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Merge pull request #52 from lucapette/fix-51
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Fix #51
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lucapette authored Jul 1, 2017
2 parents 98f15f6 + 0dbe3a2 commit d472259
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Showing 11 changed files with 132 additions and 158 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ ci: lint test ## Run all the tests and code checks
build: ## Build a dev version of fakedata
go build

corpora: ## Import the latest data from dariusk/corpora
go run cmd/importcorpora/main.go
import: ## Import or update data from dariusk/corpora
go run cmd/import/main.go

# Absolutely awesome:
Expand Down
62 changes: 46 additions & 16 deletions cmd/importcorpora/main.go → cmd/import/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,28 +24,58 @@ var tasks = []struct {
URL, Key, Var, File string
URL: "",
Key: "nouns",
Var: "Nouns",
File: "nouns.go",
URL: "",
Key: "animals",
Var: "Animals",
File: "animals.go",
URL: "",
Key: "cats",
Var: "Cats",
File: "cats.go",
URL: "",
Key: "emoji",
Var: "Emoji",
File: "emoji.go",

Expand Down
67 changes: 35 additions & 32 deletions integration/golden/generators.golden
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
animal random animal name random cat breed
color one word color
country Full country name
country.code 2-digit country code
date YYYY-MM-DD. Accepts a range in the format YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD. By default, it generates dates in the last year.
domain domain example|test
domain.tld name|info|com|org|me|us
double double number
email email
emoji random emoji
enum a random value from an enum. Defaults to "foo,bar,baz"
event.action clicked|purchased|viewed|watched
file Read a random line from a file. Pass filepath with 'file,path/to/file.txt'.
int positive integer. Accepts range min..max (default: 1,1000).
ipv4 ipv4
ipv6 ipv6
latitude latitude
longitude longitude
mac.address mac address
name name.first + " " + name.last
name.first capitalized first name
name.last capitalized last name
noun random noun
product.category Beauty|Games|Movies|Tools|.. invented product name
state Full US state name
state.code 2-digit US state name
timezone tz in the form Area/City
username username using the pattern \w+
adjectives adjective
animal random animal name random cat breed dog breed
color one word color
country Full country name
country.code 2-digit country code
date YYYY-MM-DD. Accepts a range in the format YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD. By default, it generates dates in the last year.
domain domain example|test
domain.tld name|info|com|org|me|us
double double number
email email
emoji random emoji
enum a random value from an enum. Defaults to "foo,bar,baz"
event.action clicked|purchased|viewed|watched
file Read a random line from a file. Pass filepath with 'file,path/to/file.txt'.
industries industries
int positive integer. Accepts range min..max (default: 1,1000).
ipv4 ipv4
ipv6 ipv6
latitude latitude
longitude longitude
mac.address mac address
name name.first + " " + name.last
name.first capitalized first name
name.last capitalized last name
noun random noun
occupation occupation
sentence sentence
state Full US state name
state.code 2-digit US state name
timezone tz in the form Area/City
username username using the pattern \w+
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions pkg/data/adjectives.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
package data

// Adjectives is an array of adjs
var Adjectives = []string{"Aristotelian", "Arthurian", "Bohemian", "Brethren", "Mosaic", "Oceanic", "Proctor", "Terran", "Tudor", "abroad", "absorbing", "abstract", "academic", "accelerated", "accented", "accountant", "acquainted", "acute", "addicting", "addictive", "adjustable", "admired", "adult", "adverse", "advised", "aerosol", "afraid", "aggravated", "aggressive", "agreeable", "alienate", "aligned", "all-round", "alleged", "almond", "alright", "altruistic", "ambient", "ambivalent", "amiable", "amino", "amorphous", "amused", "anatomical", "ancestral", "angelic", "angrier", "answerable", "antiquarian", "antiretroviral", "appellate", "applicable", "apportioned", "approachable", "appropriated", "archer", "aroused", "arrested", "assertive", "assigned", "athletic", "atrocious", "attained", "authoritarian", "autobiographical", "avaricious", "avocado", "awake", "awsome", "backstage", "backwoods", "balding", "bandaged", "banded", "banned", "barreled", "battle", "beaten", "begotten", "beguiled", "bellied", "belted", "beneficent", "besieged", "betting", "big-money", "biggest", "biochemical", "bipolar", "blackened", "blame", "blessed", "blindfolded", "bloat", "blocked", "blooded", "blue-collar", "blushing", "boastful", "bolder", "bolstered", "bonnie", "bored", "boundary", "bounded", "bounding", "branched", "brawling", "brazen", "breeding", "bridged", "brimming", "brimstone", "broadest", "broiled", "broker", "bronze", "bruising", "buffy", "bullied", "bungling", "burial", "buttery", "candied", "canonical", "cantankerous", "cardinal", "carefree", "caretaker", "casual", "cathartic", "causal", "chapel", "characterized", "charcoal", "cheeky", "cherished", "chipotle", "chirping", "chivalrous", "circumstantial", "civic", "civil", "civilised", "clanking", "clapping", "claptrap", "classless", "cleansed", "cleric", "cloistered", "codified", "colloquial", "colour", "combat", "combined", "comely", "commissioned", "commonplace", "commuter", "commuting", "comparable", "complementary", "compromising", "conceding", "concentrated", "conceptual", "conditioned", "confederate", "confident", "confidential", "confining", "confuse", "congressional", "consequential", "conservative", "constituent", "contaminated", "contemporaneous", "contraceptive", "convertible", "convex", "cooked", "coronary", "corporatist", "correlated", "corroborated", "cosmic", "cover", "crash", "crypto", "culminate", "cushioned", "dandy", "dashing", "dazzled", "decreased", "decrepit", "dedicated", "defaced", "defective", "defenseless", "deluded", "deodorant", "departed", "depress", "designing", "despairing", "destitute", "detective", "determined", "devastating", "deviant", "devilish", "devoted", "diagonal", "dictated", "didactic", "differentiated", "diffused", "dirtier", "disabling", "disconnected", "discovered", "disdainful", "diseased", "disfigured", "disheartened", "disheveled", "disillusioned", "disparate", "dissident", "doable", "doctrinal", "doing", "dotted", "double-blind", "downbeat", "dozen", "draining", "draught", "dread", "dried", "dropped", "dulled", "duplicate", "eaten", "echoing", "economical", "elaborated", "elastic", "elective", "electoral", "elven", "embryo", "emerald", "emergency", "emissary", "emotional", "employed", "enamel", "encased", "encrusted", "endangered", "engraved", "engrossing", "enlarged", "enlisted", "enlivened", "ensconced", "entangled", "enthralling", "entire", "envious", "eradicated", "eroded", "esoteric", "essential", "evaporated", "ever-present", "evergreen", "everlasting", "exacting", "exasperated", "excess", "exciting", "executable", "existent", "exonerated", "exorbitant", "exponential", "export", "extraordinary", "exultant", "exulting", "facsimile", "fading", "fainter", "faith-based", "fallacious", "faltering", "famous", "fancier", "fast-growing", "fated", "favourable", "fearless", "feathered", "fellow", "fermented", "ferocious", "fiddling", "filling", "firmer", "fitted", "flammable", "flawed", "fledgling", "fleshy", "flexible", "flickering", "floral", "flowering", "flowing", "foggy", "folic", "foolhardy", "foolish", "footy", "forehand", "forked", "formative", "formulaic", "foul-mouthed", "fractional", "fragrant", "fraudulent", "freakish", "freckled", "freelance", "freight", "fresh", "fretted", "frugal", "fulfilling", "fuming", "funded", "funny", "garbled", "gathered", "geologic", "geometric", "gibberish", "gilded", "ginger", "glare", "glaring", "gleaming", "glorified", "glorious", "goalless", "gold-plated", "goody", "grammatical", "grande", "grateful", "gratuitous", "graven", "greener", "grinding", "grizzly", "groaning", "grudging", "guaranteed", "gusty", "half-breed", "hand-held", "handheld", "hands-off", "hard-pressed", "harlot", "healing", "healthier", "healthiest", "heart", "heart-shaped", "heathen", "hedonistic", "heralded", "herbal", "high-density", "high-performance", "high-res", "high-yield", "hissy", "hitless", "holiness", "homesick", "honorable", "hooded", "hopeless", "horrendous", "horrible", "hot-button", "huddled", "human", "humbling", "humid", "humiliating", "hypnotized", "idealistic", "idiosyncratic", "ignited", "illustrated", "illustrative", "imitated", "immense", "immersive", "immigrant", "immoral", "impassive", "impressionable", "improbable", "impulsive", "in-between", "in-flight", "inattentive", "inbound", "inbounds", "incalculable", "incomprehensible", "indefatigable", "indigo", "indiscriminate", "indomitable", "inert", "inflate", "inform", "inheriting", "injured", "injurious", "inking", "inoffensive", "insane", "insensible", "insidious", "insincere", "insistent", "insolent", "insufferable", "intemperate", "interdependent", "interesting", "interfering", "intern", "interpreted", "intersecting", "intolerable", "intolerant", "intuitive", "irresolute", "irritate", "jealous", "jerking", "joining", "joint", "journalistic", "joyful", "keyed", "knowing", "lacklustre", "laden", "lagging", "lamented", "laughable", "layered", "leather", "leathern", "leery", "left-footed", "legible", "leisure", "lessening", "liberating", "life-size", "lifted", "lightest", "limitless", "listening", "literary", "liver", "livid", "lobster", "locked", "long-held", "long-lasting", "long-running", "long-suffering", "loudest", "loveliest", "low-budget", "low-carb", "lowering", "lucid", "luckless", "lusty", "luxurious", "magazine", "maniac", "manmade", "maroon", "mastered", "mated", "material", "materialistic", "meaningful", "measuring", "mediaeval", "medical", "meditated", "medley", "melodic", "memorable", "memorial", "metabolic", "metallic", "metallurgical", "metering", "midair", "midterm", "midway", "mighty", "migrating", "mind-blowing", "mind-boggling", "minor", "mirrored", "misguided", "misshapen", "mitigated", "mixed", "modernized", "molecular", "monarch", "monastic", "morbid", "motley", "motorized", "mounted", "multi-million", "multidisciplinary", "muscled", "muscular", "muted", "mysterious", "mythic", "nail-biting", "natural", "nauseous", "negative", "networked", "neurological", "neutered", "newest", "night", "nitrous", "no-fly", "noncommercial", "nonsense", "north", "nuanced", "occurring", "offensive", "oldest", "oncoming", "one-eyed", "one-year", "onstage", "onward", "opaque", "open-ended", "operating", "opportunist", "opposing", "opt-in", "ordinate", "outdone", "outlaw", "outsized", "overboard", "overheated", "oversize", "overworked", "oyster", "paced", "panting", "paralyzed", "paramount", "parental", "parted", "partisan", "passive", "pastel", "patriot", "peacekeeping", "pedestrian", "peevish", "penal", "penned", "pensive", "perceptual", "perky", "permissible", "pernicious", "perpetuate", "perplexed", "pervasive", "petrochemical", "philosophical", "picturesque", "pillaged", "piped", "piquant", "pitching", "plausible", "pliable", "plumb", "politician", "polygamous", "poorest", "portmanteau", "posed", "positive", "possible", "postpartum", "prank", "pre-emptive", "precocious", "predicted", "premium", "preparatory", "prerequisite", "prescient", "preserved", "presidential", "pressed", "pressurized", "presumed", "prewar", "priced", "pricier", "primal", "primer", "primetime", "printed", "private", "problem", "procedural", "process", "prodigious", "professional", "programmed", "progressive", "prolific", "promising", "promulgated", "pronged", "proportionate", "protracted", "pulled", "pulsed", "purgatory", "quick", "rapid-fire", "raunchy", "razed", "reactive", "readable", "realizing", "recognised", "recovering", "recurrent", "recycled", "redeemable", "reflecting", "regal", "registering", "reliable", "reminiscent", "remorseless", "removable", "renewable", "repeating", "repellent", "reserve", "resigned", "respectful", "rested", "restrict", "resultant", "retaliatory", "retiring", "revelatory", "reverend", "reversing", "revolving", "ridiculous", "right-hand", "ringed", "risque", "robust", "roomful", "rotating", "roused", "rubber", "run-down", "running", "runtime", "rustling", "safest", "salient", "sanctioned", "saute", "saved", "scandalized", "scarlet", "scattering", "sceptical", "scheming", "scoundrel", "scratched", "scratchy", "scrolled", "seated", "second-best", "segregated", "self-taught", "semiautomatic", "senior", "sensed", "sentient", "sexier", "shadowy", "shaken", "shaker", "shameless", "shaped", "shiny", "shipped", "shivering", "shoestring", "short", "short-lived", "signed", "simplest", "simplistic", "sizable", "skeleton", "skinny", "skirting", "skyrocketed", "slamming", "slanting", "slapstick", "sleek", "sleepless", "sleepy", "slender", "slimmer", "smacking", "smokeless", "smothered", "smouldering", "snuff", "socialized", "solid-state", "sometime", "sought", "spanking", "sparing", "spattered", "specialized", "specific", "speedy", "spherical", "spiky", "spineless", "sprung", "squint", "stainless", "standing", "starlight", "startled", "stately", "statewide", "stereoscopic", "sticky", "stimulant", "stinky", "stoked", "stolen", "storied", "strained", "strapping", "strengthened", "stubborn", "stylized", "suave", "subjective", "subjugated", "subordinate", "succeeding", "suffering", "summary", "sunset", "sunshine", "supernatural", "supervisory", "supply-side", "surrogate", "suspended", "suspenseful", "swarthy", "sweating", "sweeping", "swinging", "swooning", "sympathize", "synchronized", "synonymous", "synthetic", "tailed", "tallest", "tangible", "tanked", "tarry", "technical", "tectonic", "telepathic", "tenderest", "territorial", "testimonial", "theistic", "thicker", "threatening", "tight-lipped", "timed", "timely", "timid", "torrent", "totalled", "tougher", "traditional", "transformed", "trapped", "traveled", "traverse", "treated", "trial", "trunk", "trusting", "trying", "twisted", "two-lane", "tyrannical", "unaided", "unassisted", "unassuming", "unattractive", "uncapped", "uncomfortable", "uncontrolled", "uncooked", "uncooperative", "underground", "undersea", "undisturbed", "unearthly", "uneasy", "unequal", "unfazed", "unfinished", "unforeseen", "unforgivable", "unidentified", "unimaginative", "uninspired", "unintended", "uninvited", "universal", "unmasked", "unorthodox", "unparalleled", "unpleasant", "unprincipled", "unread", "unreasonable", "unregulated", "unreliable", "unremitting", "unsafe", "unsanitary", "unsealed", "unsuccessful", "unsupervised", "untimely", "unwary", "unwrapped", "uppity", "upstart", "useless", "utter", "valiant", "valid", "valued", "vanilla", "vaulting", "vaunted", "veering", "vegetative", "vented", "verbal", "verifying", "veritable", "versed", "vinyl", "virgin", "visceral", "visual", "voluptuous", "walk-on", "wanton", "warlike", "washed", "waterproof", "waved", "weakest", "well-bred", "well-chosen", "well-informed", "wetting", "wheeled", "whirlwind", "widen", "widening", "willful", "willing", "winnable", "winningest", "wireless", "wistful", "woeful", "wooded", "woodland", "wordless", "workable", "worldly", "worldwide", "worst-case", "worsted", "worthless"}

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