All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.6.0 (2020-01-30)
- QL1 receive fader state working (d434dd3)
- QlCl - added mute support FROM Sisyfos (8793170)
- yamaha QL - gain out command moved to protocol instead of hardwired in qlclconnection.ts (e96f902)
- Yamaha QL - use Winston logging instead of console.log (d856e26)
- yamaha QL1 - get MUTE state (on-off) from mixer (ce021e9)
- yamaha qlcl - inital req of fader levels. - split buffers - 2 byte channel message (f462841)
2.5.0 (2020-01-29)
- CasparCGconnection.ts winston logger support (4e0a7f0)
- CCG channelsettings emit action for selecting new channel inputs. (6f807cd)
- CCG v2 show- PFL in settings replaces CUE NEXT (9a24def)
- ccg-v2 - move config files to storage folder. (53bd70e)
- check geometry file for undefined (b15fbb1)
- disable settings in browser by adding localhost:1176/?settings=0 (f2dc03f)
- load CasparCG settings from Storage menu (c4e55e6)
- move CasparCG input settings into channelstrip on left side (7d20317)
- only show Load CasparCG in Storage menu if there are any .ccg files (6cda7c0)
- Preparing CCG - /inject command so it´s possible pass a command directly from Sofie to Audiomixer. (cb53eb5)
- remove close button in CCG input settings window (d61dab7)
- remove filehandling from mixerprotocol, include default example (7918b05)
- rename Storage menu to "STORAGE" (ee917a2)
- set new CasparCG config from Storage Menu is working. (7eab0b9)
- set seperate loglevel for console with loggerConsoleLevel='verbose' updated in (beba900)
- GUI crash for reference to fader label, on fader thats not defined. (9bc4df7)
- zero indicator on faders was off after new design (78f48b5)
2.4.0 (2020-01-23)
- added Low-mid to get 4-band eq instead of 3-band eq (59542a8)
- chan strip zero indicators on eq, comp and monitor mix (b9ec40e)
- channel name in header of monitor mix minus (99c0207)
- get eq & comp state from Midas/Behringer X32 - both inital and realtime (86bd216)
- individual runtime args for setting log level of kibana and of local log file. (e978093)
- Midas/Behringer OSC get inital Aux state from mixer (7bb0741)
- move ch strip to left side (89756b9)
- Ardour ping mixewr command didn´t have osc data type (b84e965)
- channel-body css didn´t set heigth (653def0)
- delay initial state commands to avoid overload of OSC commands to Midas (443325f)
- Recived Midas Ratio has value from 0 to 11 and not 0 to 1 (40afcc5)
- typo - dispatch obj with level: instead of label: (e84abaa)
- typo - don´t revert dispatch label from level: to label: (974bec2)
- use .loMid value when updating loMid (9c61686)
2.3.3 (2020-01-15)
- rename Label Monitor Mix to: "{FaderName} Monitor Mix Minus" (d99a67b)
- update Auxlevel on mixer on changes (08b832e)
2.3.2 (2020-01-04)
2.3.1 (2020-01-01)
- CI build errors (d98475f)
- create storage folder if not exists when trying to store settings for the first time (41dcb09)
- do not use winston logger in contants files as they´re also used on client side (fb2d847)
- remove settings and default.shot from storage folder (1c63eb2)
- remove settings.json from server folder (3229936)
2.3.0 (2019-12-21)
- Ignore Automation implemented. A "MANUAL" button added in GUI so a fader can ignore commands from Automation (1399711)
- assign aux to fader use auxIndex instead of channel (a9e3232)
- avoid clearing meters when setting full state of faders (cce69f5)
- double code in AutomationConnection (had double check for X_MIX, Fade_to_black and visible) (ff8af54)
- OscMixerConnection - compare whole command length (876b367)
- Update GUI when state of muteOn and voOn is changed (52bf3da)
2.2.0 (2019-12-18)
- mixer online - will restart server. (fea6b24)
- move storage to "storage" folder, to avoid docker conflicts (7323ed9)
- add channel settings UI (8351cb0)
- added protocol latency in settings. So setting "fadeActive" to false waits until last response from protocol. (6d949ed)
- Ardour adding meter support (1864e3e)
- Ardour meter support meter not meters (9802ff5)
- Ardour support - added channel name from mixer (d767318)
- Ardour support meter calimbration (loosely set) (eb01418)
- CasparCG support as audio mixer (#35) (d47cf5b)
- change VU meter rendering to canvas-based (ee829d7)
- Channel labels - protocol now support setting labels on mixer (751b812)
- ChannelType added to IChannel in channelsReducer so each channel can reference to a channel type (995b99e)
- ChannelTypes - Channel color and label injected from mixerprotocol (9552320)
- channelTypes - Ember+ level and gain implemented (5f2752f)
- ChannelTypes - mixerProtocol actions is changed from string to Array (5448e7a)
- ChannelTypes - preparing settings for numberOfChannelTypes (ef1a9ba)
- channeltypes- OscMixerConnection send level to the different channelTypes (fd6d9ef)
- ChannelTypes: Changed numberOfChannels to numberOfChannelsInType (current ussage is [0]) (114538d)
- DMXIS - set label from Automation to DMXIS (ac4038f)
- Ember - trying to figure out invokeFunction (0210ed1)
- Ember - trying to figure out setValue (right now it only resets the value) (1e27c53)
- Ember Protocol - Subscribe label changes (5b83282)
- Ember Studer support - Added Vista 1 - Vista 5 - Vista 9 (d602daa)
- fader -> channel routing. implementing faders reducer in channel component (85a1705)
- Fader-Channel routing - initial datastructure for abstration of fader - channel (93af7b1)
- Hui Remote - change of fader from Sisyfos to HUI working. (c6f07a9)
- Hui remote - Remote solo button toggles Sisyfos PFL on/off (2587ff8)
- hui remote - Select button togles sisyfos PGM on/off (3ad29b5)
- HUI remote - Status of SELECT and SOLO button led updates when button is pressed (bd40f81)
- hui remote - update hui if mixer faders are changed by mixer (8bb116a)
- HUI-remote - Button led reflects Sisyfos state (df620b9)
- implement aux configuration in Storage load/save (7e01f2a)
- Implemented "zero" indicator on Faders (6ee7029)
- Initial support for Ardour (4512985)
- Lawo R3LAYVRX4 - NOT WORKING YET (ffccf79)
- Let an automation system ping sisyfos, to verify connectivity status. (b3a1a46)
- Midi Mixer Protocol - settings select Midi input and output port, when a MIDI mixer protocol is selected (3dd2567)
- MidiMixerConnection - using type from protocol (96576f4)
- MixerProtocol prepared ChannelType based structure. (bd05bb5)
- New ChannelType - channelType and channelIndexType implemented in channelReducer and snapShot state (4082795)
- new ChannelTypes - settings number of each channeltypes (b733529)
- Protocol for DMXIS lightcontrol (0c9cb1f)
- Reaper Master Protocol DCA support (f301dcd)
- remote midi connetion - prefare PFL (ffbde02)
- Remote midi controÃller - update mixer when recieving level change from remote (ccf95b3)
- Remote Midi Control - working on datastructure (b15542f)
- Remote midi controller - change generic midi remote contrioller to a dedicated HUI controller (73e4372)
- Remote Midi Controller - connect to selected midiports from settings (1eb4500)
- Remote midi controller - Convert Midi controller levels to audio mixer levels (ddde5fc)
- Remote Midi controller Adding support for play, stop, pitch bend types in remote protocol. instead of just ctrl-change (f043c97)
- Remote MidiControl - Added Faderlevel (20a9548)
- Remote MidiController - mixerConnection to be used for updating mixer status (8f404a5)
- Remote MidiController - preparing value conversion from mixer min-max to remote min-max (e4764b9)
- Remote midicontroller - Recieve messages working (d60ad72)
- Remote Midicontroller - Settings added pull down menus for selecting midiports in and out for controller (6e754cd)
- remote-hui fader from hui to sisyfos working (97e6faa)
- RemoteFader support - preparing support (5ed8364)
- Set channel label on mixer from Sisyfos and from Automation (35fbc34)
- Studer Vista - initial support (ea054e3)
- Studer Vista Label support (fbaf105)
- support restarting source producer to change source properties (ad9c560)
- Yamaha QL1 midi support - basic funtionality working (e7460e2)
- Yamaha QL1 support - created protocol (not functioning yet) (497db09)
- casparcg: support VU meters on CCG mixer (f6a5c4d)
- /state/full should include showFader status (c0be854)
- as new react-slider module has a z-index of 1, settings pages are changed to a z-index of 2 (af5a46c)
- Automation PST command must update NextAux (f635362)
- Automationprotocol - return address data structure is to.address not to.ip (75ceb9a)
- CasparCG protocol min and zero values are used in channelTypes, so they are adjusted accoringly (be6a5eb)
- channel - fader abstractions was not correct (5145b43)
- Channel had faderChannel as reference instead of ch (ea877dd)
- checkOscCommand - returned always true (d502820)
- ClassNames in Sttings was there by accident (c6d29b6)
- Clear protocolDelay timer when aborting old fade (7801638)
- Colors for active faders was missing after converting to react-slider based faders (15e34f3)
- don´t send faderLeel to mixer, as it reference to multiple channels now. (a2a1240)
- Electron nodeIntegration: false - added preload.js - prepare for moving hw related stuff to server side (2ec903d)
- Fade I/O - use channelType min and zero for setting target gain (6a935c6)
- fadeToBlack - only send commands for channels that are open (48ed2ae)
- ipaddress of return message is not but to.address (b5f3871)
- Meter align with "zero" (48f662a)
- Midi - addListener should have channel number and not controlchange number (aec6ea8)
- Midi HUI remote controller, update new structure fader instead of channel (c4c9c3b)
- Midi protocol - update faders when multiple faders are changed (a8c6da8)
- More fader steps in Yamaha QlCl protocol (before it only had 10 steps from 0 to 1) (a9d81a8)
- new channelType - emberMixerConnection, subscription used ch instead og channelTypeIndex (0d630bb)
- new forked osc.js dependcy, to allow use without rebuilding (bf8797b)
- numberOfChannels pr. type instead of totalNumberOfChannels (139b4c1)
- only channels of first channelttype was set after reload (f50296e)
- OSC command had wrong fader Index (bef73e4)
- OSC protocol - All faders follows when changed on mixer (b5d9515)
- Package.json --asar does not take any arguments (dcfa901)
- pass auxIndex to aux level reducer (a41b987)
- PFL should not mute channel (3c66960)
- pgm off didn´t get a prober fadetime (1cbf98b)
- problem with CCG interface incorrectly understanding decklink device ID (8889acd)
- QlClMixerConnection bug re huiRemoteConnection (892bc27)
- QlClMixerConnection called hui with wrong argument (8fbdd1b)
- Reaper protocol. Wrong handling of feedback from mixer (51bd2fb)
- send state commands back to right ip and expose full state (3a6f257)
- setting menu, added cancel button to reload without saving (931ddbe)
- settings - Protocol specific options displayed when protocol is changed (e.g. midi ports when a MIDI based protocol is selected) (25167d2)
- settings and routing menus position: fixed instead of absolute (591877e)
- showMessageBoxSync parsed a null to an optional argument. Now removed (3f4561f)
- slider scroll - check for touchscreen (7331216)
- SSL adjust fader all way to zero (894a406)
- SSL check for negative value before converting to Uint8Array (54edfa3)
- SSL protocol did not receive initial state from desk. (9009d46)
- StuderVistaEmber file added (bc4dcb3)
- toggleShowChannelStrip toggle between channels (22abc5f)
- typeof declarationas (d627950)
- undo emptMiserMessage() as it didnt work inside object (5da0bea)
- update HUI remote fader, when level are changed from the mixer (b762d5f)
- upload preload.js file after it was moved (b87c859)
- Webpack build - removed Babili and css mini extract plugins (8ebd664)
- when receiving fader update from mixer, responded level should be faderlevel not outgain (0fd1bd5)
- z-index was added to settings.css (as module react-slider has a z-index=1) (b666157)
- casparCG: ensure that the filePath is a string (248f863)
- casparcg: resolve an issue with PFL (caf4946)
- added file for last commit (6197f2b)
- added midiReceiveType variable (abc1c2a)
- adding .ts files for last commit (85cb336)
- App -> passed an unused argument to MidiRemoteConnection (386d496)
- AutomationConnection, OSC server could only receive local connections. IP changed to (ceb4d2f)
- Background on the whole mixer should be black (e3e1583)
- behringer and midas vu-meter import was removed (d557479)
- bouldn´ build app. Babel didn´t have preset-env installed (58c573b)
- changed value var to any as it can be a string or a number (cb975a9)
- check for placement of {channel} in OSC commands (67bab5b)
- checkOSC command, if {channel} was last parameter in command it returned false (c959bf0)
- CI added environment in test (11ce0ee)
- CI comment out whole test (f3eb9f2)
- CI only test build (7905a6b)
- CI only test build (0c178b5)
- defaultChannelReducerState pushed to undefined array. (f829191)
- enable/disable HuiRemoteController in settings (39e0824)
- Fade to excact target val (and not nearby) (feafa5e)
- fadeOut didn´t end if fader was exactly === min (2868a62)
- Fadi In/out when "master" mode didn´t turn down when PGM was on. (2313f0d)
- forgot to add new files in new location on last commit. (b6e24ab)
- GrpFader.css - grpFader-pst-button.on show inactive color and off show active (f8b3dc9)
- GrpFader.tsx should not be a PurComponent when using shouldCompenentUpdate (77ca0e3)
- HUI remote - change test order of midi message so it checks for fader change before test for button (38a71f7)
- HUI remote - only update HUI if connected (ed855c0)
- Index offset when calling snap from automation (28906d2)
- Individual fadetime, use fadeTime var instead of default value in Fades (dbf1f9b)
- linux and win builds, no icon (512b361)
- Meters didn´t work on behringer and midas after renaming. (b090182)
- missing /ch/1/visible (f16674a)
- MixerConnection - Fade dispatch resolution didn´t iterate (4cf207f)
- moved channelTypes to IMixerProtocolGeneric as it´s need when initialising the App for total number of channels (33400f3)
- offset between channel and array (8e0fe91)
- Only rerender when new state in store. Bug: snapOn is an array and forces a re-render everytime the redux runs it´s reducer (98e48a1)
- PFL pass complete OSC command for turning on and of PFL (acb3108)
- Protocol cleanup - removed references to deleted protocols (d01d3ca)
- Protocol cleanup, removed protocols deleted in import (9afeded)
- re-render grp fader (738895c)
- refered to props store instead of windows store (f022d79)
- removed double background-color assignment in Channel.css (9213f50)
- Rerender when clicking on a snap button. props state is now each elements value and not the object of the element (fbe8dcd)
- SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL didn´t have a return so VU was set. (0d14869)
- slow crossfade when take 32channels. dispatchTrigger added, so store only updates every 5 times the OSC fader is updated. (f70061d)
- small type fixes (d6d673f)
- toggling a snap on a channel didn´t update the gui. its now checked in shouldComponentUpdate (face0e3)
- turned on channel instead of GrpFader (56868af)
- type - assigned true to pflOn instead of comparing in if ( = instead of === ) (83e0cba)
- type used = instead of === (c350927)
- TYPO (e2f761a)
- Update gain level in redux store so a change of volume while fading doesn´t jump back to gain from before last fade start (68ae069)
- Update for ts with babel. (70e2437)
- When an channelsetting is on and new protocol are selected that haven´t implementee channelsettings, the settings wouldn´t go away after reload. (82373dd)
- When running as "master" volume did not lower when pgm on. (069b4b0)
- window size on open, element types in Settings (cdb2430)
- yarn build - did not build as || was used instead of && (48930e8)