy.SetValues. When multiple BlendShapeClips refer to the same BlendShape with different weights, the output value was not determined by merging all the weights but the last one.


  • Mtoon-1.7

  • GLB animation (BlendShape keyframe) export

  • Added a binary flag in BlendShapeClip. A given value between 0 and 1 will be rounded off to 0 or 1

  • Fixed BlendShapeClips that materials were applied

v0.44: the output is overwritten by the last Target in the material list

Base + (Target - Base) * Weight

v 0.45: the output is the weighted addition of multiple Targets in the material list

    + (TargetA - Base) * WeightA 
    + (TargetB - Base) * WeightB
    + ...
  • Updated the Inspector of BlendShapeAvatar. The list interface is added
  • Updated the Inspector of BlendShapeClip
  • In the BlendShape's preview image, you can click the middle mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to different locations so you can view the character model from different angles

  • High speed importer

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