Lightweight Unity library for smoothing movements and value progressions in code (dragging, easing, tweening).
API is currently experimental and may change.
- Drag outs
- On the fly dampening of changes over time (float and Vector3)
- Optional control and status of snapping
- Easings
- Robert Penner easing equations, optimized
- Easings methods pluggable to Unity's Lerp methods
- Tweens
- Lightweight and flexible tweening suite
- Tween class extendable with two one-line methods
- If needed, direct control over Tween instances and updating, for specific requirements in update timing or instancing
- Optional runner abstraction handling instances and updates, with choice over which update event function to update within
- Optional abstraction sugar for different tween types
- Tween characteristics can be modified while tweening, for dynamic changes
- Tween instances can be reused, yo-yo-ed, or recycled
- Tween easings configurable through editor
- Pure tweens for tweens without side effects
- Closure tweens for custom tween instances (Float, Vector2-3, Quaternion, Color)
- Convenience tweens for Transform control (Position, Rotation, Scale)
// (Within an update call, i.e. FixedUpdate)
mixer.volume = Volume;
mixer.volume = mixer.volume.DragOut(Volume, 30);
Vector3.Lerp(a, b, ratio);
Vector3.Lerp(a, b, I.Cubic.InOut(ratio));
Check this cheat sheet for the effect of the different equations.
Tweens.Run(new PositionTween(transform))
.Timing(0, 1, I.Circ.InOut);
or using a shortcut:
.Timing(0, 1, I.Circ.InOut);
or having it update within FixedUpdate
instead of Update
Tween<Vector3> positionTween;
positionTween = new PositionTween(transform))
.Timing(0, 1, I.Circ.InOut)
// In Update, FixedUpdate, or etc
() => mixer.GetFloat("sfxVol", out float vol) ? vol : 0,
vol =>
mixer.SetFloat("sfxVol", vol);
indicator.alpha = vol;
.Timing(0, 1, I.Sine.Out);
Tweens.Run(new ColorTween(myScript.GetColor, myScript.SetColor))
.Timing(0, 1, I.Cubic.InOut);
- Pre-setter value processor closure in Tween
- More drag out types (Color, Quaternion, Vector2, etc)
- More closure tween types (Vector4, etc)
- Documentation
- More convenience tweens for Unity classes (CanvasGroup, Image, etc)
- Eased sliders (editor and UI)
- Bezier and CatmullRom Interpolations
By Steph Thirion.
Easing equations by Robert Penner, optimized by Tween.js authors.
All code open source under MIT License. See LICENSE file.