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Meeting notes July 7th 2009

IAO Meeting notes of July 7th 2009


  • Convened by: Melanie, Alan
  • Notes by: Melanie
  • Where: Skype
  • Attendees: Larisa, Chris, Bjoern, James, Alan, Melanie

Some topics discussed

  • Changing name of "information content entity" to "information artifact" / Clarifying scope of IAO - connected with Issue 21
  • Sorting what goes in IAO versus OBI
  • Relation between data and visualization (leads to Larisa's use of "represents" relationship)

Exploring Larisa's "represents" relation cases

  1. You have the same data in more than one "format", e.g. XML, or Tab delimited.
  2. To relate two report graphs generated from the same data (visualization)
  3. hypothesis. First english is presented, second logical is presented.

Current solution is to use is_about, but we may need a more specific relation. For example, relation between information content entity and material document is that the material document bears a specifically dependent continuant that is the concretization of the information content entity.

Action items

Due July 13th 2009.

  • James will check how to link data and their visualization - example: clustered data visualization (process) has_specified_input only clustered data and has_specified_output some dot plot or..... (list)
  • Chris to identify if there is anything in IAO holding up DENRIE, and submit issues if any under tracker.
  • Melanie to make describes and represents obsolete (at least until they have definitions)
  • Larisa to send her use cases for "represents"
  • Alan to work on the definition of denotes and specifically denotes (cf
  • Bjoern to review relations and submit issues if any under the tracker
  • Alan to review and propose sorting of IAO/OBI terms as he edits IAO in next 2 weeks.
  • All: submit issues under tracker, add comments to existing issues