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PowerShellForGitHub is a PowerShell module that provides command-line interaction and automation for the GitHub v3 API.
Adds a list of assignees to a GitHub Issue for the given repository.
Star a gist from GitHub.
Adds a label to an issue in the given GitHub repository.
Exports the user's current configuration file.
Clears out any GitHub API token from memory, as well as from local file storage.
Converts arbitrary Markdown into HTML.
Forks a gist from GitHub.
Disables automated security fixes for a repository on GitHub.
Disables vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
Enables automated security fixes for a repository on GitHub.
Enables vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
Lists the available assignees for issues in a repository.
Get the total number of clones and breakdown per day or week for the last 14 days for the given GitHub Repository.
Gets Codes of Conduct or a specific Code of Conduct from GitHub.
Gets the currently configured value for the requested configuration setting.
Retrieve the contents of a file or directory in a repository on GitHub.
Gets all the emojis available to use on GitHub.
Lists events for an issue, repository, or a single event.
Retrieves gist information from GitHub.
Retrieves comments for a specific gist from GitHub.
Gets the list of available .gitignore templates, or their content, from GitHub.
Retrieve Issues from GitHub.
Get the Issue comments for a given GitHub repository.
Retrieves various events that occur around an issue or pull request on GitHub.
Retrieve label(s) of a given GitHub repository.
Gets a license list or license content from GitHub.
Get the milestones for a given GitHub repository.
Retrieve list of members within an organization.
Get the top 10 popular contents over the last 14 days for a given GitHub repository.
Get the projects for a given GitHub user, repository or organization.
Get the cards for a given GitHub Project Column.
Get the columns for a given GitHub Project.
Retrieve the pull requests in the specified repository.
Gets the current rate limit status for the GitHub API based on the currently configured authentication (Access Token).
Retrieve reactions of a given GitHub Issue or Pull Request.
Get the top 10 referrers over the last 14 days for a given GitHub repository.
Retrieves information about a release or list of releases on GitHub.
Gets a a list of assets for a release, or downloads a single release asset.
Retrieves information about a repository or list of repositories on GitHub.
Gets GitHub Actions permission for a repository on GitHub.
Retrieve branches for a given GitHub repository.
Retrieve branch protection rules for a given GitHub repository.
Retrieve list of collaborators for a given repository.
Retrieve list of contributors for a given repository.
Gets the list of forks of the specified repository on GitHub.
Retrieves a list of the programming languages used in a repository on GitHub.
Retrieves tags for a repository on GitHub.
Retrieve team permissions for a repository on GitHub.
Retrieves information about a repository on GitHub.
Retrieve a team or teams within an organization or repository on GitHub.
Retrieve list of team members within an organization.
Retrieves information about the specified user on GitHub.
Retrieves contextual information about the specified user on GitHub.
Get the total number of views and breakdown per day or week for the last 14 days for the given GitHub Repository.
Groups the provided issues based on the specified grouping criteria.
Groups the provided pull requests based on the specified grouping criteria.
Replaces the entire set of Labels on the given GitHub repository to match the provided list of Labels.
A wrapper around Invoke-WebRequest that understands the GitHub API.
A special-case wrapper around Invoke-GHRestMethod that understands GET URI's which support the 'top' and 'max' parameters.
Combines the provided repository elements into a repository URL.
Lock an Issue or Pull Request conversation on GitHub.
Move a GitHub Project Card.
Move a GitHub Project Column.
Changes the ownership of a repository on GitHub.
Creates a new gist on GitHub.
Creates a new comment on the specified gist from GitHub.
Create a new Issue on GitHub.
Creates a new GitHub comment for an issue for the given repository.
Create a new label on a given GitHub repository.
Creates a new GitHub milestone for the given repository.
Creates a new GitHub project for the given repository.
Creates a new card for a GitHub project.
Creates a new column for a GitHub project.
Create a new pull request in the specified repository.
Create a new release for a repository on GitHub.
Uploads a new asset for a release on GitHub.
Creates a new repository on GitHub.
Creates a new branch for a given GitHub repository.
Creates a branch protection rule for a branch on a given GitHub repository.
Creates a new fork of a repository on GitHub.
Creates a new repository on GitHub from a template repository.
Creates a team within an organization on GitHub.
Removes an assignee from a GitHub issue.
Removes/deletes a gist from GitHub.
Removes/deletes a comment from a gist on GitHub.
Removes one or more files from an existing gist on GitHub.
Unstar a gist from GitHub.
Deletes a GitHub comment from an Issue in the given repository.
Deletes a label from an issue in the given GitHub repository.
Deletes a label from a given GitHub repository.
Deletes a GitHub milestone for the given repository.
Removes the projects for a given GitHub repository.
Removes a project card.
Removes the column for a project.
Removes a reaction on a given GitHub Issue or Pull Request.
Removes a release from a repository on GitHub.
Removes an asset from a release on GitHub.
Removes/deletes a repository from GitHub.
Removes a branch from a given GitHub repository.
Remove branch protection rules from a given GitHub repository.
Removes team permission for a repository on GitHub.
Removes a team from an organization on GitHub.
Renames a file in a gist on GitHub.
Rename a GitHub repository
Renames a team within an organization on GitHub.
Clears out the user's configuration file and configures this session with all default configuration values.
Sets the specified file to be the user's configuration file.
Allows the user to configure the API token that should be used for authentication with the GitHub API.
Change the value of a configuration property for the PowerShellForGitHub module, for the session only, or globally for this user.
Sets the contents of a file or directory in a repository on GitHub.
Updates a gist on GitHub.
Edits a comment on the specified gist from GitHub.
Updates content of file(s) in an existing gist on GitHub, or adds them if they aren't already part of the gist.
Changes the starred state of a gist on GitHub for the current authenticated user.
Updates an Issue on GitHub.
Modifies an existing comment in an issue for the given repository.
Replaces labels on an issue in the given GitHub repository.
Updates an existing label on a given GitHub repository.
Update an existing milestone for the given repository.
Updates profile information for the current authenticated user on GitHub.
Modify a GitHub Project.
Modify a GitHub Project Card.
Modify a GitHub Project Column.
Sets a reaction of a given GitHub Issue or Pull Request.
Edits a release for a repository on GitHub.
Edits an existing asset for a release on GitHub.
Updates the details of an existing repository on GitHub.
Sets GitHub Actions permissions for a repository on GitHub.
Sets team permission for a repository on GitHub.
Replaces all topics for a repository on GitHub.
Updates a team within an organization on GitHub.
Extracts the relevant elements of a GitHub repository Uri and returns the requested element.
Checks if a user has permission to be assigned to an issue in this repository.
Indicates if a GitHub API Token has been configured for this module via Set-GitHubAuthentication.
Checks if a gist from GitHub is starred.
Check to see if a user is a member of an organization.
Retrieves the status of vulnerability alerts for a repository on GitHub.
Unlocks an Issue or Pull Request conversation on GitHub.
[Back to PowerShellForGitHub]
- Add-GitHubAssignee
- Add-GitHubGistStar
- Add-GitHubIssueLabel
- Backup-GitHubConfiguration
- Clear-GitHubAuthentication
- ConvertFrom-GitHubMarkdown
- Copy-GitHubGist
- Disable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix
- Disable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
- Enable-GitHubRepositorySecurityFix
- Enable-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
- Get-GitHubAssignee
- Get-GitHubCloneTraffic
- Get-GitHubCodeOfConduct
- Get-GitHubConfiguration
- Get-GitHubContent
- Get-GitHubEmoji
- Get-GitHubEvent
- Get-GitHubGist
- Get-GitHubGistComment
- Get-GitHubGitIgnore
- Get-GitHubIssue
- Get-GitHubIssueComment
- Get-GitHubIssueTimeline
- Get-GitHubLabel
- Get-GitHubLicense
- Get-GitHubMilestone
- Get-GitHubOrganizationMember
- Get-GitHubPathTraffic
- Get-GitHubProject
- Get-GitHubProjectCard
- Get-GitHubProjectColumn
- Get-GitHubPullRequest
- Get-GitHubRateLimit
- Get-GitHubReaction
- Get-GitHubReferrerTraffic
- Get-GitHubRelease
- Get-GitHubReleaseAsset
- Get-GitHubRepository
- Get-GitHubRepositoryActionsPermission
- Get-GitHubRepositoryBranch
- Get-GitHubRepositoryBranchProtectionRule
- Get-GitHubRepositoryCollaborator
- Get-GitHubRepositoryContributor
- Get-GitHubRepositoryFork
- Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage
- Get-GitHubRepositoryTag
- Get-GitHubRepositoryTeamPermission
- Get-GitHubRepositoryTopic
- Get-GitHubTeam
- Get-GitHubTeamMember
- Get-GitHubUser
- Get-GitHubUserContextualInformation
- Get-GitHubViewTraffic
- Group-GitHubIssue
- Group-GitHubPullRequest
- Initialize-GitHubLabel
- Invoke-GHRestMethod
- Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult
- Join-GitHubUri
- Lock-GitHubIssue
- Move-GitHubProjectCard
- Move-GitHubProjectColumn
- Move-GitHubRepositoryOwnership
- New-GitHubGist
- New-GitHubGistComment
- New-GitHubIssue
- New-GitHubIssueComment
- New-GitHubLabel
- New-GitHubMilestone
- New-GitHubProject
- New-GitHubProjectCard
- New-GitHubProjectColumn
- New-GitHubPullRequest
- New-GitHubRelease
- New-GitHubReleaseAsset
- New-GitHubRepository
- New-GitHubRepositoryBranch
- New-GitHubRepositoryBranchProtectionRule
- New-GitHubRepositoryFork
- New-GitHubRepositoryFromTemplate
- New-GitHubTeam
- Remove-GitHubAssignee
- Remove-GitHubGist
- Remove-GitHubGistComment
- Remove-GitHubGistFile
- Remove-GitHubGistStar
- Remove-GitHubIssueComment
- Remove-GitHubIssueLabel
- Remove-GitHubLabel
- Remove-GitHubMilestone
- Remove-GitHubProject
- Remove-GitHubProjectCard
- Remove-GitHubProjectColumn
- Remove-GitHubReaction
- Remove-GitHubRelease
- Remove-GitHubReleaseAsset
- Remove-GitHubRepository
- Remove-GitHubRepositoryBranch
- Remove-GitHubRepositoryBranchProtectionRule
- Remove-GitHubRepositoryTeamPermission
- Remove-GitHubTeam
- Rename-GitHubGistFile
- Rename-GitHubRepository
- Rename-GitHubTeam
- Reset-GitHubConfiguration
- Restore-GitHubConfiguration
- Set-GitHubAuthentication
- Set-GitHubConfiguration
- Set-GitHubContent
- Set-GitHubGist
- Set-GitHubGistComment
- Set-GitHubGistFile
- Set-GitHubGistStar
- Set-GitHubIssue
- Set-GitHubIssueComment
- Set-GitHubIssueLabel
- Set-GitHubLabel
- Set-GitHubMilestone
- Set-GitHubProfile
- Set-GitHubProject
- Set-GitHubProjectCard
- Set-GitHubProjectColumn
- Set-GitHubReaction
- Set-GitHubRelease
- Set-GitHubReleaseAsset
- Set-GitHubRepository
- Set-GitHubRepositoryActionsPermission
- Set-GitHubRepositoryTeamPermission
- Set-GitHubRepositoryTopic
- Set-GitHubTeam
- Split-GitHubUri
- Test-GitHubAssignee
- Test-GitHubAuthenticationConfigured
- Test-GitHubGistStar
- Test-GitHubOrganizationMember
- Test-GitHubRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
- Unlock-GitHubIssue