Is the act of fabricating evidence against a targeted person to have them arrested and detained morally scrupulous, and ethical? In which sense of legality, and in which legitimate court of law is there a publicly admissible argument, that justifies the use of fabricated false evidence against innocent people, as a necessary as well as a warranted action within the duties or charges of court officers, and of their inter-agency affiliates?
So, one may ask for the specific pieces of items that were counterfeited by Canadian state-sponsored agents, in the context of the events during the year 2019, that had led to me being falsely accused and arrested with allegations tantamount to me being a mentally unstable violent Islamic terrorist, and then being put through torment and physical torture for weeks, while having me illegally detained in a substitute jail during May, 2020. Chapters 11 through 14, of The File present those details, and demonstrate the ways in which my arrest, character assassination, and subsequent torture, were conducted via the colluding activities of members from Ontario's Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS), offices of the Justice of The Peace, and Grand River Hospitals and Clinics (GRHC), with the aid of communication tools like "Health-IM software." Here, UWaterloo's members are linked to this situation due to the approbations and sponsored tools such as Health-IM software supplied by them, to their proxy agents and enforcers operating in Ontario.
Well, how can it even be proven that false statements and narratives were provided by members of those Canadian agencies with deliberate, malicious intentions of doing harms against me, or any other persons like myself, as opposed to a series of innocent, clerical and clinical mistakes? Answer to that question has been provided in The File (and also openly disclosed here), along with a distinction made between intentional violations, wherein the violators were aware of their culpable and guilty actions, as opposed to unwitting "mistakes" committed by those state-sponsored threat-actors.
In the aftermath of that incident, as a Muslim man, I wasn't able to find any law firms, or a legal practitioner in Ontario who was willing to take my case seriously. The process of searching for a lawyer through Law Society of Ontario's (LSO's) website, involves filling up a multiple-choice questionnaire which then, provides the contact details of a single lawyer based on the web-portal's algorithms. Guessing which category of law, my situation would fit into, was difficult because only a lawyer or a paralegal would have been able to estimate the appropriate radio-buttons and check-boxes to pick, in order to be referred to a legal practitioner with the proper area of expertise. However, there is no way to approach a paralegal or a law clinic in Ontario to help with finding the right kind of a lawyer, especially for situations that involve Canadian sate-sponsored violence and discrimination against a private individual or a non-resident.
The most honest answer I had received after going through the above procedure on LSO's web-portal, multiple times, was from one of the suggested lawyers who said that unless I was independently wealthy, I would not be able to have my case processed through any court of law in Canada because of the enormous costs involved. He further informed me that even if I were wealthy, pursuing my case could involve more than a decade, without any satisfactory results. This was specifically because I was claiming damages for injuries suffered due to the bigoted and discriminatory actions of municipal, provincial, and federal entities, where all those entities already have wide breadth of leeway and latitude, for carrying out any policing as well as penitentiary actions as they see fit, against any individual, group, or corporations. The bare minimum justification for why they would have even needed to detain me, would only require those government-backed agencies to paint me as a "suspect", or as a "person of interest", on the faintest of any conceivable grounds involving "disturbance to peace and security."
I was advised by that lawyer to let it go, and be grateful that I was still alive, for things could have been much worse.
However, there isn't a way to simply "let it go." The morally and ethically reprehensible things done to me, were only feasible because of a deliberately designed, highly funded, and meticulously maintained state-sponsored apparatus, that targets persons like myself, using made up grounds for suspicion and subsequent false arrests. I was not the first person who was violated by Canada's government-sponsored agencies using dastardly and fiendish methods, nor have I been the last. So, this matter cannot be allowed to slide and simply be forgiven or forgotten!
I continued to try and defend my honor by seeking legal remedies. Any extra-judiciary methods would have only stoked the racist stereotypes promulgated in Canada and in the US, against Muslims and Asians. And what kind of "extra-judiciary" methods for attaining recompense, would I have even been able to find or build?
In October, 2020, a particular law firm called "Osseiran Law" decided to take up my set of case materials involving evidence of war crimes implicating American and Canadian organizations and individuals; along with the case of police harassment, libel and false arrest made by Canadian state-sponsored agencies to silence me; as well as the case of medical malpractices with intentional use of torment and torture, that caused me to suffer excruciating injuries and reproductive harms.
The boutique law firm that took up my case materials was run by a single individual, and that lawyer agreed to fight my case within the jurisdiction of Ontario where he was, and still is, licensed to practice. The lawyer had convinced me that his hourly rates of $350 CAD were appropriate and reasonable, because of his qualifications and experience in having previously handled cases involving: harms or wrongful acts committed against civilians, by government-backed entities.
However, my life, family, and living circumstances remained at peril in Canada, due to interference from agents operating in Ontario. Those operatives even managed to tamper with confidential postal mail I had sent to my lawyer, through Canada Post, the details of which is explained in The File.
Over the course of five months, from November, 2020, to the end of March, 2021, I repeatedly went through my case materials with the lawyer I had hired. During that time period, the retainer fee and hourly rate of the lawyer continued to increase every other month, because the lawyer explained that he had gained a promotion to work for the Scotland Yard, London, UK, apart from having his credentials renewed with the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, in Netherlands. He insisted that his newer stature, made it legal for him to demand a larger compensation in the form of hourly fees, even though up until that point in time, he hadn't provided me with any substantial legal advice, and hadn't filed my case as per his repeated verbal promises over video-calls.
After explaining the entire set of details about my harrowing experience with Canadian police and healthcare system to that layer, three times over, without him ever giving me any sensible advice on what to do next, he told me that he did not wish to put his name on an affidavit format, with my testimony in the affidavit, to then have that certified affidavit sent to the ICC, as per my request and instructions. He said that the evidence I had mailed to him via Canada Post contained digital media which, he wasn't confident about, and that he did not trust me and my testimony for following through with the written instructions given to him, in order to have the evidence in his possession and my written testimony, mailed to the ICC.
By that time I had spent $15,000 CAD as retainer fees, which the lawyer had drawn and used from the retainer account, "for doing research on my case." I had tried to put all of my effort and money, while facing financial distress and long-term disability caused due to the biochemical torture I had suffered at the hands of Canadian agents, only to find out that the lawyer I had hired to file my case in a court, had simply strung me along to fleece me. After gaining my confidence by agreeing to work for a "discounted rate", he continued to up-sell and market himself, as being highly experienced in cases concerning cyber-warfare, and in cases involving false allegations made by security agencies against persons in Canada, Britain, and in western Europe.
At the end of February-March 2021, after our final one-hour long video conference, an amount of $1,000 CAD was left in the retainer account. During that final conversation, I had requested that he mail the evidence in his possession to a particular competent authority in Toronto, from his office, that was also located in Toronto. He confirmed every piece of instruction I gave him, confirmed the postal address to which he was going to mail the materials in his possession, and agreed to do it promptly.
The next day I noticed that the entire amount in the retainer had been drawn by the lawyer, and that I had received an email from him asking for the next installment of the retainer fee to complete my final set of instructions given to him. At that point I asked him, how come the thousand dollars available in the account were already spent? He replied in an email saying that the hour long conversation we had was billed at $450 CAD. Additionally, following our last conversation, he had to mull over the subject matter, and that his new rate had become $550 CAD per hour. That is how, he ended up using the retainer by end of March-2021. Given that he was supposed to have taken half an hour to mail a few articles in a standard mailer box, with postage stamp worth $70, he should have completed the task within the given budget, after our video conference. But no, according to him, I was at that point, in arrears for having to pay him an amount of $750 CAD, above the thousand he had already drawn because he spent additional hours mulling things over, at my expense.
By then I had spent every cent I had, was unemployed, had become a caregiver to an elderly single parent who was recovering from a full mastectomy surgery, as well as from a dozen round of chemo and radiation therapy due to her late-stage breast cancer. And this lawyer wanted an additional $750 CAD for "services rendered", plus more than a thousand dollars, for postage stamps!
I then expressed my dissatisfaction with his work, and brought up the fact that the only reason I needed him to complete the final instructions given to him, was because he had explicitly told me that he did not trust the veracity of my testimony. By breaching the trust within a lawyer-client relationship, that is, by not having any confidence in me and in my word, he had already caused me harm by stringing me along for months for his personal greed, and had therefore ended our formal relationship. But then he still wanted more money to act as my lawyer in a fiduciary capacity. That was just incorrigible!
The lawyer then decided to hold the entire set of evidence about war crimes and genocides, along with the evidence about how I was harassed, illegally arrested, and then tortured by Canadian agencies, as hostage. The lawyer invoked the concept of "a solicitor's lien" on the materials in his possession, to extort further amounts of money from me, even though he had already expressed that he had no intentions of following through with my formally written and provided instructions.
The terminology and rationale for a solicitor's lien was not even included in the retainer agreement I had signed with that lawyer. But apparently, the LSO finds it perfectly legal and reasonable for a lawyer in Ontario, to omit such terms and conditions in a retainer agreement, and to then spring those conditions onto unassuming clients, at the solicitor's discretion and will.
So, on one side of the balance hangs a lawyer's personal greed for his pecuniary interests. And on the other side: the interests of millions of displaced people in the war-torn regions of the Middle East and in Africa, along with the justice owed to thousands of unarmed civilians massacred in genocides by manually operated drones of US-led, and US-supplied, troops and defense contractors. Additionally, those drones happen to be a part of illegitimately obtained defense systems stolen via North American universities from international workers.
I would like to ask every member of the LSO, and every jurist in Canada, how exactly do you justify the ethics and fairness of the above situation? Especially when any amount of money given to that lawyer would not have caused him to forward the evidence in his possession, to the proper authorities, as per the instructions provided to him.
Merely one single Canadian lawyer was able to scuttle the due process of justice for international victims of genocides! Isn't that reasonably sufficient grounds to suspect that he was colluding with persons deployed by a Canadian, or a British, or an American agency to obstruct justice? Was he or wasn't he, a recruit of an agency that deliberately intended to hinder the release of the evidence on war crimes, to competent authorities? Wasn't he an operative who had gained that vital evidence into his possession, only to steal and hide it, by exploiting my confidence and by betraying my trust? Since the lawyer still has those original pieces of evidence on war crimes and genocidal activities of US-led entities, the chain-of-custody of that evidence, can only be proven through those original articles that may, hitherto, have been damaged or tampered with, by that lawyer, and by his recruiting agents or agencies. Can Mr. Osseiran vouch for not having disturbed or harmed that crucial evidence about genocides and war crimes?
In essence, Canadian authorities were able to block evidence about their high crimes and high misdemeanors, from reaching an international court of law. Canadian organizations and agents also put the lives of my family and me, into severe peril, in order to suppress me. They defiled my home through surreptitious surveillance and physical invasions, and managed to distress as well as terrorize me to the point of driving me out of Canada at the pains of death. In doing so, Canada's provincial and federal governments deliberately caused motivated, genocidal and grievous harms against me and my family. They have continued to commit such harms and harassment against numerous persons for decades, in a remorseless, systematic, and habitual manner.
CMHA - Canadian Mental Health Association (Kitchener-Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada)
GRHC - Grand River Hospitals and Clinics
ICC - International Criminal Court
LSO - Law Society of Ontario
UK - United Kingdom
US - United States (of America)
WRPS - Waterloo Regional Police Services