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Rey Pham edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 8 revisions

Dialog is a custom dialog that apply Material Design specification.


Initialize in code:

    Dialog mDialog = new Dialog(context);

    Dialog mDialog = new Dialog(context, styleId);

You can chain methods to style Dialog:

        .title("Dialog title")


  • android:layout_width - the width of dialog's layout params. Can be dimension value or match_parent or wrap_content enum (match_parent doesn't make dialog full screen due to some padding of Material Design Dialog's spec).

  • android:layout_height - the height of dialog's layout params. Can be dimension value or match_parent or wrap_content enum (match_parent doesn't make dialog full screen due to some padding of Material Design Dialog's spec).

  • di_dimAmount - The amount of dim applied to background outside dialog.

  • di_backgroundColor - The background's color of dialog.

  • di_elevation - The elevation of dialog.

  • di_layoutDirection - The layout direction of dialog. There are 3 types: ltr, rtl and locale.

  • di_maxWidth - the maximum width of dialog.

  • di_maxHeight - the maximum height of dialog.

  • di_titleTextAppearance - The appearance setting of title text.

  • di_titleTextColor - The color of title text.

  • di_actionBackground - The background drawable of action buttons.

  • di_actionRipple - The ripple effect style of action buttons.

  • di_actionTextAppearance - The appearance setting of action texts.

  • di_actionTextColor - The color of action texts.

  • di_positiveActionBackground - The background drawable of positive action button.

  • di_positiveActionRipple - The ripple effect style of positive action button.

  • di_positiveActionTextAppearance - The appearance setting of positive action text.

  • di_positiveActionTextColor - The color of positive action text.

  • di_negativeActionBackground - The background drawable of negative action button.

  • di_negativeActionRipple - The ripple effect style of negative action button.

  • di_negativeActionTextAppearance - The appearance setting of negative action text.

  • di_negativeActionTextColor - The color of positive negative text.

  • di_neutralActionBackground - The background drawable of neutral action button.

  • di_neutralActionRipple - The ripple effect style of neutral action button.

  • di_neutralActionTextAppearance - The appearance setting of neutral action text.

  • di_neutralActionTextColor - The color of neutral action text.

  • di_dividerColor - The color of divider (divider is shown between action buttons and content view when content view is scrollable).

  • di_dividerHeight - The height of divider.

  • di_cancelable - Indicate that dialog is cancelable.

  • di_canceledOnTouchOutside - Indicate that dialog will be canceled when touch outside.

  • di_inAnimation - The animation used when showing dialog.

  • di_outAnimation - The animation used when hiding dialog.

SimpleDialog is a dialog extends from and provide some commond views as message, choices, multi-choices.


  • di_messageTextAppearance - The appearance setting of message text.

  • di_messageTextColor - The color of message text.

  • di_radioButtonStyle - The style of RadioButtonDrawable will be used.

  • di_checkBoxStyle - The style of CheckBoxDrawable will be used.

  • di_itemHeight - The height of item.

  • di_itemTextAppearance - The appearance setting of item's text.


If you want to use as DialogFragment, you can use class.

To create object, just call static method:

    public static DialogFragment newInstance(DialogFragment.Builder builder);

DialogFragment.Builder is an interface that will build Dialog when needed and pass the click event on action button.

    public interface Builder{
        public build(Context context);

        public void onPositiveActionClicked(DialogFragment fragment);

        public void onNegativeActionClicked(DialogFragment fragment);

        public void onNeutralActionClicked(DialogFragment fragment);

You don't need to write you own Builder class, Dialog and SimpleDialog already have static class Dialog.Builder and SimpleDialog.Builder for you to use.

If you have to write you own Builder class, you should extends from Dialog.Builder class and override onBuild , onReadFromParcel() or onWriteToParcel() methods.

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