The goal of "material addons" is to achieve a stylesheet similar to Clarity Addons for Angular Material.
The package can be found on npmjs.
The demo uses the material-addons stylesheet and shows some basic layouting and css usage. Source of the demo website is found in the src directory.
Hint: Changes marked as visible change directly affect your application on version uprade.
- v10.2.3:
- visible change - #92 Fixed validation theme warn-color in PBV theme
- v10.2.2:
- v10.2.1:
- Added #88 stepper component
- v10.2.0:
- Change peerDependency versions to any Angular above 10.0.0
- Added additionalActionIcon feature to mad-cards
- Demo: Fixed package.json some issues that occurred during development
Changelog history
- v10.1.9:
- CSS fix: Hide all types of mad-buttons when printing a page
- Demo: Hide navbar when printing a page
- v10.1.8:
- CSS fix: Class "fixedtabs" also affected child tab components. This is now fixed.
- v10.1.7:
- Fix (issue) / mad-table inside card overflows the card
- v10.1.6:
- Table fix: Show empty-text correctly when no data is present
- v10.1.5:
- Set input id for readonly-form-field-wrapper (requrired for cypress tests) (pr)
- v10.1.4:
- Disabled click-listener for disabled buttons (issue)
- v10.1.3:
- Fixed add-button disabled handling in mad-quick-list (issue)
- v10.1.2:
- Cleanup
- v10.0.27:
- v10.0.26: Added throttle button directive demo
- v10.0.25: Added badge support for toolbar actions, see toolbar demo
- v10.0.24: Added text field support for read-only-form-field-wrapper with "multiline" and "rows" arguments
- v10.0.22: Fixed #52 and updated documentation #48
- v10.0.21: Added mad button components ( mad-primary-button, mad-outline-button, etc.) to ensure a unified design
- v10.0.19: Fixed #46 where read-only numbers were formatted by default
- v10.0.18: Fix card header size by using default Angular Material styling
- v10.0.17: Minor fixes in 4 components (numeric-field , action-table , quicklist , readonly-formfield)
- v10.0.16: Fix number format detection in numeric-field
- v10.0.15: Small fix in action-table
- v10.0.14: Add action-table bugfix in numeric-field
- v10.0.13: Event emitter fix in card component
- v10.0.12: Style fix in card component
- v10.0.11: Added quicklist and card component
- v10.0.10: Added numeric-field editable fields
- v10.0.9: (not released)
- v10.0.8: Added numeric-field directive`
Material addons requires an already set-up Angular Material project. To do a fresh start please follow the official Angular Material guide before you continue, but exclude step 4 ("include a theme").
Install Material Addons package using npm:
npm install @porscheinformatik/material-addons --save
Add the stylesheet at the top of your projects from the folder themes, for example:
@import '~@porscheinformatik/material-addons/themes/poa';
To use a component, you need to import the Module of the component in your app.module.ts or in any other module, which needs the component.
Please follow the Contribution guidelines.
npm install && npm run build:mat-add && npm install --no-optional && npm install && ng serve
Eslint and prettier are used as precommit hooks to enable a consistency of code format and quality in this repository. I'd also recommend to add the prettier extension in your editor, so that you get early feedback on your code. I use VS Code with the Prettier Extension and the auto format on save.
Use npm config set registry
to set registry on the official npm registry.
- Update version information manually (will be automated later)
- Increase the version in "/projects/material-addons/package.json" to the next target version number
- Update the Readme by providing information about the changes
- Create a new Github Release, the deploy pipeline will trigger automatically
- Check if the deploy pipeline succeeded