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Rey Pham edited this page Jun 1, 2015 · 10 revisions


To show progress indicator, add thecom.rey.material.widget.ProgressView to the layout.


Declare in XML:



  • pv_progressMode - The mode of progress indicator. There are 4 modes: indeterminate, determinate, query and buffer (Circular progress has only 2 modes: indeterminate and determinate).

  • pv_circular - Set true to show circular progress, false to show linear progress.

  • pv_autostart - If true, the progress will auto start when it becomes visible and stop when it's hided.

  • pv_progress - The progress value in [0..1]

  • pv_secondaryProgress - The secondary progress value in [0..1] (use in buffer mode).

  • pv_progressStyle - The style of progress drawable. Depend on "pv_circular" attribute, it'll create a CircularProgressDrawable or LinearProgressDrawable.


CircularProgressDrawable has support only 2 modes: indeterminate and determinate.


  • cpd_padding - The padding of progress with the boundary. The size of progress = min(width, height) - padding * 2.

  • cpd_initialAngle - The start angle of progress [0..360]

  • cpd_maxSweepAngle - The maximum sweep angle of progress.

  • cpd_minSweepAngle - The minimum sweep angle of progress.

  • cpd_strokeSize - The stroke's size of progress.

  • cpd_strokeColor - The stroke's color of progress.

  • cpd_strokeSecondaryColor - The stroke's color of secondary progress.

  • cpd_strokeColors - The array of colors will be used as stroke's color (for indeterminate mode).

  • cpd_reverse - If true, progress will rotate counter-clockwise.

  • cpd_rotateDuration - The time it take to rotate a cycle.

  • cpd_transformDuration - the time it take to animate the sweep angle from minSweepAngle to maxSweepAngle.

  • cpd_keepDuration - the time it keep the sweep angle at minSweepAngle and maxSweepAngle.

  • cpd_transformInterpolator - The interpolator of transform animation.

  • cpd_inAnimDuration - the duration of animation when progress start running.

  • cpd_outAnimDuration - the duration of animation when progress stop running.

  • cpd_inStepColors - The array of colors will be shown in start animation.

  • cpd_inStepPercent - the percent each step color will take.



  • lpd_maxLineWidth - The maximum width of progress (can be dimension or fraction).

  • lpd_minLineWidth - The minimum width of progress (can be dimension or fraction).

  • lpd_strokeSize - The stroke's size of progress.

  • lpd_strokeColor - The stroke's color of progress.

  • lpd_strokeSecondaryColor - The stroke's color of secondary progress.

  • lpd_strokeColors - The list of stroke's color (for indeterminate mode).

  • lpd_reverse - If true, progress will run from right to left.

  • lpd_travelDuration - The time it take to run.

  • lpd_transformDuration - the time it take to animate the progress's width from minLineWidth to maxLineWidth.

  • lpd_keepDuration - the time it keep the progress's width at minLineWidth and maxLineWidth.

  • lpd_transformInterpolator - The interpolator of transform animation.

  • lpd_inAnimDuration - the duration of animation when progress start running.

  • lpd_outAnimDuration - the duration of animation when progress stop running.

  • lpd_verticalAlign - the vertical align of progress with boundary. There're 3 values: top, center and bottom.

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