9 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
Please read before updating.
This version focuses on stability during the reconnection and introduces the dynamic send.
There are no breaking changes, but deprecations:
BatchPublishingDelay int
is not used anymore.QueueSize
is not used anymore
Dynamic send
Dynamic send improves the latency when the traffic is low, for example, with 50 msg per second, there is ~3ms latency:
go run perftest.go --rate 50 --async-send
Published 42.9 msg/s | Confirmed 42.9 msg/s | Consumed 42.9 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 3 ms
Published 43.8 msg/s | Confirmed 43.8 msg/s | Consumed 43.8 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 3 ms
Published 44.4 msg/s | Confirmed 44.4 msg/s | Consumed 44.4 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 3 ms
Published 45.0 msg/s | Confirmed 45.0 msg/s | Consumed 45.0 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 2 ms
With the 1.4.x is~ 90ms (the aggregation timeout)
go run perftest.go --rate 50 --async-send
Published 44.4 msg/s | Confirmed 44.4 msg/s | Consumed 44.4 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 88 ms
Published 45.0 msg/s | Confirmed 45.0 msg/s | Consumed 45.0 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 89 ms
Published 45.5 msg/s | Confirmed 45.5 msg/s | Consumed 45.5 msg/s | Rate Fx: 50 | Body sz: 8 | latency: 90 ms
- Update to Golang 1.22
- Update the readers and random function deprecated
- Introduce the dynamic send in #367
- Increase the stability during the reconnection for Reliable Producers and Reliable Consumers in #367 and #371
Bug Fixes
Thanks a lot to @hiimjako for helping with this version
Full Changelog: v1.4.11...v1.5.0-beta.1