In this chapter I'd like to provide my response to Law Society of Ontario's (LSO's) actions in abetting destruction of material evidence pertaining to genocides, which was otherwise supposed be sent to the International Criminal Court (ICC), by a lawyer named Mr. Marwan Osseiran. Mr. Osseiran was the particular lawyer who had withheld evidence I had entrusted to him in December-2020, from being submitted to appropriate authorities in a timely and efficient manner. He had held that evidence hostage, for the purposes of extorting me for money, after having already breached my trust and upon misguiding, and deceiving me.
I was avoiding publishing his full name in this documentary, to see if he would do the right thing, and avert the path he had taken towards obstruction of justice. But now, the situation has become more critical, which necessitates a more open and honest discussion of this evolving situation.
The following is an email that I have decided to include here, which also explains the necessity for having to do so, even though the LSO and Mr. Marwan of Osseiran Law, may attempt to take legal or extra-judiciary actions against me, for making the contents of such emails, publicly viewable:
From: sameer-a-khan [EMAIL REDACTED] Date: On Friday, July 28th, 2023 at 6:37 AM Subject: Evidence for ICC pertaining to genocides, destroyed by a Canadian agent To: Marwan Osseiran [EMAILS REDACTED] CC: Complaints Review [EMAILS REDACTED]
Dear Mr. Osseiran, and persons on the recipient and CC list,
This electronic communication is in reference to the attached email, and also to Law Society of Ontario (LSO) Case No. 2021-254014 - Osseiran. I was unable to access my email during the past few weeks and am therefore, concerned that ORIGINAL EVIDENCE PERTAINING TO GENOCIDES AND WAR CRIMES that had to be sent to the International Criminal Court (ICC), about criminal and grievous issues related to "The situation in Afghanistan", has been desecrated and destroyed by Mr. Osseiran's law offices in Toronto, Canada. The gravity of this matter has now become much more injurious and grave.
I received a response from the LSO's Complaints Review Commissioner, stating that they have found Mr. Osseiran's behavior in holding evidence sent to him by me (pertaining to genocides in Afghanistan and other countries via drone warfare), as hostage for ransom, reasonably fair and ethical, within the framework of Canadian laws, and as per the information they were able to ascertain.
However, the crucial pieces of information that the LSO could not obtain via email conversations between Osseiran Law and myself, has to do with the verbal communication Mr. Osseiran and I had during our last video call in February-March 2021. During that call Mr. Osseiran had agreed to physically mail the evidence in his possession to the Indian Embassy in Ottawa, so that staff at the embassy could carry the case about "Genocides and war crimes committed by US-led forces via Canadian research and development groups", forward, with the ICC. During that conversation Mr. Osseiran had agreed that he properly understood my desire to have my embassy take up the cause on my behalf because I am an Indian and not a Canadian citizen, and am only a Canadian Permanent Resident card holder. All the while during my communications with Mr. Osseiran, when I approved payments to him during October-2020 to March-2021, I was only being gullible and hopeful that he was doing legitimate work to further my case, which he most certainly wasn't. He has no physical notes to show what kind of "research" he did for me, or for my case!
The above set of factual statements is the crux of this situation pertaining to obstruction of justice wherein, a Canadian lawyer cleverly stalled my casework, then, manipulated me by merely communicating excuses about intending to follow through with my instructions so as to appear as though he was doing work for me, and he eventually found unfair tactical methods of stealing as well as destroying physical evidence meant to be sent to ICC via the Indian Embassy in Ottawa, to deprive me and hundreds of thousands of victims of war crimes the long-overdue justice we are still owed.
The LSO can claim that it did what was "reasonable" in its capacity and jurisdiction in handling the complaint about Mr. Osseiran over a needlessly drawn-out period of two years, regardless of its decisions and actions being right or wrong, or them being fair versus unfair and just versus unjust. However, it is plainly evident that the LSO takes matters pertaining to genocides committed by Canadian groups, too lightly, and is apathetic to the plight of victims and survivors of war crimes and human rights abuses. Certain members of the LSO might even suggest that this communication is simply a rant, and in doing so, will only add insult to the injury they have already caused to persons like myself.
The LSO has also taken the misconduct of its member, Mr Marwan Osseiran, in obstructing justice, as a matter that it can conveniently brush aside, by claiming lack of jurisdictional authority in such complaints, about ethical and professional misconduct of members of its bar association and staffers, even though, matters pertaining to cultural values inculcated by the LSO among its members and staff, is squarely within the jurisdiction and responsibility of the LSO to correctly uphold.
The LSO has further brushed aside the fact that I was maliciously driven out of Canada, while having me illegitimately branded a "violent psychopath", through murderous and tortuous means adopted by Canadian public-service units. Those units intended to suppress me and the evidence that was in Mr. Osseiran's possession which, they have already [disrupted] in fiendishly cunning ways. My family life in Canada and my good reputation was insidiously destroyed by them. So I do not have an address in Canada where I can receive any type of physical mail. Now, do you think so-called violent psychopaths would keep knocking on The Doors of The Law?
The Indian Embassy was the only way for the crucial evidence (which was cleverly disrupted, and has now been destroyed by Mr. Osseiran), to be rescued and sent to the Special Prosecutor's Office at the ICC, concerning international matters related to the situation in Afghanistan. The ways in which I have been harmed by multiple agencies of Canadian origin, and have consequently been deprived of the ability to pursue my case through a legitimate court of law, has been a coordinated criminal violation committed by Canadian state-sponsored agencies to which, the LSO has become a willing accessory. All of such violations and unethical acts are on your conscience Mr. Osseiran! And the act of aiding and protecting Mr. Osseiran to allow the destruction of material evidence is on the conscience of LSO's complaints resolution officers.
Deprived and systematically wronged people like me, have no other recourse left, than to take matters to the appropriate next level, via the court of public opinion and the press -
I must therefore present my final argument against the professional misconduct and dishonesty of Mr. Osseiran in betraying my trust, and of LSO in offering him protection via partisanship, as follows:
Legal fees charged by most lawyers in countries like Canada is unsound, unreasonable, exploitative, and exorbitant, in comparison to the fees charged by professional engineers in those very same countries. Professional engineers are responsible for the lives of millions of people across generations via the documents, for designs and builds of infrastructure projects, signed off by their offices, in a formal, legal, and fiduciary capacity. So, how can lawyers affiliated to associations like the LSO, justify the five to ten times greater fees that they charge to private individuals and corporations, for their counsel and signatures, or attestations, on legal documents and materials, in comparison to other workers like professional engineers who also work in similarly critical, high risk situations? Is the level of research work done by, and the ethical standards maintained by professional engineers, any less than that of a lawyer or a judge? Why then has a culture of charging absurdly high fees for legal services been encouraged by entities like the LSO?
It can be seen in many provinces of Canada like Ontario that, the artificial scarcity of legal aid available to persons needing legal services has allowed lawyers to charge absurdly high fees to clients across the board. In doing so, lawyers have been taking undue [advantages] of clients who have no other viable and [affordable] means to resolve legal disputes and conflicts.
Furthermore, clients are often lured by discounted legal services and "a free intake consultation", by certain types of lawyers. Those lawyers then start to increase their fees, only to cause the client to suffer the ill effects of "vendor lock-in", upon paying the retainer fees and from suffering delays in their casework. As such, clients become unfairly pressured to pay the increasing costs because of extremely high "switching costs" to themselves, in switching to a different legal representative. Worst of all, the overall reputation and quality of work performed by solicitors and barristers, only depreciates, when: lawyers start to increase their retainer fees using clever methods of up-selling their services by suggesting to clients that they have "key insider knowledge of the workings of the ICC", all the while taking on many more cases of other clients and reducing the quality of services provided to downgraded clients.
Policies, protocols, and practices adopted by various government-based entities and private organizations in Canada, have only continued to encourage bad [behaviors] among their members and among Canadian citizens, towards harming ethnic minorities, marginalized communities, and persons of color in a targeted way, out of discriminatory prejudices endemic to the [organizational] culture of those professional organizations. The proof of it is the fact that Canadian agencies absolutely resent and abhor the idea of paying reparations for Canada's provable state-sponsored genocides and wrongdoings. Sensible reparations and proper remedies with a public apology have yet to be paid to victims and survivors, because it simply isn't the priority of any mainstream organization or agency in Canada, to do so, especially not in the face of the passive-aggressive backlash that many Canadian ministers of parliament have continued to demonstrate, as soon as the word, "reparations", is uttered in front of them.
So, it is the responsibility of each and every member of a bar association, to regulate the ethical standards of their industry in such a [manner], so as to not be exploitative and predatory of clients who are already in a bind.
Sameer Khan
------- Original Message ------- On Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 at 11:55 PM, Marwan Osseiran [EMAIL REDACTED] wrote:
Dear Mr. Khan,
I am writing to you in relation to your computer device and several memory sticks we have in your closed file.
We are unable to retain them going forward. We ask that you make arrangements with my office for pick. Alternatively, we ask that you provide us with a mailing address in Canada to arrange for their return.
We ask that you provide your response by July 18, 2023 to return your property. Please note that we will make arrangement for destruction and disposition of the items after that date as we are not in a position to store those items at the office.
Please note that Ms. Wilson, Complaint and Resolution Counsel with the Law Society of Ontario has been contacted and copied on this communication.
Thank you,
Marwan Osseiran - Barrister
Licence en Droit privé Beirut , LL.M. Boston, LL.M. McGill
Law Society of Ontario, The Bar Council of England & Wales, Admitted to the List of Counsels at the International Criminal Court, Legal Representative before the United Nations Office of the Ombudsperson -Sanctions Committee.
"The information contained in this electronic message is legally privileged and confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under applicable law and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephoning [REDACTED] or by email at [REDACTED]
cc: Danielle Wilson, Complaint and resolution counsel at the Law Society of Ontario
By the way, have you noticed that I am in a 'reasonably' bad mood right now, because officers of the court in Ontario, Canada, used systematic methods of withholding and destroying material evidence pertaining to serial mass murders of unarmed civilians, committed by US-led forces in the Middle East through drone based technologies. Those genocides were, and are still being committed via drone based technologies illegitimately obtained from American, British, Australian, and Canadian research and development groups affiliated with international aviation, and defense industries.
How many of you people in the LSO and the Canadian government, genuinely thought that Canadian wrongdoers were going to keep getting away with systematic, habitual, and dastardly violations and genocidal schemes? Did you think survivors would keep putting up with the fiendishness of those wrongdoers and bad-faith actors? And that too, only to humbly respect and adorn all of you, with overjoyed adoration and admiration, because we have something like, "Please use, misuse, and abuse me", stamped on each of our foreheads?
Let me then, draw your attention to the next set of chapters, which explain how and why this situation is veering towards prosecutions of wrongful American, British, Australian, and Canadian entities implicated in international genocides, via justified industrial and military actions, that are being taken up against those entities by, worthy and warranted regiments; and those just actions will come to fruition, God-willing, in due course of time.
ICC - International Criminal Court
LSO - Law Society of Ontario