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@fgalan fgalan released this 29 Feb 11:15
· 8161 commits to master since this release

This is the last version which includes XML support (deprecated since 0.23.0) and ONTIMEINTERVAL subscriptions support (deprecated since 0.26.0). If you are still using XML clients or notification receivers and/or ONTIMEINTERVAL subscriptions, you are highly encorauged to migrate to JSON and/or stop using ONTIMEINTERVAL subscriptions (details in the documentation).

Full documentation at:

NGSIv2 API reference (beta):


  • Add: implemented new operation: POST /v2/op/query (Issue #1080)
  • Add: implemented new operation: POST /v2/op/update (Issue #1715)
  • Add: orderBy URI param in NGSIv2 queries to sort entities by attribute, entity dates or proximity (Issue #1103)
  • Add: orderBy URI param in NGSIv1 queries to sort entities by attribute or entity dates (Issue #1103)
  • Add: options=values mode for entity queries in NGSIV2 (Issue #1049)
  • Add: NGSIv2 URI param 'georel' (along with 'geometry' and 'coords') proper support (Issue #1677)
  • Add: scope FIWARE::Location::NGSIv2 to allow using NGSIv2 geo-queries also with NGSIv1 (Issue #1677)
  • Add: support for geo:point type as a way of specifying location attribute in NGSIv2 (Issue #1038)
  • Add: date support in attribute values and q filters (Issue #1039)
  • Add: dateCreated and dateModified options to get entity creation and modification times as "virtual" attributes (Issue #876)
  • Add: ?type param for GET entity in v2 (Issue #915, #972, #990, #998)
  • Add: ?type param for DELETE entity in v2 (Issue #986, #994)
  • Add: ?type param for PATCH entity in v2 (Issue #980)
  • Add: ?type param for POST entity in v2 (Issue #982, #984)
  • Add: ?type param for PUT entity in v2 (Issue #988, #992, #1000)
  • Add: ?type URL parameter in Location header upon entity creation in NGSIv2 (Issue #1765)
  • Fix: error level traces ignoring -logLevel NONE
  • Fix: wrong over-logging at error level updating attributes having metadata without type
  • Fix: '+' supported in entity ids and names in URLs (Issue #1675)
  • Fix: libmicrohttpd 0.9.48 included in contextBroker as static lib (previous Orion versions used 0.9.22 as dynamic library) (Issue #1675)
  • Fix: list of attribute names in URI param 'type' (Issue #1749)
  • Fix: long servicepath component in NGSIv2 (Issue #1423, #1764, #1774)
  • Fix: syntax change in string query 'q' for exist and not-exist (Issue #1751)
  • Fix: sanity check for string query 'q' - detect 'left-hand-side missing' (Issue #1754)
  • Fix: more sanity checks for string query 'q' (q empty, parts of 'q' empty - parts of 'q' are separated by ';')
  • Fix: error message when updating attribute value for two entities with same id (Issue #1387)
  • Fix: bug causing false not-a-number when it really is a valid number (very very rarely)
  • Fix: not detecting forbidden chars in entityID for PATCH v2 (Issue #1782)
  • Fix: detect forbidden chars in entity ids and attr names in URI (Issue #1793)
  • Fix: segfault caused by parameter without value in query string (Issue #1805)
  • Fix: some of the operations reported an incorrect 'Allow' HTTP Header on Bad Verb, now fixed
  • Fix: Returning 422 InvalidModification instead of 404 NotFound when POSTing entity (Issue #1817)
  • Fix: using string "none" as default entity/attribute/metadata type in NGSIv2 (Issue #1830)
  • Hardening: sanity checks for numbers (Issue #1306)