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John Nguyen edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

Gun Upgrades

Name ID Cost Icon Description Script
DisableGun 0 0 Your guns will not shoot PlayerAttack.cs
DoubleShot 1 0 Fire 2 bullets at a time DoubleShot.cs
TripleShot 2 1000 Fire 3 bullets at a time TripleShot.cs
QuadShot 3 1500 Fire 4 bullets at a time QuadShot.cs
UpgradeTripleShot 4 2000 Fire 3 bullets at a time. Center bullet does increased damage UpgradedTripleShot.cs
AutoCannon 5 2000 Fires 5 bullets per second AutoCannon.cs
HighVelocityShot 6 2000 Fires 1 high velocity bullet that does TONS OF DAMAGE HighVelocityShot.cs
UpgradeDoubleShot 7 3000 Fires 2 bullets at a time with increased damage UpgradedDoubleShot.cs
DoubleAutoCannon 8 3000 Fires 10 bullets per second DoubleAutoCannon.cs
SmartHighVelocityShot 9 3000 Fires 1 high velocity bullet that does TONS OF DAMAGE. Bullet moves towards mouse direction upon firing SmartHighVelocityShot.cs
Shotgun 10 0 Shoot 3 bullets in a small spread Shotgun.cs

Gun Tech Tree

Missile Upgrades

Name ID Cost Icon Description Script
DisableMissile 0 0 Your missiles will not shoot PlayerAttack.cs
SingleMissile 1 0 Fire 1 missiles at a time SingleMissile.cs
DoubleMissile 2 1000 Fire 2 missiles at a time DoubleMissile.cs
TripleMissile 3 1500 Fire 3 missiles at a time TripleMissile.cs
SwarmerMissile 4 2000 Fire 8 swarmer missiles at a time. Swarmer missiles do half damage of regular missiles SwarmerMissile.cs
PoisonMissile 5 2000 Fires a poison missile. Poison missiles slows all enemies in an area and does damage over time SinglePoisonMissile.cs

Missile Tree

Escort Tree

Name Cost Icon Description Script
DisableEscort 0 No escorts will fly around you None
Squadron1 0 1 Escorts wil rotate around player Squadron.cs
Squadron2 1000 2 Escorts wil rotate around player Squadron.cs
Squadron3 1500 3 Escorts wil rotate around player Squadron.cs
Squadron4 2000 4 Escorts wil rotate around player Squadron.cs
Sword1 2000 A sword will rotate and deal damage to enemies on-hit. The sword also has a 50% chance to destroy enemy projectiles. Sword.cs
Lancaster1 2000 A bomber escort will rotate around the player and shoot bombs. The bomb will explode if the player's mouse is below the bomb projectile. Lancaster.cs

Escort Tree

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