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Adding assets to your project

Pawel Pastuszak edited this page Dec 7, 2018 · 1 revision

Adding assets to your project is very simple. To add assets open your project folder then go to vis/assets directory. You can also press Explore button in VisEditor (next to search bar in content explorer).

You will see multiple directories there.

  • gfx - add your textures here, .png and .jpg are supported
  • atlas - add your texture atlases here, each atlas must coexist of two files: .atlas and .png file. To create texture atlases you should use this free tool. Note: you should use texture atlases when you already have them and don't want to unpack them. VisEditor automatically packages assets from gfx folder into texture atlas.
  • font - TrueType fonts, file with .ttf format
  • bmpfont - Bitmap fonts files, each font must have two files: .fnt and .png. You can use free tool Hiero to generate bitmap fonts, distance field fonts are supported
  • music - music files in .ogg, .wav or .mp3 format (music is always streamed from file on disk)
  • sound - sound files in .ogg, .wav or .mp3 format (sound is always loaded to memory)
  • scene - your scene files, created by VisEditor
  • particle - particles files, each particle effect coexist of minimum two files: .p file and one or more .png images. You can use this free tool to create particle effects.
  • shader - (since VisEditor 0.2.1) shader files, each shader must have two files: .frag (Fragment Shader) file and .vert (Vertex Shader) file
  • spine - Spine animations in either JSON or binary format. Each animation must have three files: .atlas file, .png file and .json (text) or .skel (binary), don't forget to enable Spine plugin first (File -> Settings -> Plugin tick spine and restart VisEditor.
  • spriter - Spriter animations in SCML file. Each animation in separate marked folder. Follow this guide for more information: Using Spriter

Note that you don't have to follow those directories and you can store your assets where you want with some exceptions. See Marking Assets Directories.