Releases: mark-rez/ThreeD-Graphics-Engine
ThreeD-Graphics-Engine v1.0
ThreeD Graphics Engine
The 3D Engine is a Java-based graphics engine designed to facilitate the development of 3D applications and games. It provides a foundation for rendering and manipulating 3D scenes, supporting features like object loading and basic lighting.
Features - V1
Object Loading: Load 3D models from Wavefront (.obj) files, supporting only vertices.
Rendering: Utilize a simple rendering pipeline to project and rasterize 3D triangles onto a 2D screen.
Lighting: Implement basic flat shading with a directional light source, affecting the appearance of loaded objects.
Game Loop: Employ a game loop to update and repaint the engine at a specified frames per second (FPS).
Backface Culling: Optimize rendering performance by automatically discarding triangles that are not visible to the camera. Triangles with normals facing away from the camera are not drawn.
Getting Started
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in your preferred Java development environment.
- Customize and extend the engine to suit your specific 3D graphics needs.