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This repository contains code accompanying Learning Permutations with Sinkhorn Policy Gradient that can be used to replicate the experiments for sorting with N={20,50}, maximum weight matching with N={10,15,20,25}, and the Euclidean TSP with N=20.

What is Sinkhorn Policy Gradient?

SPG is an off-policy actor-critic deterministic policy gradient algorithm. It can be used to train the SPG+Matching and SPG+Sequential deep network architectures from the paper to solve combinatorial optimization problems involving permutations.



  • PyTorch
    • Tested with versions 0.2 with cuda80 and 0.3.1 with cuda90
  • h5py
  • tqdm
  • tensorboard_logger
  • pathos
  • scikit-learn (0.19.1)


Download the data used for all experiments in the paper here. Create a directory called data in the base directory of the repo, and unzip the three zip files there.

For sorting and Euclidean TSP, a train and test dataset will automatically be created if you try to run an experiment without the dataset existing in the required folder. For MWM, you can set a variable (see below) to optionally force the creation of new train/test/val datasets.

Running the experiments

To run an experiment, modify the variables in the or file. I prefer this extra layer around argparse so you don't have to deal with typing the long list of command line arguments. I will briefly explain the important variables here.

N.B. I have --_id set up with argparse for FGMachine.


  • N_NODES Sets the problem size.
  • N_FEATURES Feature dimension of problem instance.
  • COP The Combinatorial Optimization Problem. Choose from {mwm2D_$N_NODES, sort_0-19, sort_0-49, tsp_$N_NODES}.
  • ACTOR_WORKERS The number of cores to split the batch of problem instances across for parallel Hungarian method.
  • ARCH Choose from {sequential, matching}.
  • RANDOM_SEED Passed as CLI argument to, e.g, ./ 1234.
  • RUN_NUM Passed as CLI argument to, e.g., ./ 1234 -1.
  • PARALLEL_ENVS Number of problem instances in each batch in the forward pass.
  • BATCH_SIZE Number of problem instances to use in each backwards pass minibatch for gradient estimation.
  • N_EPOCHS Number of passes of the training set.
  • DISABLE_TENSORBOARD Don't log tensorboard outfile.
  • RNN_DIM Hidden layer dim for the GRU. Automatically doubled for the bidirectional GRU in SPG+Sequential.
  • CUDA_DEVICE Set the GPU device ID, default is 0.
  • REPLAY_BUFFER_GPU Store the replay buffer on the GPU or on the CPU (requires passing more tensors back and forth but can use system RAM).
  • SAVE_STATS Store rewards to a h5py file and store test scores to a json file for FGLab.
  • SAVE_MODEL Save model weights after each epoch.
  • BASE_DIR The directory where logs, models, fglab results, etc. will be saved.
  • MAKE_ONLY [mwm2D] -1 make all 0 only train 1 only test 2 only val 3 make none (default)

SPG Examples







PN-AC, PN-AC+Matching, AC+Matching (

  • INPUT_SIZE Sets the problem size.
  • TASK Equivalent to COP.
  • USE_DECODER Set to True for PN-AC (non-matching tasks) and PN-AC+Matching (matching tasks), and False for AC+Matching.
  • N_GLIMPSES The glimpse attention module in the pointer network. Default is 1 "glimpse" over the input sequence.
  • USE_TANH Apply tanh and multiply the logits by 10 in the attention layer in the pointer network, from Bello et. al. 2017.
  • CRITIC_BETA EMA beta hyperparameter. Default is 0.8.

Adding new environments

See the env directory and create a new file that follows the structure of Basically, there should be a create_dataset(...) function, an EnvDataset class extending Dataset, and a reward function. Then, modify envs/ so that, if the COP or TASK is set to the name of the new env, the build(args, ...) function in envs/ will appropriately set the env, training_dataloader, and test_dataloader variables that it returns from The env variable here is just an alias for yournewenv_task.reward.


Please read and respect the license. :)


Use this citation for the paper:

   title = {Learning Permutations with Sinkhorn Policy Gradient},
   author = {Emami, Patrick and Ranka, Sanjay},
   journal = {arXiv:1805.07010 [cs.LG]},
   year = {2018}

If you use or modify this code for your work, please use the following citation:

  title = {sinkhorn-policy-gradient.pytorch}, 
  author = {Emami, Patrick and Ranka, Sanjay},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  note = {Accessed: [Insert date here]}


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