MC-707 and MC-101 (how-to and projects) for Guitar.
707 uses BMC, same as AIRD GT-1000 and GX-100, versus COSM in the GT-1, GT-100 ESC2 chip, per FB group. 707 has JC-120, Clean Twin (Fender Twin Reverb), MS1959 I/II (Marshall 1959 Plexi), BG Lead (MESA/Boogie), Metal 5150 (Peavey EVH5150), Match Drive (Matchless D/C-30), Sldn Lead (Soldano SLO-100). GT/GX additionally has (what appears to be) Katana models, Fender Deluxe Reverb, Tweed (Fender Bassman), Diamond (Vox AC-30), Orange Rockerverb, Bgnr Ub (Bogner Uberschall high gain). 707 lacks variety of pedals, such as no subtypes for Overdrive, Distortion, Fuzz. Also lacks harmonist, spring reverb, and some more guitar centric effects.
Download here v0 md5 6a14979d9c5432f797797a2da064b36b.
- List of which fx are in which track-clip in the GT project file
- How to use a physical preamp aka four cable method or 4 CM
- Some recommended settings, mostly per Unit:E tutorials
- Common shortcut key combos
- What the preset names mean, what instruments they are
- Some notes on hooking up audio/midi to Linux and Mac
- What MIDI controls are available, and how to maximize them
There are a few ways to connect things up. You probably just want to do Raw/Direct from Guitar.
Plug Guitar into EXT IN L/MONO and set switch to LINE.
- Sh+Input
- EXT IN Mono
- Turn large encoder down, set EXT IN VOLUME 0
- REC SRC 7 or whichever you'll want to loop, like the final output track
Same as any mono line-in, ex: Raw/Direct from Guitar. Use volume on device to avoid levels with distortion.
707 supports stereo input, if you need it to be mono to maximize input devices, look up a Rane 'Why not Wye' stereo to mono summer and follow Mono instructions. If you put a stereo (TRS) into EXT IN L, then you drop the Right (Ring) signal. Stereo is same as mono, except:
- Use a TRS to 2 x TS adapter
- Left (Tip) into EXT IN L
- Right (Ring) into EXT IN R
- Sh+Input
- EXT IN Stereo
Same as any microphone. Plug XLR into TRS adapter into EXT IN L/MONO and set switch to MIC.
- Sh+Input
- Mic Sense 7
- EXT IN Mono
- Turn large encoder down, set EXT IN VOLUME 0
- REC SRC 7 or whichever you'll want to loop, like the final output track
- See Initial Track for how to do the Audio Insert
You will loose the ability to use send-return loop (so neither external pedal chain nor 4/7 cable method), but using EXT and Return gives you 4 channels of input. For instance, you could put a microphone on EXT L, an EP on RET R, and the guitar on RET L.
Send-return POS is separate from Audio Insert. Returned audio is not sent through clip's MFX, but will go through filter, pan. Instead, you can use MFX if you use Audio Insert, but you'll need to set RETURN POS Off, this assumes you want that. TODO verify if return requires line-in. It can not handle microphone. Unknown if 707 return is designed for high-z input (Guitar). Assume RET must be line-in.
For mono:
- Plug Guitar into RET L/MONO
- Sh+Input
- RETURN Stereo, Level 255, POS Off
- REC SRC 7 or whichever you'll want to loop, like the final output track
- See Initial Track for how to do the Audio Insert
For stereo:
- Use a TRS to 2 x TS adapter
- Left (Tip) into RET L
- Right (Ring) into RET R
- Sh+Input
- RETURN Stereo, Level 255, POS Off
- REC SRC 7 or whichever you'll want to loop, like the final output track
- See Initial Track for how to do the Audio Insert
Determine which track you want to use for the external pedal chain and use Sh+Input send-return position.
According to the internet, you should be able to use a physical amp (preamp and/or poweramp) with the 707 using what is called the 4 cable method for mono and 7 cable method for stereo. I'm not a sound engineer and haven't worked on amps or played electric guitar anywhere near long enough to warrant you listening to me here. Don't be dumb. TODO TEST. See write up here
Chain the tracks, with only the final track's output in MIX OUT. Final track's slider controls the volume for output (input through effects chain). Final track's knobs control send to master delay and reverb. Use master delay and reverb settings to save 2 tracks. That's up to 10 chained effects (verified per FB group).
This documentation leaves Track 1 and 8 free. Track 1 could be a Tone (Aux backing track, external EP, external MIDI keyboard sending to Channel 1, Mic in, etc.) or a Drum sequence. Following this documentation should set REC SRC 7, which makes Track 8 a great candidate for a Looper.
- Sh+SEL for Track 2
- Tone
- Sound Source Clip
- Audio Insert EXT L
- If stereo, then EXT L/R
- If you used Return, then RET L for mono and RET L/R for stereo
- Audio Output Assign (TODO there may be a better way, but it shouldn't be MIX OUT)
- Sh+SEL for Track 3 through 6
- Tone
- Sound Source Clip
- Audio Insert n-1
- Audio Output Assign (TODO there may be a better way, but it shouldn't be MIX OUT)
- Sh+SEL for Track 7
- Tone
- Sound Source Clip
- Audio Insert 6
- Audio Output MIX OUT
- Sh+Project
- Measure 1-4
- COM > Project Level 127
- Sh+Input
- Turn large encoder down, set EXT IN VOLUME 0 to keep it out of MIX OUT
- Use Audio Insert for EXT IN to bind to a track
- Sh+Tempo
- Turn large encoder to match BPM to what you are playing
Create scenes of clips for presets. Example: one type of Hendrix could be tremolo chorus into phaser 1 and plexi. Alternatively, activate an entire empty row, then copy and paste any clip from any track (2-7) into that row in the order you want (in tracks 2-7).
Press play for Scatter to work, but be sure to set the BPM (Sh+Tempo). Manual p. 39 scatter can have a separate own insert (EXT, PC, Track, MIX OUT). TODO interesting scatters.
Reference for Roland view of categories. A basic flow of guitar pedal chain with write-up, ignoring how much of a personal preference this is.
For this project:
- Track 1: Drums
- Track 2: Dynamics (Compressor)
- Track 3: Filter (Wah) and some Modulation/Pitch
- Track 4: Dirt (Tone producers)
- Track 5: Preamp (without speakers/cab sim)
- Track 6: Modulation/Pitch (Tone modifiers)
- Track 7: Ambience/Output (lofi/phono/tele, trem, pan, some delay, speakers/cab sim).
- Track 8: Looper (record source track 7)
- Master Delay and Reverb are on, Track 7 clips' knobs control send-to
- No Multi FX changes, but changing Speaker Sim could free up Track 7
- Note that Multi FX comes after delay/reverb, so you may lose reverb tone
- No scatter changes, but could provide instant on/off for one or two parallel MFX per pad
A mapping of which MFX is at which clip is here.