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ReleaseNote v0.44(en)

PoChang007 edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 6 revisions


※Important Information※

When the new shader is imported with UniVRM-0.43 or earlier versions

The new shader UniGLTF/Unlit has been added in v0.44.

【UniGLTF/Unlit】 The following parameters are not working when using the existing Unlit shaders:

  • The multiplication of Texture and Color
  • DoubleSided
  • VertexColor
  • Transparent with Color

Now these parameters are working in UniGLTF/Unlit. Since these parameters are saved as the unlit of GLTF standard, they can also be processed correctly in other GLTF-compatible viewers. However, they still cannot be performed correctly in earlier versions.
Please wait for the application's library to be upgraded to v0.44 or later versions and then use these parameters. Also, if you are using UniVRM to import VRM data, please upgrade UniVRM to the latest version.

Normal Map Import / Export

Normal Map can be exported / imported correctly starting from v0.44.
Therefore, exported models containing normals from v0.44 or later versions can only be used in applications made by v0.44 or later.
Please wait until applications are upgraded to v0.44 or later and then export your model again. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

[GLTF] Introduction of UniUnlit

We introduced the new shader UniGLTF/Unlit.
The existing Unlit type shaders are unable to perform the following features:

  • The multiplication of Texture and Color
  • DoubleSided
  • VertexColor
  • Transparent with Color

The settings above are functional in the new introduced shader.

[VRM] Specification Change for Saved Information in VRM

Regarding the Unlit and Standard materials: Duplicate information is not saved in VRM. In previous versions, the information is saved twice in / materials and / extensions / VRM / materialProperties. Starting from 0.44, Unlit and Standard that can be described in GLTF are only saved in /materials.

Material's information that cannot be utilized by GLTF: VRM/MToon and VRM/UnlitTransparentZWrite.

[VRM] Model Normalization

Fixed the issue that disabled GameObjects that are specified as HumanBone caused the normalization process to be failed.

[GLTF] Material-Related Updates: NormalMap, Etc.

NormalMap asset import

textureImporter.textureType = TextureImporterType.NormalMap;

NormalMap runtime import


fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target
    half4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
    half4 normal;
    normal.x = 1.0;
    normal.y = col.y;
    normal.z = 1.0;
    normal.w = col.x;

    return normal;

NormalMap export


[GLTF] Animation-Related Updates

Update GLTF's animation support.


Animation can be loaded as Unity's legacy AnimationClip. It supports the keyframe of localPosition, localRotation, localScaleand BlendShape for GameObject.

Editor Export

The Animation attached to the root of export target and the localPosition, localRotation, localScale of AnimationClip (legacy or generic, non-humanoid Animator) can be exported. BlendShape is not supported yet.

[MToon] Update

[GLTF] Importer Interface Organization

[VRM] MeshRenderer

Fixed a bug that MeshRenderer specified as Auto is not rendered in first person viewpoint.

[GLTF] GLB Exporter

The GLB Exporter now is working.

Sample Fix

Fixed the parts where compiling errors occurred when using .Net 4.6.

Now UniVRM-RuntimeLoaderSample_b7cb-0.44_67a6.unitypackage is updated.

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