Notes from the docs, various YouTube videos, and Roland training sessions.
- Knob Direct
- Pad curve log
- Threshold 0
- Sensitivity 10 to 35
- Gain 0
- USB Mix Select PRE-T-FX
- Direct USB Mixout Off
- USB Driver Generic
- Call Scene type 2 (for banks)
- Output Cue to Mixout Off (means headphones only)
- Sync On
- Sync Out USB On
- Control Tx On
- Control Tx USB On
- Rx Auto 9 to 15
- Avoid 1-8 for v1.8 Arp bug, auto MIDI channel should not match any track number
- Type 1
- Level 12
- Pos phones
- Count in
- Contrast 6
- Backlight 2
- Brightness 1
- Glow 2
- Demo 10
TODO motion, tempo, input
- Project level 127
- Wave Preview 150-200
- Step len 64 (aka 4 measures between scene changes)
- PC IN Level (set value)
- EXT IN (set value)
- Mic Sens (set value, probably 7)
- Chord designer type 2 (adds in more than 1+5)
Other things
- Track 1 delete drum and replace with drum with compressor
- Track 8 seems often reserved for looper
- Enter+Measure to change steps, 4 or 8 changes default clip step len
- Sound Source Clip
- MIDI Tx MIDI Note On (to send that track over MIDI)
- Hold Sel for the track to show level, pan, delay, reverb values
- Use C1-C4 to change values, freeing up knob assigns (Filter, Mod, FX knobs)
- C1 Level, C2 Pan, C3 Delay, C4 Reverb
- Sh+Sound CTRL Octave +/- to avoid shifting octaves while changing tracks
- Sh+Quant Clip % (higher means less swing, but stays truer to manual entry)
- Scale changes pulse from 1/16 to 1/8