You use the fader for the level, and PGM on/off for fade-in/out. TAKE NEXT crossfades from NEXT to PGM
It´s fast to see what faders are on-are, and whther they are PGM level or Voice over level
Routing of Faders to multiple channels or a single channel are possible. This way Sisyfos can control some or all channels on a mixer. And a single fader can be used for E.G. a 5.1 (on 6 mono faders)
Routing setups can be stored in STORAGE. So it´s possible to have different Routings dependent of what setup the Audio mixer is using.
docker pull olzzon/sisyfos-audio-controller:develop
docker volume create sisyfos-vol
sudo docker run --mount source=sisyfos-vol,target=/opt/sisyfos-audio-controller/storage -e loggerIp='' -e loggerPort=9300 -e loggerFileLevel='error' --network="host" --restart always olzzon/sisyfos-audio-controller:develop
Running Docker with Elastic Search: Set env vars: loggerIp=xx.xx.xx.xx and loggerPort=xxxx and loggerLevel='info'
if you wish to log to logfile instead of kibana: Set env var: -e loggerFileLevel='info' (no kibana args will default to: logger level='info')
(Be aware that a server reload will quit server and you need an external source to restart)
git clone
cd sisyfos-audio-controller
yarn build
yarn start --loggerConsoleLevel='info'
Running Server with Elastic Search: (no args will default to:
yarn start --loggerIp '' --loggerPort 9302
When running Sisyfos you can define the log level by: loggerLevel (Kibana log level) and loggerFileLevel (local log file level) and loggerConsoleLevel (local log to console) The levels are:
- error (only error)
- info (standard info regarding connectiviy and data from Automation protocol etc.)
- verbose (info level plus: data send and received from Audiomixer)
localhost:1176 (or whatever ip you use for Sisyfos Nodejs/Docker)
IF you wan´t to disable settings:
As NEXT has been implemented, and PFL usually only work on on channel at a time, the PFL is only working correctly on 1:1 routed setups (And with the CasparCG protocol)
(Mixer presets are stored in MixerProtocolPresets.js)
- copy sisyfos-casparcg-geometry.json from Docs/CasparCG-Example to the root of your user account
- base your casparcg.config by the casparcg.config file in the same folder
- remember to active OSC in the casparcg.config file
- OSC protocol for control Reaper (
Ardour Master
- OSC protocol for Ardour (
- Port 3819
- The volume change in Ardour is on it´s channel faders.
- Todo:
- Group support
- Meter calibration
SSL System T - Broadcast Mixer
- SSL Automation Protocol for System T
- Port 10001
- Set Protocol Latency to around 100ms
Midas Master
- OSC protocol for Midas M32 and Behringer X32
- Port 10023
- The volume change on the Midas/X32 desk is on it´s channel faders.
Midas Client
- OSC protocol for Midas M32 and Behringer X32
- Port 10023
- Route ch 1-16 to bus 1-2 and in main turn off main stereo
- Set send to Bus 1-2 to Post Fader on all channels
- Link Bus 1-2 to stereo and in main turn on main stereo
- Send to Bus 1-2 is then used for Fade In-Out
- Be aware of post faders mix% issues.
Behringer xr client
- OSC protocol for Behringer XR12-16-18
- Port 10024
- Route ch 1-16 to bus 1-2 and in main turn off main stereo
- Set send to Bus 1-2 to Post Fader on all channels
- Link Bus 1-2 to stereo and in main turn on main stereo
- Send to Bus 1-2 is then used for Fade In-Out
Behringer xr master
- OSC protocol for Behringer XR12,16,18
- Port 10024
- In this version the Behringer is slave of Producers-Audio-mixer, so faders on the behringer is turned down when channel is of.
DMXIS - Sisyfos control of DMX Lightcontroller
- Default Port is 8000
- Controls Fader On/Off with preset level from Sisyfos.
- Easy implementation of state based lightcontrol from Automation.
- the PROTOCOL DELAY setting should be raised to 50ms, as DMXIS is responding a little slowly.
- Generic MIDI - still preminilary
- When using MIDI protocols, the PROTOCOL DELAY setting should be rised to at least 50ms
Yamaha QL1
- MIDI based Protocol
- For now only the 24 first channels are supported.
- Set label not supported
- When using MIDI protocols, the PROTOCOL DELAY setting should be rised to at least 50ms
It´s possible to control the Producers-Audio-Mixer from an automationsystem, for it to act as middleware.
To set the state send these OSC commands from you Automation to ProducersAudioMixer Port: 5255:
(the integer defines: 0 - Off, 1 - Pgm On, 2 - Voice Over) (if second is missing it will take default fade value) /ch/1/mix/pgm - integer: { 0, 1 or 2 } - float { fadetime in ms }
/ch/1/mix/pst - integer: { 0, 1 or 2 } (the integer defines: 0 - Off, 1 - Pgm On, 2 - Voice Over)
/ch/1/mute - integer: { 0, 1 } (the integer defines: 0 - Mute off, 1 - Mute On)
/ch/1/mix/faderlevel - float {between 0 and 1}
/ch/1/label - string {name of channel}
Pass a command directly from Automation to Audiomixer /inject
/ch/{value1}/visible - integer { 0 or 1 }
/state/full - returns a json string with an array of channels: { pgmOn: boolean, pstOn: boolean, faderLevel: boolean }
/state/ch/1/mix/pgm - returns pgm state integer { 0 or 1 }
/state/ch/1/mix/pst - returns pgm state integer { 0 or 1 }
/state/ch/1/mix/faderlevel - float {between 0 and 1}
/state/ch/1/mute - returns mute state integer { 0 or 1 }
/state/ch/1/mix/pgm - returns pgm state integer { 0 or 1 }
/state/ch/1/mix/pst - returns pgm state integer { 0 or 1 }
/state/ch/1/mix/faderlevel - float {between 0 and 1}
/ping/{value} In response to a ping, sisyfos will reply with /pong and the provided value OR 'offline' if Audiomixer is not connected